Kate Gosselin Pats Down Children After Jon Gosselin Visits, Kids Under Constant Surveillance?

Kate Gosselin has a sometimes contentious public image as a celebrity reality star mother, but her relationship with her eight children has come under scrutiny recently after In Touch Weekly revealed that she pats down her kids after each visit with their father, Jon Gosselin.

The family’s TLC show ‘Kate Plus 8’ doesn’t show any of the alleged dark underbelly of their family life, instead choosing to focus on all the fun the family is having together.

However, sources tell In Touch that when the cameras stop rolling, Kate’s grip on her children becomes vice-like. The sources claim that it’s all ‘constant surveillance and endless chores’, and most shocking of all, Kate has rules about what the kids can wear while visiting their father.

The source explains, “Kate says no clothing or belongings can be brought from her house to Jon’s house, so the kids arrive for visitation [at Jon’s] in their school uniforms and change into clothes Jon has for them when they get to his house. Then they put their uniforms back on before head­ing to their mom’s house.”

Additionally, Kate reportedly pats down her children for cell phones after each of these visits, with the source adding, “She has these insane practices and rules to ensure she has total control of everything her kids do.”

All this has reportedly led to the claims that the Gosselin children are ‘prisoners in their own home’. Kate Gosselin’s paranoia regarding her ex-husband, Jon Gosselin, seems to have reached such a peak that she’s begun taking it out on her children, in addition to flinging all sorts of accusations towards Jon himself.

If these reports are true, then Kate is crossing some serious lines in standard parenting and all because she doesn’t trust her ex-husband with her children, even though a judge has granted Jon competent enough to have visitation rights.

What do you guys think of Kate Gosselin’s alleged pat downs of her children, and all the other rules and edicts she’s reportedly been imposing on them? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below and don’t forget to check CDL for more Kate Gosselin news and updates.

Image Credit: Instagram

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