Kate Middleton Competes With Meghan Markle Over Charity Appearances?

Kate Middleton has been a princess for a few years, and Meghan Markle is about to join her in that very exclusive club when she marries Prince Harry – but according to new buzz, Kate is determined to outdo Meghan Markle in that department, especially in the number of charity appearances that she makes.

One of the most important and visible parts of a royal’s job – especially a princess’ job (however archaic that may appear) – is to make public appearances, often on behalf of a charitable organizations or causes. Kate Middleton and Prince William have chosen a few charities that they often advocate on behalf of, such as Action on Addiction, the Scout Association, Place2Be, and Sports Aid, just to name a few. And like his brother, Prince Harry, Prince William has also made the subject of animal poaching a focus of his, albeit to a much less effective degree.

Now, if Prince Harry was marrying any one of his ex-girlfriends or someone from British high society – i.e., the expected choice for a princess – then Kate Middleton probably would have been far less concerned over being upstaged. But as it stands, Meghan Markle is very, VERY involved in charity and activism, one of the things that reportedly drew Prince Harry to her.

Meghan is a global ambassador for World Vision Canada, and she has previously traveled to Africa on behalf of the Clean Water Campaign. She’s also worked with the UN on female empowerment and equality, and has been a counselor for international charity One Young World.

Quite a resume, isn’t it? And sure, it’s not particularly difficult to upstage Kate Middleton, given that even in her official role as Duchess of Cambridge, she hardly does any work. For most people – including Meghan – charity and activism comes after their day job, but for Kate Middleton, it’s supposed to actually BE her day job… and even then, she can barely do it without complaining and going on frequent vacations in between all that ‘work’.

Additionally, Kate Middleton has really only began engaging with charities and making frequent public appearances for them AFTER she became a princess. Meghan, on the other hand, has clearly been doing this for a lot longer, significantly before she met Prince Harry – i.e., it’s not just put on for show, which the whole world can tell by now.

With all that said, it’s not surprising that Kate Middleton is worried about being upstaged. The question is – how long will it take for this ‘upstaging’ to happen, given that public favor of Kate is already so poor and public favor for Meghan is already so high? Or will things change once Meghan Markle ends up married to Prince Harry? Come back to CDL for all your Royal news and updates!

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