Kate Middleton Pregnant With Third Baby: Prince William Ecstatic, Prays New Child Will Garner Positive Publicity?

Kate Middleton Pregnant With Third Baby: Prince William Ecstatic, Prays New Child Will Garner Positive Publicity?Kate Middleton Pregnant With Third Baby: Prince William Ecstatic, Prays New Child Will Garner Positive Publicity?

Kate Middleton is supposedly pregnant with her third child and expecting to welcome another royal baby into the world alongside Prince William. We’ve spoken at length about bandage babies here at CDL: the concept of having children purely for the sake of saving a marriage.

Celebrities are the number one culprit of having bandage babies, and even when it’s not for the sake of a relationship or marriage, it will be for the sake of an Oscar, for awards, for specific films, and sometimes, even just for some positive media publicity.

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On that note, Star Magazine recently announced that Kate Middleton was pregnant with her third baby. And voila, just in time for their marriage scandal, we have the Cambridges’ bandage baby.

Star’s source alleges, “It’s the most wonderful news. Kate is starting to show, and she’s absolutely glowing. And as for William, he’s simply ecstatic. After false pregnancy hopes toward the end of last year, Kate, 35, and William, 34, are on cloud nine right now. The gorgeous queen-in-waiting is estimated to be about three months along, so they decided it was time to let their inner circle in on the news.”

Well, isn’t that nice? They’re letting the ‘inner circle in on the news’ just as Prince William’s scandal reaches a fever pitch with the royals. For those who don’t know, Prince William decided to ditch his family for the Commonwealth Day celebrations and go flirt and party with hot models in Switzerland, but no need to worry – Kate and her (possibly fake) pregnancy is here to save the day.

Even if the story is false, even the rumor of the Cambridges having another baby is enough to send most of their fans into a tizzy, regardless of how upset they’ve been with Prince William recently. Eventually, this will serve as enough of a distraction to divert the public until they’ve moved on to the next royal scandal, and hopefully not related to Prince William this time.

And if the news turns out to be true? Well, that would serve as a distraction for the public, definitely, but it would also serve as a much-needed distraction for William and Kate as well. Things have not been copacetic in Kate-and-Will land recently, according to sources; for whatever reason, Kate is unhappy with her husband gallivanting around with blonde models in foreign countries, and getting photographed doing so. But with another (alleged) baby on the way, who has time for scandals when they need to make time for diapers?!

What do you guys think? Are Kate Middleton and Prince William actually expecting their third baby? After all, a broken clock is right twice a day, so it’s not out of the realm of possibility.

Image credit to Instagram

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