Kate Middleton Refuses To Let Prince William Travel Alone – No More Flirting With Other Women

Kate Middleton Refuses To Let Prince William Travel Alone - No More Flirting With Other WomenKate Middleton Refuses To Let Prince William Travel Alone - No More Flirting With Other Women

Kate Middleton finally grew a backbone and reportedly forbade Prince William to travel alone from now on, given that he can’t seem to help himself from creating international scandals wherever he goes.

A report from the National Enquirer claims that Kate was furious when she saw all the pictures and videos that emerged from Prince William’s ‘ski trip’ to Switzerland, and she doesn’t want go through that kind of public humiliation again. The Enquirer’s source claims, “Kate wears the trousers in their marriage,” adding, “She found his behavior humiliating and William will be made to pay.”

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Really? Kate wears the trousers in their marriage? Kate Middleton has let Prince William get away with behavior that would be unthinkable in a ‘normal’ marriage. He goes on vacation with ex-girlfriends, he parties with former paramours, he skips work all the time, he’ll find any excuse not to help with any menial tasks, and he’s often making things more difficult for his family by trying to shy away from royal ‘tradition’. Except, first, Kate Middleton signed up to be a princess – not the wife of a man who’s more interested in vacationing than being a royal. And second, the fact that she’s stayed silent on all these issues over the years proves that she cares more about the crown and the fame than she does about her marriage.

Well, until now. If this report is accurate, then Kate cares about the optics of this situation more than the actual substance. She doesn’t want to be continually embarrassed by Prince William’s behavior, especially when SHE is at home and doing her duty. Think about it – if your husband was caught flirting and dancing with other women WHILE ditching one of the most important royal celebrations of the year (that his entire family attended), wouldn’t you ask him to get his life together? Or give him an ultimatum? ESPECIALLY when this is not the first time that he’s behaved this way?

But Kate put up with it, until now, when it’s likely too late. He’s far too entrenched in his own privilege and behavior to truly understand that what he did was wrong, and even if he does understand that, he’s unlikely to change. And eventually, there will be a scandal too big to brush aside, and it will likely cause the royal family to implode on themselves.

What do you guys think? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Image credit to The Royal Family // via Instagram

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