Kate Middleton Rival Sophie Wessex Wins On Grace and Charm

Kate Middleton Rival Sophie Wessex Wins On Grace and CharmKate Middleton Rival Sophie Wessex Wins On Grace and Charm

Kate Middleton visited the Anna Freud Centre’s Early Years Parenting Unit on Wednesday, January 11. Despite the fact that the EYPU services families with children under five years of age, Kate didn’t appear to be gracious or charming, nor was Kate very motherly toward the wee ones she met during the Royal visit.

The Duchess of Cambridge, who not only visited the Early Years Parenting Unit on Wednesday, but also visited the Child Bereavement Centre with Prince William. That is correct, two Royal engagements in one day for Kate Middleton.

Kate Middleton Rival Sophie Wessex Wins On Grace and CharmKate Middleton Rival Sophie Wessex Wins On Grace and Charm

Kate didn’t even take a break for a wardrobe change. Kate wore the same Royal blue dress to both the Early Years Parenting Unit and the Child Bereavement Centre.

But Kate seemed very uncomfortable with the youngsters at both locations. A short video clip shared by Kensington Palace shows a half-hearted attempt by Kate to engage a toddler in playing with some blocks at the Early Years Parenting Unit.

Sophie Wessex, on the other hand, snuggled and cuddled the children during her Royal engagement 5 Rifles Ward Barracks. The Countess of Wessex, a Royal Colonel of the Regiment, toured the barracks.

In photos Sophie is positively enamored of a boy identified as Caleb Tyson. The six-month-old put his head upon Sophie shoulder as the Royal Colonel of the Regiment smiled. The Daily Mail reports when Sophie was introduced to mum Fiona Cox the Duchess of Wessex didn’t hesitate to give Fiona’s little girl Thalia a snuggle and a cuddle.

This was Sophie’s first official visit of 2017. Royal watchers last saw Sophie accompanying Prince Philip to Christmas Service at St. Mary Magdalene Church.

Not only was Sophie more motherly with the little ones she met during her Royal visit to the 5 Rifles Ward Barracks, The Countess of Wessex didn’t feel the need to be a fashion icon. In fact, Sophie dressed in a camoflauge jacket paired with casual beige pants and boots of a similar color.

Sophie was on hand to meet military families of the 5th Rifles Battalion as they settled into their new barracks. The barracks were formerly located in Germany. This relocation process is part of a large project to bring soldiers and their families back to England from various locations throughout Europe.

You would think the mother of 3-year-old Prince George and a nearly 2-year-old Princess Charlotte that Kate Middleton wouldn’t have had any problem holding a baby at the EYPU or holding hands or putting her arm around a child at the Child Bereavement Centre UK. Come back to CDL for all your Royal news and updates!

Image Credit: FameFlynet

Olivia Marie:
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