Lindsay Lohan Lies About Getting Racially Profiled At Heathrow Airport?

Lindsay Lohan claimed yesterday that she was ‘racially profiled’ at the Heathrow Airport while on her way back to the States from Turkey, all because she was wearing a scarf over her head. She told Good Morning Britain, “When I was flying to New York recently I was wearing a headscarf and I got stopped at the airport and was racially profiled for the first time in my life. She opened my passport and saw Lindsay Lohan and started immediately apologizing but then said, ‘Take off your headscarf.’ And I did, I mean, it’s okay. But what scared me was that moment, how would another woman who doesn’t feel comfortable taking off her headscarf feel?”

I don’t think Lindsay Lohan understands the meaning of the words ‘racially profiled’. It means to get profiled because of your RACE. Literally, the definition is IN THE PHRASE. Lindsay Lohan, by the mere fact of being a white woman, did not get ‘racially’ profiled at Heathrow. Sure, she may have gotten pulled over because she was wearing a scarf, but that’s RELIGIOUS PROFILING, NOT RACIAL PROFILING.

Jeez louis, this woman gives me a headache with her babbling. I don’t want to diminish the seriousness of her complaints or her allegations, because we all know racial profiling, racial discrimination, and flat out racism are very real, very problematic issues – always have been, always will be. But with that being said, it’s a tough thing to listen to LINDSAY LOHAN, of all people, talk about being pulled over for wearing a head scarf.

Am I being obtuse? Should I give her the benefit of the doubt, assuming that she’s trying to genuinely raise awareness for the plight of observant Muslim women dealing with security? Or is she being her usual Lindsay Lohan self and famewhoring to get attention? Did she realize that she’s slowly been slipping from the media spotlight, and since this is the topic on everyone’s minds these days, she figured she would just capitalize on it to get some quick attention? I mean, is she trying to raise some buzz (LOL) to get Hollywood executives to consider her for the lead role in The Little Mermaid?

Image Credit: FameFlynet

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