Masterchef Junior Recap 4/13/17: Season 5 Episode 10 “Winter Wonderland”

Tonight on FOX Gordon Ramsay’s Masterchef Junior continues with an all new Thursday, April 13, season 5 episode 10 called “Winter Wonderland,” and we have your weekly Masterchef Junior recap below. On tonight’s Masterchef Junior episode as per the FOX synopsis, “A gingerbread house is replicated when the cooks are split up into teams of two. Later, chef Aarón Sánchez is the guest judge for a challenge involving a Gordon Ramsay holiday classic.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our Masterchef Junior recap.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Masterchef Junior videos, pics, news & recaps, right here!

Tonight’s Masterchef Junior recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

The show starts with snow falling in the kitchen as the contestants enter. It is a winter wonderland and Gordon appears dressed as an elf. The challenge begins with each contestant getting a gift which they open to find different colored aprons. Contestants with the same color are paired as a team. Adam and Jasmine are the red team, Cydney and Peyton are the yellow team, Avani and Shayne are the blue team, Afnan and Mark are the pink team and Justice and Evan the green team. The team must work together to make a gingerbread house in just 20 minutes. The teams have to make an exact replica of the house on the stage. The winner of this challenge is safe from elimination.

Adam and Jasmine struggled with their time and missed some of the key elements. Peyton and Cydney did a great job on what they got done but only completed about half of the house. Shayne and Avani are also missing several elements and also used the wrong candy on several items. Afnan and Mark’s house is not good. It looks horrible and several of the candy pieces fall off as the house is being reviewed by the judges. Justice and Evan did the best of all the roofs in the completion but the rest of the house is not stellar. Cydney and Peyton win the challenge and are safe from elimination.

The gingerbread man appears and sprays all of the contestants with frosting as the kids scream and have fun. He is revealed to be Aaron Sanchez as the special guest judge. Cydney and Peyton head to the balcony to watch the rest of the competition. In the next challenge each contestant much make a Beef Wellington with a sauce and two side of their choice.

Aaron is concerned that this dish is too difficult for 8-13-year-olds but Gordon had faith in the contestants. All of the contestants’ struggle getting their Wellington rolled without splitting.

With a little support from Gordon each of the contestants gain confidence. He also asks them to talk about their families’ holiday traditions. As they start talking their skills seem to improve. Everyone gets their Wellington into the oven except Avani . She finally gets it in the oven. The timing is so important and they must give the Wellington time to rest before it is plated and ready to be cut. Mark’s dish is the first to be judged. His sides are roasted carrot puree, potatoes and asparagus. Gordon notices a few flaws on the outside of Mark’s Wellington. When he cuts into it he notices that the puff pastry is not cooked completely. His sides aren’t bad but his carrot puree doesn’t really count as a sauce so he didn’t follow the directions.

Jasmine is up next. Her sides are sautéed chard and peas with a mushroom and garlic sauce. Her Wellington is perfect. Everything is delicious. Shayne brings his dish forward to be judged. His sides include mashed potatoes and asparagus with a mushroom gravy. His Wellington is prepared very well. Evans dish is made up of Brussel sprouts and pancetta with a mushroom sauce. Gordon thinks he could have glazed it better but the taste is great. Justice’s dish includes bacon Brussel sprouts and apples with a lemon vinaigrette. Her Wellington is very good but she didn’t wrap it tight enough so the mushrooms went everywhere.

Adam is up next. His sides are glazed asparagus and a mushroom sauté with a red wine demi reduction. His Wellington is beautiful. Gordon calls it perfection. Avani presents her Wellington with cauliflower mash and carrots as the sides. Her Wellington has a nice flavor but is not pulled together well. She made several technique errors. Afnan made roasted asparagus, carrots and potato puree with a chestnut herb sauce. His Wellington is beautiful and tastes great. His entire meal is great.

Afnan had the second best dish of the night but Adam wins the competition. Mark, Evan, and Avani are in the bottom three. The judges decide Mark and Avani are sent home. Both break down in tears and head home.


Heather R Brueck:
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