Midnight, Texas Recap 7/31/17: Season 1 Episode 2 “Bad Moon Rising”

Tonight on NBC their new supernatural drama Midnight, Texas premiere with an all new Monday, July 31, 2017, and we have your Midnight, Texas recap below.  On tonight’s Midnight, Texas season 1 episode 2 episode as per the NBC synopsis, “A deadly predator breaks loose on the night of the full moon. Also, Manfred tries to help his neighbors and grows closer to Creek, a resident witch attempts to rid Manfred’s home of spirits and Rev tries to stay out of trouble.”

So make sure to tune in tonight for our Midnight, Texas recap between 10 PM – 11 PM.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television news, spoilers, recaps, videos, photos, right here!

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Midnight, Texas begins tonight with Manfred Bernardo (Francois Arnaud) and Creek (Sarah Ramos) run to the trailer, once inside Manfred reveals three deep gashes in his abdomen. He says once he is cleaned up he will try for that kiss again but when she say she isn’t afraid of a little blood, he attempts to kiss her again but whatever was chasing them rocks the trailer. Manfred gives Creek a knife and when she says he has nothing with bullets, he reminds her he is new to Texas. Creek is surprised to hear Manfred ask his mother for ideas and he tells her he can see her; she tells him to stop talking and run as the creature gashes three massive holes in the ceiling.

24-Hours earlier, Manfred returns to his home but doesn’t go inside when he sees everything inside is glowing red and dead people are walking everywhere. Inside the trailer/RV his grandmother asks if he had a bad night? He says the house is infested with ghosts and whatever is howling in there and he just promised he would help the town.

His phone rings and she tells him Hightower has been calling all night and he reminds her that she told him when the going gets tough, they lived in a house with wheels. She said that was before she died and he no longer has her; he needs people and tells him that Midnighters protect each other. She tells him he is living in Midnight and should let his freak flag fly and tell people what is happening.

Lemuel (Peter Mensah) talks with Olivia (Arielle Kebbel), Fiji (Parisa Fitz-Henley) and some others saying they need to help free Bobo (Dylan Bruce) because he didn’t kill Aubrey (Shannon Lorance); just then Manfred “Manny” comes in saying he needs their help because his house is overrun with ghosts and evil crap; Fiji asks him to be more specific. Olivia thinks he is saying this to weasel his way out of keeping his word to help them.

At the police station, Bobo pleads his case and states that even though it might be his gun that shot her, it wasn’t him that killed her. The police want to know who he thinks did kill her and Bobo tells them that is their job. The officer asks him about his neighbors not being fond of Aubrey, suggesting her death was a cult thing, when Bobo tries to say those are only stories, the police ask if he imaged his friend crushing his car.

Officer Tina Gomez (Lora Martinez-Cunningham) interrupts with an idea. Bobo is brought into a room, filled with Sons of Lucifer, the skinhead group Aubrey’s husband belongs to. Bobo has no fear being left with the bikers and beats them all to a pulp and tells them to tell Lowrey to stop coming after him as he didn’t kill Aubrey.

Olivia and Rev Emilio Sheehan (Yul Vazquez) arrive at the church where he goes down to the cellar. She tells him she will see him tomorrow morning, like she does every month but he says he feels dread; she locks him in the cellar.

Manny returns to his home with Fiji and Joe (Jason Lewis), just as Fiji asks if he sees any ghosts they all see the glowing red floor.; she thinks its a demonic spirit and Manny says Aubrey is there and tells them to stand back as he talks to her.

He tells her Bobo is in jail and if he didn’t do it, she needs to show him who did and tells her to borrow his body and show him what happened; she enters his body as Fiji and Joe look on. She shows him water and a man in a leather jacket with a skull mask over his face. Fiji and Joe drag Manny out of the house as he is choking on water.

Manny wakes up at Fiji’s place who tells him to drink and it will make him feel better. He enjoys the quiet in her home and she tells him she did a deep cleanse before she moved in saying mediums usually don’t stay in Midnight long and imagines it is hard on him.

Manny says he saw the murder and a biker killed Aubrey; Fiji says its a son of Lucifer and encourages him to tell the police who might believe him since he was the one able to lead him to the gun. She reminds him of his promise and that this is what neighbors do and this could steer the police away from Bobo. She tells him while he is doing that, she will get to work on his house. Manny worries that he might have drew the demonic thing out and she says regardless they need to get it back on its side of the veil with an exorcism.

Joe is leaving the salon to take Manfred to the police station, Chuy (Bernardo Saracino) asks if he has been flying when he discovers a white feather among the laundry? Joe says he did after he was worried from what happened to Aubrey and then Bobo. Manny stops by the gas station and when he tells her he saw something she wonders if he is doing this just to impress her; her father watches him like a hawk.

Manfred attempts to tell the police about what happened to Aubrey and when he gets very specific, the officer says it could be Aubrey’s ghost that told him or something much more simpler. Joe says if Manfred was the killer he wouldn’t come forward with this. Manfred tells him if the killer discarded the weapon in the river there is likely more evidence and they should keep looking.

On the way home, Joe says that was pretty bad ass and has faith that what Manny shared will help. Officer Gomez is suspended after Bobo sent one man to surgery to rebuild his knee and the others are stable. She says she pushed the envelop a little but he knows the Midnighters are dangerous. Rev. Sheehan is kneeling naked as he begins his transformation during the full moon.

Manny is helping Fiji set up for a séance at his house and he worries that it could get messy. She says she needs to mirror to see the spirit realm even though he can see the dead. Fiji is intrigued with all the objects he has collected from his grandmother but says they have an exorcism to perform and open the door where all the spirits were. Manny tells her it was worse than before and she says there is evil present for sure.

Fiji asks the spirits who once called this home to listen to her; Manny says they aren’t listening, they are circling him. She says he is their ride to the living and she can’t compete, so he has to leave so they have no other option but to leave; he can be hijacked and she can’t. He goes to stand on the porch, happy to leave but watches from the window.

Officer Gomez returns to Midnight and walks towards the cellar that is all locked up at the back of the church. She hears noises from within and cuts the lock, opening the doors. She goes down the stairs and finds the Rev’s clothes, hat and Bible. She sees a Tiger eating a bull and begins to shoot, but her bullets do nothing. She screams as the Tiger pulls her back down and Manny follows the sound. He sees the police cruiser and a body in a tree.

Manny goes into the restaurant and tells Madonna (Kellee Stewart) to keep everyone inside and wants to know where Creek is. She realizes its a full moon and encourages her customers to stay as he races off to find Creek, cleaning at the gas bar. She turns off the music as she sees a tiger scratch past Manny. She grabs a wrench, hitting a pipe and causing one of the cars to crash down on it. Manny thinks the tiger is the Rev. and they run off before the tiger can get out from the car.

Lemuel tells Olivia things are moving slowly tonight and he hasn’t had breakfast yet. She covered the shop all day and is wiped. Lemuel says he smells a lot of blood and they take to the streets to see what is going on. Olivia shoots at the tiger, blaming Manny for letting him out; but he tells her that Officer Gomez did it, as he points to her mangled body in the tree. Lemuel realizes Manny is bleeding and Creek takes him away to clean him up as Olivia says she needs ammo.

Lemuel tells her if one of the silver bullets grazes the Rev, he will die. She says they are not dealing with the Rev anymore. Madonna stitches up Manny, saying living in Midnight means knowing how to protect themselves and the people they love. She tells him Creek is sweet on him but the only thing he has brought is trouble and tells him to not make her regret sewing him up.

He jokes to Creek that Madonna did better than some ERs he has been too. They thank each other for saving the others life. Manny notices the glowing red from his windows and races across the street to help Fiji. As soon as he enters the house, everything stops, Fiji takes a deep breath and tells him the exorcism is complete and his home is inhospitable to the dead.

When he helps her up they notice the demonic trap is dripping blood and the floor begins to glow again; it begins to call her name and she demands to know who he is and what it wants. It tells her it wants her and throws Manny out of the house and closes the door.

Manny breaks the door open and sees Fiji being pulled around and lifted into the air, when he asks what is doing this she has no idea. She wants to know what it is doing and begs Manny not to let it hurt her. He leaves to get someone more powerful than him, he grabs his great, great, great, grandmother’s skull from the RV and rushes back to the house. Manny uses the skull, calling on his ancestors to help him condemn the demon back to hell. The skull turns to ash and Fiji is dropped to the floor, Manny smashes the mirror. Fiji says they need to go and the evil is gone. She says that wasn’t good and wants to go home and take a bath but Manny tells her the Rev has escaped.

Fiji calls Olivia and tells her that Manny and her will take the ranches; Manny tells Fiji to stop, he doesn’t see the Rev but he realizes he’s been there. They find a large pool of blood and suddenly the tiger appears. Olivia and Lemuel arrive quickly and she distracts the tiger with the red laser on her gun. Lemuel tries to speak to the tiger, saying they were friends for a long time.

Manny doesn’t understand why she isn’t shooting him but Fiji says he is a friend. Olivia tells them it needs to end but Lemuel insists on not hurting him and he continues to battle it out with the tiger. Lemuel is able to tackle the tiger to the ground and force him to calm down. Olivia says the Rev wouldn’t want this but Lemuel reminds her that she said he wasn’t the Rev.

In the morning, the were-tiger returns to its human form as the Rev and Manny covers his body with his jacket. Olivia welcomes him back and tells him everything is okay now but he knows its not because he knows what he did. At the tattoo shop, Joe keeps a watchful eye on the town.

The police reveal to Bobo that one of the neighbors came forward about finding a Sons of Lucifer jacket down stream from where they found Aubrey and the hair in the zipper matches Aubrey. He says Lowrey is a person of interest and Bobo promises to call him if he sees him; Bobo returns to Midnight.

The Rev buries a body, admitting to Olivia its been a long time since he killed and she says its not his fault. He says he is a were-tiger and before Midnight he was alone as tigers are solitary and its hard. He explains that is why he is a Reverent and being one has led him there, giving him a home and purpose. Olivia assures he will not lose it. He tells her that last night was different as a bull is usually enough to save him but this time it wasn’t and that scares him.

Fiji is home and places some hair in a jar, labels it Manfred and places it in her cupboard with all the other Midnighters jars and locks it up. As she begins to walk away she hears the demon voice calling her name again. She looks in the mirror and sees nothing and the voice leaves as soon as Bobo walks in. He says he owes her as its not too often friends take on the cops for him. He says Aubrey’s husband is out there and as long as he is, this isn’t over.

The police officer leaves the precinct and as he goes to start his car, it explodes. Up on the hill the Sons of Lucifer watch and once they see the explosion get on their bikes and ride.

Joe tells Chuy that evil has been drawn there – human evil, supernatural evil and its just beginning. The more that evil takes hold, the more the veil frays until it breaks altogether. He shows him the painting and Chuy asks him how he knows. Joe tells him a millenial ago, the last time it tore, he was there. Joe says there is a prophecy that an army will rise and fight the evil and rid the world of it forever. That army will be led by a man with the gift of vision. Joe thinks that man is Manny.

Bobo comes to see Manny and tells him that Fiji told him what he did. Manny says what Aubrey felt for him was real but Bobo says the woman he loved didn’t exist. Creek welcomes Bobo home and Manny jokes there will be a good story to go with his scar. Creek was certain Manny would bolt after everything that happened. Creek reminds him of what he said about once he is done bleeding, he begins to kiss her but stops asking if this has to do with pissing off her dad. He says he can live with the 2%.

Chuy asks if this is it and Joe says he thinks so, he shows Chuy the artwork of what will happen and Chuy says, “DAMN!”


Cristie Geroux:
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