Prince William Caught Kissing Another Woman During Boozy Switzerland Trip, Kate Middleton Contemplates Royal Divorce?

The last week hasn’t been great for Prince William, has it? Seemingly in the midst of his mid-life crisis, Prince William has been decried by the media, his supporters, and even his fans for shirking his royal responsibilities, his family, and his wife in order to jet off to Switzerland and party.

And what a party that was – videos of Prince William dancing, flirting with other women, and drinking have made their way around the Internet, sparking buzz that his marriage is in trouble. These reports are nothing new, but they’ve increased in the wake of recent speculation that Kate Middleton is reaching the end of her rope in dealing with Prince William.

You could argue that she has no right to be as angry as she is, given that she’s equally as responsible for shirking her royal responsibilities. In fact, Kate Middleton and Prince William – combined – probably work less than William’s 90-year-old grandmother! However, only one of them is making a public spectacle of having a mid-life crisis, right? Kate’s not the one gallivanting around the world, flirting and getting touchy-feely with people who are NOT her husband. We’re even at the point that Prince Harry – the same Prince Harry that had the Vegas nude scandal! – is considered more responsible with his work and more committed to his relationship than Prince William is.

So it comes down to this – how much longer is the status quo going to last? Well, not long, according to long time royal-beat photographer, Niraj Tanna. Tanna has been tweeting about Prince William this entire week, including tweets like, “I wonder what went on in private… #willy” and “Oh dear. Naughty Willy on the front page of The Sun… again.” But it was his last tweet that raised eyebrows, when it said, “oh dear… kiss and tell on the way?”

Tanna is not one to stir the pot simply for the sake of stirring the pot, so the fact that he’s hinting at a possible kiss and tell means that we should legitimately consider the possibility. What will happen if videos leak revealing Prince William kissing another women? Or *gasp* more!? We all know the royal family is barely equipped to deal with even the slightest scandals (cough, Kate Middleton’s dresses), so what will they do if reports of Prince William cheating turn out to be true? And will Kate Middleton finally grow a backbone and file for divorce at that point?

Or will she continue to excuse away her husband’s behavior in her quest to be queen? After all, she did work so very, very hard for this life…What do you guys think? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Image credit to Kensington Royal // via Instagram

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