Quantico Recap 2/13/17: Season 2 Episode 12 “FALLENORACLE”

Quantico Recap 2/13/17: Season 2 Episode 12 "FALLENORACLE"Quantico Recap 2/13/17: Season 2 Episode 12 "FALLENORACLE"

Tonight on ABC their hit drama Quantico airs with an all-new Tuesday, February 13, 2017, season 2 episode 12 and we have your Quantico recap below. On tonight’s Quantico, Season 2 episode 12 as per the ABC synopsis, “The recruits break into the NSA on a mission to delete their personal information, but the rogue CIA group has other plans. Meanwhile, in the future, the hostages plot an escape via underground tunnels in order to get the terrorists to reveal themselves.”

Tonight’s Quantico season 2 episode 12 looks like it is going to be awesome so make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 10PM – 11PM ET for our Quantico recap!  While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Quantico recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

Tonight’s Quantico Recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Tonight’s episode of Quantico kicks off where we left off last week – Alex, Ryan, Harry and the rest of the CIA students are leading everyone out of the building where they were being held hostage. The only problem is, they don’t know what hostages are innocent and what hostages are members of the AIC.

Alex and Owen are working together now to bring down Lydia and the AIC. He’s furious that his daughter betrayed him, and the country. Ryan isn’t thrilled about Alex and Owen digging for information.

The CIA students head to class, Owen teaches a lesson on “making a mark look the other way.” This week they will be required to break in to the NSA and break back out without ever getting caught. Owen has an ulterior motive. After reading Lydia’s emails, Owen learned that the AIC is after something in NSA, and he wants to find whatever it is first.

Owen calls Harry up to the front of the class and has him do a demonstration on pick-pocketing, which is all about getting your mark to look the other way and distract them. After class, they head to the local bar to practice their pick-pocketing skills.

The next day Lydia shows up unexpectedly back at the class, apparently she heard that Owen is sneaking his class in to the NSA. Lydia has a secret meeting with her AIC members, Dayana, Leon, and Ryan, and gives them a mission. While Owen has everyone in the NSA, she wants them to tap the organization so that they can access all of the emails and phone calls that they have ever intercepted.

Meanwhile, Alex recruits Harry Doyle to help her while they are in the NSA. She tells him to keep an eye on the AIC members and see what they are up to. Present Time

Present Time

Alex and Ryan are leading the hostages out of the tunnel under the building. Suddenly, they realize that 2 people are missing. It looks like the FBI is still carrying out their mission and picking off members of the AIC while the nearly 200 plus people travel through the dark tunnels. The problem is – they have no idea who the killers are, they are blending in. Flashback


The CIA students embark on their mission to break in to NSA. Owen and Lydia hang back and jam the security cameras from another location while the students head in to the building. Alex makes her way to the main frame control room and deletes the students’ information and phone calls. Then, she follows Ryan to see what the AIC is up to. It’s not long before she discovers the wire tap that Ryan hid in the control room.

The CIA students make it out of the building, all of them except for Leon. Dayana set him up so that his cover would be blown. Dayana and Lydia decided that Leon was too weak to be in the AIC and wanted him out. Their plan worked, Owen announces that Leo is leaving the training camp.

Present Time

Someone kills the power in the tunnels, when it goes dark, chaos ensues. When the lights come back on, Alex realizes that someone grabbed her gun – Sebastian’s wife Carly. Carly takes Harry Doyle hostage. She demands that Sebastian and his CIA friends hand over Will, or else she will kill Harry. Sebastian and Carly face off, a shoot out occurs, and Sebastian is forced to shoot his wife and kill her. Sebastian is badly wounded.

Harry and Alex begin herding the group towards the end of the tunnel. When they finally see light, the FBI is waiting for them and orders everyone to come out in an orderly fashion with their hands up. As the hostages are finally making it to safety, Alex and Ryan make a startling discovery, they lost Will in the commotion. Apparently, Carly was just a distraction, while she was taking Harry hostage, the AIC grabbed Will. Flashback


Ryan meets with Lydia, he demands to know what the purpose of planting the tap in the NSA was Lydia explains that the AIC is the good guys That tap they placed earlier in the day helped stop a bombing at a Syrian refuge camp. Ryan reminds her that they all had to kill a innocent man to get in the AIC. Lydia scoffs that they never actually killed the man, he’s very much alive, it was all a set-up to test their loyalty. Apparently, there is no AIC, Lydia is just running a black-ops for the president.

Meanwhile, Owen and Alex take a little field trip. In the middle of the night they decide to go check out the building where Lydia was having information from the NSA tapped and sent to. They arrive at the abandoned building and thousands of photos of everyone at the CIA taped to the wall, including photos of Lydia. Something isn’t right, this isn’t the lair of the AIC, it’s the lair of some sort of stalker. Present

Present Alex gets out of the building and demands to speak to someone in charge – the person in charge is Lydia. Lydia tells Alex that a terrorist got the hard-drives and kidnapped Will Olson. She needs Alex to go back inside the building to take down the remaining terrorist … Dayana.

Alex gets out of the building and demands to speak to someone in charge – the person in charge is Lydia. Lydia tells Alex that a terrorist got the hard-drives and kidnapped Will Olson. She needs Alex to go back inside the building to take down the remaining terrorist … Dayana.


Annemarie LeBlanc:
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