Quantico Recap 3/27/17: Season 2 Episode 15 “MOCKINGBIRD”

Quantico Recap 3/27/17: Season 2 Episode 15 "MOCKINGBIRD"Quantico Recap 3/27/17: Season 2 Episode 15 "MOCKINGBIRD"

Tonight on ABC their hit drama Quantico airs with an all-new Tuesday, March 27, 2017, season 2 episode 15 and we have your Quantico recap below. On tonight’s Quantico, Season 2 episode 15 as per the ABC synopsis, “While their newly appointed leader gets familiar with the team of CIA and FBI agents, Owen leads an investigation into the strange world of fake news. But hunting down the publishers of a fake story might lead to deadly consequences.”

Tonight’s Quantico season 2 episode 14 looks like it is going to be awesome so make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our Quantico recap!  While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Quantico recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

Tonight’s Quantico Recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Residents of Brookwell, VA are evacuated after an explosion. Owen gives the team’s leader Clay the run down on the team. Alex and Ryan are having a drink at the bar. Alex isn’t happy that they had to turn a blind eye to the criminals. Miranda and Nimah are playing pool. Shelby gets irritated that Alex is ignoring her for a townie. Ryan gets a text. He waits to respond, texting “let’s meet.” The team is called in. They enter the room to video footage of Owen talking about their personalities. Clay wants them all to lose their issues and focus on the new case – the explosion in VA.

The team learns that the authorities aren’t moving quickly. They have little information. Owen determines it to be a hoax. Someone wants something in the town. They need to figure out what that is.  They think it is web trolls. They get to work looking at misleading urls. Clay flirts with Shelby, who tells him she has a photojournalist boyfriend. The team tracks down the trolls. Clay wants them to go out and visit the trolls, who Alex has determined have connections to a hacker farm in Russia.

Harry comes to talk to the team. He has some answers they need but he wants credit for the take down of the hacker farm. Ryan meets with the woman who is blackmailing him. She wants to know what the CIA is up to or she will release some comprising pictures of him.

The team meets with the hackers. They discover the who, now they need to know what they are looking for. Alex, Ryan and Shelby visit the town. Owen is nervous that he isn’t in the field with them. Clay reminds him that he is the boss. Shelby talks to the sheriff. Nimah figures out that they aren’t looking for a thing – they are looking for a person.

Alex and Ryan enter a home, pretending to be the EPA. There is a woman in the basement with a gun. She is scared. She thinks they want to kill her. They find out that her name is Mallory. She is on the senator’s payroll. Her job is to create fake stories to help the senator. Her parents live in Brookwell. She was visiting when she decided to hide out after the senator used his people to create fake news to get the girl who used to create fake news for him. It’s all very ironic.

Alex and Ryan get Mallory into a car while the rest of the team fights the enemies with gunfire. The team meets. Ryan pints out that Mallory shouldn’t be able to plea this one out. She is just as guilty. They need to do more research on the case. Shelby commends Nimah for her work. Nimah feels stuck – she is part of a team that doesn’t want her.

Clay admits to Owen that Nimah was right. Owen tells him to tell her that. He knows what it is like to lead the team. He is just giving advice. Clay admits he might not have experience, but he is good at his job. He asks Owen to just let him do his job. Clay doesn’t think they will win this one, but Owen tells him to tell the team they are a success. He doesn’t want to lie, but Owen thinks it would be good for them.

Alex and Harry are talking about the case. Alex thinks that Harry could be a good team player he just needs to let people in. Alex tells him that there is space for him. She isn’t going anywhere and she won’t leave him. He leaves.

Ryan meets his blackmailer and gives her a piece of paper she looks all too happy to receive.

Clay and Owen tell Mallory they can’t offer her a deal anymore. They will help her leave town. They want her to run. This is the best deal she is going to get. She feels used.

Clay tells the win they got a win. They all head out to the bar to celebrate. Alex tells Ryan that when she asked for more time she didn’t expect him to wait. Clay shows up. He asks Shelby where her boyfriend is. She admits that she cares what people think about. She doesn’t want Clay to hate her. He admits that he tried, but he can’t. Clay welcomes Nimah to the team. She asks to play darts. She wants to kiss his ass. Harry shows up. He wants to know if they have room for him. Clay says yes.


Sarah Luoma:
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