Quantico Recap 4/10/17: Season 2 Episode 17 “ODYOKE”

Quantico Recap 4/10/17: Season 2 Episode 17 "ODYOKE"Quantico Recap 4/10/17: Season 2 Episode 17 "ODYOKE"

Tonight on ABC their hit drama Quantico airs with an all-new Tuesday, April 10, 2017, season 2 episode 17 and we have your Quantico recap below. On tonight’s Quantico, Season 2 episode 17 as per the ABC synopsis, “One of Alex’s (Priyanka Chopra) friends is framed for a domestic terror attack that was timed to coincide with a vote in the House on a Muslim registry bill. The collaborators, meanwhile, are actively stirring fear to pass the registry; and Alex and Owen hunt an assassin.”

Tonight’s Quantico season 2 episode 17 looks like it is going to be awesome so make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our Quantico recap!  While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Quantico recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

Tonight’s Quantico Recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

The Collaborators made another move on tonight’s episode of “Quantico” when they decided to plant a bomb in the Heartland however blowing up a shopping mall in middle of America right before an important vote didn’t go unnoticed. Clay and the others quickly realized what they were planning and they looked into various way into stopping it. But the bill they were fighting was unlike anything they’ve ever done before. The bill was a nicely worded registry for Muslims in America and it was entirely unethical. So fighting the bill couldn’t be done with missions or bullets. It had to be done with the House.

However, Ryan for one had had a problem with actively interfering with the democratic process. He thought that they could fight the bill some way else and hadn’t wanted to look into changing several congressmen’ mere opinion yet Clay had said there wasn’t any other way. He believed they needed to sink the bill on the House floor and he had even reassured everyone that he had a connection that could help. Clay said that his friend Felix (who worked for one of their collaborators) could give them the names of the congressmen sitting on the bench and that they could each talk to them. So he had gone to Felix in good faith and Felix had betrayed them.

Felix had pretended to be torn over the vote because he was an immigrant himself and he had given Clay the names he supposedly needed. Yet, Clay and the others did their best to talk to the congressmen and women that Felix had given and they had struck out. So they had gotten worried and were considering why everyone had been so stringent on voting for the bill when some of them came from blue states though the answer appeared before very long when several security guards asked Clay to leave the building after a complaint had been made against him and Felix told him as he left why.

Felix had unfortunately had given Clay the wrong names because he had wanted the people that were actual benchwarmers to see how desperate Clay was and that way they would vote for the bill just to spite him, but all the same Felix wasn’t really a bad person. He had acted like a jerk and had been for the bill. Though Felix believed in this bill because his own sister had died after a suicide bombing. So Shelby and Nimah understood where Felix was coming from and they saw how much fear could push someone into compromising everything they were supposed to stand for. And so no one was surprised when the bill passed.

They knew that the Collaborators wanted to prove a point and that point was that Claire Haas didn’t have their best interest at heart. The president had vetoed the bill the second it landed on her desk because she knew that it was wrong to monitor people purely based on their faith. But Clay who had figured out things in time had tried to warn her. He told her that she needed to sign the bill or lose credibility however she ignored his advice and that had Speaker of the House Henry Roarke all but accuse her of being too soft-hearted for the job and saying whatever happens next was on her. So Clay told everyone back at the house what Roarke really wanted.

Roarke wanted to become president and without an acting Vice President there was just him next in the lien of success if Claire was forced out of office. However, the idea of a Collaborator as president had made Shelby sick. She didn’t think him or any of the other people responsible should be allowed to hurt people on a whim and that went especially for Raina. Raina had been knocked out and had woken up to an apartment staged to make her look like the recent bomber. So she had called Alex in a panic and the team had taken her to farm where she could be safe yet Alex had had a few questions for Raina.

She wanted to know why they’d pick Raina of all people to frame and so Raina mentioned what she had been doing since the G20 incident. She said that she had started looking into the people that planned the attack and how Léon Velez had been helping her until he abruptly disappeared one day. Yet, Alex and Nimah had been disappointed. They hadn’t wanted Raina to task such risks with her life and they had told her so though what else could she do. Raina said that she hadn’t felt comfortable with covering everything up and that people deserved justice. So Raina believed that what she was doing was right and she didn’t want to stop looking into the matter.

Though Raina also didn’t want to remain prisoner at the farm and afraid to leave. So Nimah offered to switch with her sister. She said that everything was her fault anyways so why not switch like they used and that way Nimah would turn herself in and Raina could continue to walk around freely pretending to be Nimah, but for the plan to work they couldn’t afford to tell anyone. It had to be their secret until Raina’s name was cleared and so that meant even Alex was left in the dark. Which was unfortunate because Alex knew too much. Alex had looked into Leon and she learned that he had been murdered although his killers had made look like suicide.

So Alex had needed someone else in the know besides Oliver to help her investigate what happened to Leon because Oliver had had a moment in the field when they came close to taking down the real bomber and he choked as people were firing at them. But that wasn’t the only thing concerning.

Ryan’s new girlfriend Sacha was apparently a Russian asset and she claimed that she was only doing what they told her because the government were threatening her family however she had kept that to herself and so Ryan didn’t trust her as much as he used to. And he continued looking through her laptop for information on her.

And so the elite unit kept getting on with their pants down and that ensured they weren’t getting closer to finding out more about the Collaborators!



Kristine Francis:
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