Quantico Recap 5/8/17: Season 2 Episode 21 “RAINBOW”

Quantico Recap 5/8/17: Season 2 Episode 21 "RAINBOW"Quantico Recap 5/8/17: Season 2 Episode 21 "RAINBOW"

Tonight on ABC their hit drama Quantico airs with an all-new Tuesday, May 8, 2017, season 2 episode 21 and we have your Quantico recap below. On tonight’s Quantico, Season 2 episode 21 as per the ABC synopsis, “A flood of new proposals shines a light on the final stages of the Collaborators’ plan. Fractured but not defeated, the task force, aided by some old friends, works to put the pieces together before the Collaborators launch a terrorist attack.”

Tonight’s Quantico season 2 episode 20 looks like it is going to be awesome so make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our Quantico recap!  While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Quantico recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

Tonight’s Quantico Recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

The show begins with Roarke signing an executive order. He is interviewed and told he has signed more executive orders than any other president in history. Why is that? He blames President Haas and then defends his Muslim order. It is needed to keep America safe. The team watches the interview and can’t believe what they are hearing. Roarke wants to call a constitutional convention. Owen gets on his computer and realizes all of his information is gone. He goes to the team and asks for their help but they are too angry.

Alex meets with Roarke and he thanks her for her help. He wants her to be a part of the reshaping of the country. He tells her not to leave town. Alex meets with Owen and Shelby. He tells her all of their computer information is gone. They need her help. Miranda Shaw comes to the bunker to meet with the team and they ask her to help find the cache that is missing from their computer. She gets to work immediately.

Will also helps the team look for the cache. Will thinks the collaborators are planning to take control of a plane or planes to use in a terrorist attack. Ryan returns to the bunker and gets to work. They realize the collaborators are going to use people’s cell phones to stage an attack with airplanes. Shelby calls Clay and tells him they need his help. He suggests that Roarke is going to stage an attack and frame Muslims to help get support for his polices.

Alex decides to use her connections to figure out which planes are going to be targeted. Raina turns herself into the FBI thinking it will help lead her to her sister and to create a distraction. As Raina is taken away the rest of the team leaves the bunker without being seen. Alex meets with Alice in an attempt to figure out the flight numbers. Shelby goes to Clay to see if he can get the codes they will need from his mother. She should know the codes they will need to tell the FDA to ground the targeted flights.

Clay tells Shelby his fiancé left him and her tries to kiss her. She insists he needs to get the codes NOW. Alice confirms that the team is correct about the plan but she won’t show Alex the plane numbers. Alex knocks her out and starts to access the list but Alice comes to and they fight.

Will discovers that someone has taken over the communication system and the FDA can’t communicate with the planes in the air. Owen and Miranda find the perps and retake the communication system. Clay makes the call and gets the needed codes. Alex gets the plane numbers and all flights are grounded. Alice tells Alex it isn’t over and once President Rourke learns of her betrayal she will be sorry for her actions. The team has been successful but no one will ever know what they have done. The team still has to figure out how to defeat the collaborators.

Shelby tries to convince Clay to return to the bunker and rejoin the team. Clay tries to kiss Shelby again but they are interrupted by the FBI pounding at the door. Miranda and Owen talk and she encourages him to stop hating himself. He needs to move on from his past. Miranda gets a call. Ryan and Alex reconnect and she worries that the collaborators will come for her. The FBI comes and takes the whole team to meet with the president. The president holds a press conference to tell America that a terrorist attack was stopped by a team of dedicated CIA and FBI agents. He then introduces the team to the world. He uses them to push his agenda of gutting both the FBI and the CIA. With this announcement, most of the country unites in support of Roarke’s plan for a constitutional convention. The team only has 100 days to stop him. They plan to make him think they are on his side and wait for the opportunity to strike.


Heather R Brueck:
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