Queen Elizabeth Appointing Prince William And Kate Middleton To Be The Next King And Queen Of England?

Queen Elizabeth Appoints Prince William And Kate Middleton To Be The Next King And Queen Of England?

Queen Elizabeth has appointed Prince William and Kate Middleton be the next King and Queen of England, shockingly passing over Prince Charles, who is technically next in line to the throne, according to the latest cover story from Life & Style Magazine,

The report claims, “The Queen is already putting her successors through training for their new roles as king and queen. Her Majesty realizes that William and Kate are the future.”

Anyone who’s followed Queen Elizabeth’s historic reign (or even those who watched Netflix’s The Crown) know that the Queen has worked for most of her life to make sure that the royal family survives the tumultuous changes in the landscape, and at a time that royalty is all but dead in the world, Queen Elizabeth is one of the last remaining monarchs who has actually earned that title.

Queen Elizabeth Appointing Prince William And Kate Middleton To Be The Next King And Queen Of England?

However, given how much the meaning of monarchy has changed in the past few decades and how the public now views the royals – especially Prince William and Kate Middleton – there has been talk of abolishing royalty completely. But alas, not if Queen Elizabeth has anything to say about it, apparently.

The report alludes to the fact that the Queen doesn’t believe that her son, Prince Charles, would be able to bring the royal family into the modern world intact. Recent reports have also suggested something similar, where the fear seems to be that without updating what the royal family means to the world now, there’s little chance of it surviving.

As Life & Style’s source explains, “The Queen has spent 65 years making sure the House of Windsor survives, and she sees William and Kate as having the energy and star quality to do the job in a modern world. Queen Elizabeth will always do what is best for the long-term health of the monarchy. Elizabeth realizes the monarchy no longer has the respect and power it once had. In her eyes, William and Kate are the two people who can turn that around.”

Queen Elizabeth Appointing Prince William And Kate Middleton To Be The Next King And Queen Of England?

t’s true that the Queen would do anything to make sure the British monarchy doesn’t go the way as most other monarchies in the world have gone, i.e. into the abyss once they’re abolished. However, the British royal family are little more than figureheads at this point anyway, and hold very little power in actuality.

But of course, the Queen doesn’t see it that way – and if this report is accurate, she’s about to give ‘lazy’ Prince William and ‘Waity’ Kate the keys to the entire kingdom. The Queen may genuinely believe that Kate Middleton and Prince William can turn this around, but then again, old age may be preventing her from thinking clearly on this one.

What do you guys think? Is Queen Elizabeth about to bypass Prince Charles and appoint Prince William and Kate Middleton as the next King and Queen of England, in the hopes that they can save the monarchy and bring it into the modern world? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below and check back with CDL for more royals updates and news.