Talking Dead Recap 2/19/17: Season 7 Episode 10

Talking Dead Recap 2/19/17: Season 7 Episode 10Talking Dead Recap 2/19/17: Season 7 Episode 10

Tonight on AMC their highly anticipated series Talking Dead featuring Chris Hardwick airs for an all-new Sunday, February 19, 2017, episode and we have your Talking Dead recap below.  On tonight’s Talking Dead Season 7 Episode 10 the “New Best Friends” as per the AMC synopsis, “Seth Gilliam (Father Gabriel), comedian Chris D’Elia and a surprise cast member discuss Season 7, Episode 10, “New Best Friends” from The Walking Dead. Hosted by Chris Hardwick.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our Talking Dead recap!  While you wait for the recap make sure to head over and check out all our The Walking Dead recaps, spoilers, news & so much more, right here!

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Joining Chris Hardwick tonight is Seth Gilliam (Father Gabriel), PollyAnna MacIntosh and Cooper Andrews (Jerry), as well as a surprise guest. Polly Anna is so excited to finally talk about being on The Walking Dead – she had to keep it quiet until now. Her group is the scavengers. They have a beautiful very well structured home even though Hardwick thinks it’s a trash pile.

Seth thinks father Gabriel’s journey is a fantastic one. He talks about how people would wait in line to see him so they could tell him how much they hated him and his character. How do I think his character has come full circle, he has had a hard time.

Seth was over the moon about his character’s reveal, the fact that father Gabriel did not collude with someone else and that he was for Rick and the group.

Cooper thinks his character is funny because he so laid-back and relaxed.

The memorial – The walker who wore the dress and Winslow.

In an exclusive interview with Andrew Lincoln, he talks about his scene with father Gabriel and how he threw him under the bus when he told the scavengers Rick and get them. About his fight with Winslow and the scavengers, it was and will bring a whole new landscape to the show. For Seth, reciting his big speech to the scavengers was something his character was waiting, an opportunity to be useful.

For Seth, reciting his big speech to the scavengers was something his character was waiting, an opportunity to be useful.

Pollyanna loved the trash heaps. She is afraid of heights but to see the set from up there – it was amazing. The scavengers have a huge, hive-like home. They all like to wear black. They have a minimalist way of speaking. They are very military and practical.

Cooper thought the scavengers where like mutant walkers.

In an exclusive interview with Lennie James, he talks about Cooper – he calls him a big Jewish Samoan! Cooper has a great energy, and a great spirit, and he is a fine actor. If he was any less of all of those things then Jerry wouldn’t work. He is glad that the fans have taken to him because he makes the show much more fun.

Cooper is somewhat of a weapons expert. He is humble on the subject, he has been training since he was three. He talks about shooting a fight scene for the first time and how he swung and axe for the first time. He carries the heavy one because if he uses the rubber one it looks strange.

Pollyanna thinks that her character had to test Rick first to see if he was serious. In a pole, 72% of walking dead fans do not trust Jarod.

In an interview with Melissa McBride, she discusses Carol and Daryl’s reunion. She came early to the set that day she was so excited – it was exciting!

Norman Reedus talks about his scene with Carol, he talks to her like she is his mother. Why did she leave him? She needs to hear good things so he lies to her. She’s trying to find yourself, so he tells her what she needs to hear, and lies about Negan and the others.

Hardwick talks about how heartbreaking this scene was. Pollyanna was happy to see them reunite! Half of her wants to see them together the other half just thinks their relationship is beautiful.

Seth is glad that Daryl didn’t tell Carol the truth, he loves her, he knows her presence would have fortified the group if she was with them, but it’s more about her peace of mind. He wants the best for her.

Cooper says that Jerry looks up to Richard but it’s not a knightly thing to do for Richard to try to get Carol killed.

Pollyanna thought it was cool to see Darryl and the tiger bond, it’s a metaphor. Daryl will become the tiger.

Seth made a grave so early for Maggie in the season because he saw Rick was wreck, in such a terrible state that his character had to take initiative.

They show behind the scenes footage of Rick fighting Wilson. They show how they built it. It’s a full body prosthetic. They use a cold suit to keep the actors body cold.

Audience fan question – if you have an apolyptci hideaway like Richard what would you keep in your shed?

Pollyanna – her boyfriend, her sisters and peanut butter

Seth- reading material

Cooper – spices, pots/pans, potatoes

Cooper gives the audience member cobbler while Hardwicke gives her Wilson’s famous head-piece.

The sneak peek reveals the saviors all looking at a body on the ground. Negan pulls in as Dwight runs to check a cell. Someone is taken off the back of the truck. It is Eugene. Negan welcomes him to their home as he holds Lucy.


Sarah Luoma:
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