The Bachelor 2017 Recap 3/6/17: Season 20 Episode 11 “The Women Tell All”

The Bachelor 2017 airs on ABC this evening with an all new Monday, March 6, 2017, season 21 episode 11 and we have your The Bachelor recap below. On tonight’s The Bachelor season 21 episode 11 as per the ABC synopsis, “Nick Viall faces 19 of the most memorable women he sent home as they discuss the season. Also: Rachel, the next Bachelorette, provides insight on how she plans to handle her search for love; and a sneak peek at the emotional final week of Nick’s journey.”

We will be live blogging tonight’s episode of The Bachelor 2017 and you just know there is going to be tons of drama, cat fights, and tears. So come back tonight between 8PM – 10PM for our live The Bachelor recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our The Bachelor photos, spoilers, news & more, right here!

Tonight’s The Bachelor recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Tonight’s special “Women Tell All” episode of The Bachelor kicks off with Chris Harrison taking the stage and sharing clips of himself and Nick Viall crashing Bachelor viewing parties at fans’ houses, who clearly knew he was coming, just like Harrison does at the beginning of every single Women Tell All episode ever aired. Nick walks in to houses where people are watching him on TV, everyone screams, and they take some photos.

All of Nick Viall’s exes are seated on stage, or backstage, except for the final three – Rachel, Vanessa, and Raven. Half of the girls don’t even look familiar, and may have had a total of four minutes of screen time.

Chris Harris kicks off the Women Tell All with a montage of scenes from the beginning of the season, where there were 30 girls literally fighting over Nick and throwing themselves at him. Of course, we have to rewatch Corinne and Taylor’s drunken 20 minute argument over who has more “emotional intelligence.”

After the clips, the girls are all jumping to get a chance to speak about what we just watched. Sarah can’t wait to talk about how disrespectful Corinne was. Someone named Lacey jumps to Corinne’s defense, Corinne looks as if she has no idea who Lacey even is.

Seriously, was she even on the show? Another girl no one remembers named Elizabeth says that Corinne was acting like a “slob kabob.” The girls begin arguing and shouting back and forth over whether or not Taylor was bullying Corinne. Chris Harrison can’t get a word in edgewise.

The first woman to take the hot seat tonight is Liz. Liz went home fairly early in the season, but is hard to forget because she revealed after the joined the show that she and Nick had already hooked up at Jade and Tanner’s wedding. Nick sent Liz packing shortly after the other girls learned that he had slept with her a year ago, and he painted Liz as being fame hungry, and joining the show just to be on TV.

Liz explains that the reason she didn’t pursue Nick after the spent the night together a year ago was because she was in an on-again, off-again relationship with someone else. Liz goes out of her way to stress the fact that she hated being on the Bachelor, and certainly didn’t join the show just for the fame. Then, she gives a long-winded speech about women learning to love themselves, and not letting any one put you down because of your sexual history. It sounds like Liz is tired of being referred to as “that girl on the show that had sex with Nick.”

After the commercial break, it’s time to get down to the real drama – Corinne versus Taylor. Chris Harrison shares a clip of Corinne and Taylor’s semi cat fight for the umpteenth time, because it’s pretty much the most exciting thing that happened on the show all season. Taylor takes the hot seat first, to discuss her side of her feud with Corinne.

Taylor gets choked up explaining that in the beginning of the show, she was just trying to help Corinne, and Corinne painted her as a bully for it. Taylor cries that Corinne shamed her for being a mental health counselor, and it has had negative impact on her career. While Taylor is speaking, Corinne storms of stage and returns with a glass of champagne – apparently she needed a drink to wash down what Taylor has to say about her. Taylor thinks she deserves an apology from Corinne, but Corinne makes it very clear that’s not happening.

Now Corinne gets an opportunity to head up on stage and tell her side of the story. Basically, half of the girls there have grievances with Corinne, and they are shouting over each other trying to let Chris Harrison know why they hate Corinne. Jasmine and Josephine seem to be Team Corinne and try to help her fend off the sharks.

Chris Harrison tries desperately to get Corinne and Taylor to apologize and bury the hatchet. Taylor finally apologizes for the way that she talked to Corinne. Corinne on the other hand, tip toes around the apology. She announces that she isn’t going to hold a grudge against Taylor, and it’s time to move on, but the words “I’m Sorry” never actually come out of her mouth. Before Corinne gives up the hot seat, she has a surprise for everyone in the audience, she brought along some cheesy pasta for everyone to try, after she talked about it non-stop all season.

The next girl to get a chance to speak her peace tonight is Kristina. After Kristina shared her emotional story on The Bachelor, and revealed that she grew up in an orphanage in Russia, until she was adopted by an American Family – Nick obviously had to wait a few episodes to send her home so that he didn’t look like a cruel monster. But, in Nick’s defense, he and Kristina really didn’t have that much chemistry.

Kristina gets emotional on stage after Chris Harrison shares a clip of Nick eliminating her. Kristina explains that she has always had a wall up and hasn’t let anyone get too close to her, so it was tough for her to open up to Nick and share her past. They discuss Kristina’s time in Russia, and there isn’t a dry eye in the place.

The Bachelor Nick Viall finally takes the stage. Of course, Chris Harrison wants to talk about his relationship with Corinne. The other women in the house, and fans at home were shocked that Nick kept Corinne on the show for so long, and couldn’t see what he saw in her. Nick explains that he liked the fact that Corinne took the initiative, and she made it very clear that she was there for him.

Now, it’s time for the girl to all confront Nick and basically ask him why he didn’t choose them. Kristina and Danielle put Nick on the hot seat and they want answers. Nick praises both women, and insists that he respects them and thinks the world of them, its just that their relationships weren’t moving as quickly as some of the other women in the house. Basically, he liked them, he just liked other women more – so eventually he had to send them home.

Chris Harrison shares the highly anticipated Blooper Reel, which is honestly the best part of the Women Tell All episodes, and then Rachel Lindsay takes the stage – her first official appearance as the next Bachelorette.
Chris Harrison raves about Rachel, and how excited America is to have her as the next Bachelorette. They will be auditioning men soon for Rachel’s season of The Bachelorette, and Chris gives her an opportunity to let America know what kind of guy she’s looking for.

Rachel is possibly one of the most humble and grateful Bachelorettes to date. And, the other women can’t stop praising her, they might even be more excited about her gig as the Bachelorette than Rachel is.

Before the episode comes to a close, Nick Viall joins Rachel on stage to congratulate her on her new job as The Bachelorette.


Amanda Austin:
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