The Blacklist: Redemption Premiere Recap: Season 1 Episode 1 “Leland Bray”

Tonight on NBC The Blacklist: Redemption premieres with an all new Thursday, February 23, 2017, episode and we have your The Blacklist Redemption recap below.  On tonight’s The Blackist Redemption Season 1 Episode 1 “Leland Bray,” as per the NBC synopsis, “A routine trip to New York turns dangerous when ex-operative Tom Keen (Ryan Eggold) is recruited by Scottie Hargrave (Famke Janssen), the head of an international security firm, to help rescue a kidnapped CIA agent.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our The Blacklist: Redemption recap.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our The Blacklist Redemption spoilers, news, videos, pics, recaps & more, right here!

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Tonight’s episode of The Blacklist: Redemption kicks off with Tom Keen’s mother, Scottie Hargrave. It appears that they are on a plane, soaring through the sky. Scottie questions her prisoner about a woman named Anna Copeland, she opens the plane door and threatens to push him out of the plane and to his death. The man cracks and gives Scottie a name – Leland Bray.

Then, Scottie turns the lights on, they aren’t actually in a plane at all, it was just a simulator – a very realistic simulator. She tells her assistant to call Tom Keen ASAP.

Tom is at home with baby Agnes while Liz is rushing off to work. He’s been taking his daddy duties very seriously, and juggling a sick baby with an ear infection. Tom’s phone rings, it’s a call from his father’s attorney, he has to go to NY for a meeting about the will. Tom doesn’t want to go, but Liz convinces him to go see what it is all about.

A few hours later Tom arrives in NYC, a shady cab driver drops him off at a ringing pay phone and drives away. Tom cautiously answers the phone, A creepy voice on the line tells him that his real name is Christopher Hargrave, he was taken from his parents when he was just a baby, and there is a photo in the phone booth of Tom and Scottie when he was a baby. The voice tells him to go to Washington Square Park.

Tom arrives at the park and sits down on the bench, a man sits down next to him. Tom demands to know who he is and what he wants – he announces that he’s Tom’s father. They begin walking and talking, the man reveals that his plane was sabotaged and he faked his death. He tells Tom that Scottie has no idea he is her son. Scottie is going to offer him another job soon and he has to accept it so that he can get inside the company and gain Scottie’s trust. Tom’s father shouts at him to stay under the trees and then runs off.

Tom finds a pay phone and calls Liz and tells her that something strange is going on. He explains that his dad is alive and very paranoid and thinks that Scottie is trying to kill him. While Tom is talking, two NYPD cop cars pull up to the pay phone, and Scottie climbs out of one.

Scottie briefs Tom on a mission she is working on. A CIA Agent named Anna Copeland was abducted, and she was hired to get her back. She wants Tom on the job because he worked with Anna Copeland years ago. Scottie tells Tom about Leland Bray, and he’s familiar with him. Tom explains that Bray was Anna’s associate until he went rogue.

Scottie takes Tom back to her office, and reunites him with his least favorite person – Matias Soloman. Scottie briefs Tom and her team on Anna Copeland and Leland Bray. Apparently, Bray has made a fortune kidnapping agents like Anna, torturing them and getting national security secrets, then selling the secret to enemies.

Tom and Matias create a plan to track down Leland Bray’s girlfriend, an Olympic swimmer named Natalie. The problem is, Natalie has tight security, they have to tunnel underground together, they drill a hole in the swimming pool where Natalie is swimming, and grab her and make off with her before the security team even knows what happened.

After successfully bringing in Natalie, Scottie and Tom get a moment alone. She shows an unusual moment of vulnerability, and discusses her husband Howard’s death. Scottie gets emotional, and certainly doesn’t seem like she is responsible for killing him. Scottie explains that after they lost their son, Howard was never the same, he became more and more unhinged and paranoid. And, just a few months ago the lawyers filed paperwork to declare him mentally incompetent, then he vanished for a few months, until he was killed in the crash.

Scottie, Tom, and her team get to work on a lead they get from Natalie on Leland Bray. He’s basically hiding out at a bunker that is nearly impossible to penetrate, and even more impossible to hack through the security. Luckily, Scottie has a talented hacker named Dumont on her side. All they need now is a map to the Bray’s bunker.

Scottie and Tom go undercover to an A-List party. While they are dancing, Scottie explains that she is waiting for a call from her lawyers about her husband’s estate. Apparently, Howard left all of the money and company to their son – and she is trying to get him declared legally dead so she can have the trust.
Scottie and Tom take a key pass that Dumont created for them and they slip in the back to try and get access to the information they need to hack in to Leland Bray’s bunker. It’s easier said than done, but somehow they manage to get the maps that they need.

With their new maps and intel, and the help of hacker Dumont, Scottie and Tom and her team break in to the bunker through a series of caves. Inside, Leland Bray is currently torturing Anna Copeland, trying to get her to talk, and reveal valuable American secrets that he can sell for a pretty penny.

After searching the bunker, Tom locates Anna Copeland and drags her out of the building and throws her in a car and drives off. Anna is freaking out, her son Maddox is still inside with Leland Bray. Matias Solomon finds Leland in the tunnel with the boy, a shootout ensues and Solomon and his partner rescue him without a scratch on him.

Anna wakes up in the hospital and Tom is at her bed side, she freaks out because he son is gone. Tom reassures her that they are working on getting her son back. Tom;s phone rings and he steps out in the hallway to talk to Solomon. He heads back in the room to tell Anna that they have her son and he’s fine, but Anna Copeland is gone – she appears to have escaped out the hospital window.

Tom calls Scottie and tells her they have a situation. Apparently, when Bray was torturing her, he cut her stomach open and put a bomb inside of her. Bray wanted Anna to detonate the bomb and take out the CIA and then he promised to give her son back.

Solomon and tom find Anna at a warehouse with the CIA team. She is preparing to detonate the bomb inside of her, it will go off in a few minutes. Solomon calls Maddox on the phone and proves to her that her son is safe. Then, Tom and Solomon have no choice but to cut Anna’s stomach open right there on the floor and remove the bomb and deactivate it. Anna and Maddox are safe and sound.

Tonight’s episode of Blacklist Redemption ends with Scottie Hargrave speaking at Howard’s funeral, she gets emotional talking about their long lost son Christopher.

Tom meets up with Howard at the park after the funeral, he tells Howard that he thinks he is wrong – Scottie might not have set him up, she seems truly devastated by his death.

Howard takes Tom to a secret lair where he has been hiding out, he tells Tom about his disappearance and how he made it his life mission to find him. Howard has a crazy board put together and diagrams outlining everything that has happened from Christopher’s disappearance up until Howard’s fake death. Howard tells Tom that he needs to get in to the company and find out what Scottie is up to.
Tom tracks Scottie down and tells her that he is in – he has decided to come work for her company full time.


Amanda Austin:
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