The Blacklist: Redemption Recap 3/23/17: Season 1 Episode 5 “Borealis 301”

Tonight on NBC The Blacklist: Redemption premieres with an all new Thursday, March 23, 2017, episode and we have your The Blacklist Redemption recap below.  On tonight’s The Blackist Redemption Season 1 Episode 5 “Borealis 301,” as per the NBC synopsis, “Ruthless thieves who steal classified material are targeted by Tom and Mr. Solomon, who go undercover on an international flight they suspect will be hijacked. Meanwhile, Howard pushes Tom to probe a potential conspiracy orchestrated by Scottie. (Famke Janssen)”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 10 PM – 11 PM ET for our The Blacklist: Redemption recap.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our The Blacklist Redemption spoilers, news, videos, pics, recaps & more, right here!

Tonight’s The Blacklist Redemption episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Tonight’s episode of Blacklist Redemption kicks off in Germany. There’s a room full of immigrants seeking asylum. The officer looking through their passports announces he is taking a lunch break and will be back in an hour. He sets off a canister of gas under his desk before he leaves. Within seconds everyone in the room is gasping for air and passing out.

Back in the US, Tom is visiting his dad Harold. He’s rambling about coded messages that Scottie has been sending to people in the company. Harold’s convinced that Scottie is a sleeper agent that was planted years ago. Tom is beginning to doubt Harold’s story. He doesn’t seem lucid, and Tom is starting to feel guilty about not telling his own mother he’s alive. Harold begs Tom to get him a key from Scottie’s safe that will help him decrypt the message and prove it.

Meanwhile, Scottie is with her boy toy. She pays for sex, but spends most of their time together ranting to him about her personal issues. Basically, he’s a glorified therapist. Before she heads to work, she tells him she wants to pay him on a weekly basis from now on.

Scottie heads to work and learns about her next case. Over 60 refugees were killed in Germany by the crazy German nationalist and his tank of sarin gas. But, sarin gas isn’t hard to come by, and it turns out that particular sarin gas was stolen from a plane recently. In the past few months 3 planes carrying nuclear warfare, samples for the CDC, and items like sarin gas have been robbed and shot down. The German killings may be the link they need to track down the plane robbers.

Scottie briefs her team on the plane wrecks and robberies. The CIA has contracted them to find the thieves before they hit another plane. They have a tip that the next plane to be targeted will be Borealis Flight 301. It’s full of passengers, and the cargo is packed full of warfare. Solomon and Tom decide to board the plane as undercover flight attendants.

The plane ride kicks off smoothly, and Tom and Solomon are starting to think the CIA is wrong, no one on the plane is going to rob it. Then, suddenly everyone loses WIFI and the pilot can’t get a hold of ground control. Dumont begins panicking because he can’t get Tom or Solomon on the line.

A few of the men on the plane slip away to the bathroom while Tom and Solomon are dealing with the pilots. They’ve smuggled plastic guns on to the plane and made it through the metal detectors. It turns out the men hijacking the plane are 6 Navy Seal officers. And, they have a pretty impressive plan. They use a device to crack one of the windows, and naturally everyone puts on their oxygen masks. But, they aren’t full of oxygen, they’re full of gas – and the passengers are all knocked out within seconds.

While everyone is passed out on the plane, one of the Navy Seals realizes that Solomon is packing a gun and he hits him over the head. Meanwhile, Tom slips away to the cargo hull. Down in the cargo hull, he finds the jammer and is able to turn the WIFI back on and contact Dumont. He finds a shotgun in the cargo hull, and uses it to choke out one of the Navy Seals.

It turns out that the Navy Seals aren’t after weapons this time, instead they are after one of the passengers. They put on their parachutes and strap the unconscious woman in to a parachute and use a small bomb to blow the door out of the plane and jump out.

The plane begins going down just as Tom makes it up from the cargo hull, luckily all of the unconscious passengers have their seatbelts on, so they aren’t flying out of the open door. With the help of Dumont on the radio and a half asleep pilot, Tom is able to save the plane from going down and crashing. When the plane lands, Tom realizes that Solomon is missing, it looks like he may have flown out the door after the Navy Seals jumped.

Tom and Scottie meet with the CIA agent that sent them on the mission, he confirms they have an agent on the plane named Jennifer Lin, and that was who the Navy Seals kidnapped. She was on her way to China to go undercover as a translator to a Chinese crime lord. There’s also an Army ranger that was on the plane named Aldon Braddock who is also unaccounted for. It’s unclear if he was working with the Navy Seals or was a victim.

Tom slips in to Scottie’s office and decides to snoop around her safe and look for the key word that his Dad sent him after. He returns to his dad with the key word, and Harold begins frantically trying to decode a message with a comic book. Tom finally comes to terms with the idea that his dad has lost his marbles, and Scottie may have been right after all, he’s paranoid and unstable. Tom informs Harold he’s going to tell Scottie who he really is, and he’s done playing games with him.

Solomon is alive, and in pretty good shape. He managed to grab a hold of one of the Navy Seals as they were parachuting out of the plane. The Seal isn’t in too great of shape though – he has a broken leg and refuses to cooperate with Solomon and tell him where his buddies were heading with Jennifer Lin once they landed in the woods. After some taunting, he finally tells Solomon that they are at an abandoned mill.

Tom heads back to the office and corners Scottie, he tells her that he needs to talk to her. Before he can announce that he is her son, Dumont interrupts and tells them that Solomon is alive, he just called in. Tom and Nez rush to the woods to meet up with Solomon. The three of them race to the mill, and when they arrive, all of the Navy Seals are dead and Braddock and Lin are missing.

Dumont does some digging and realizes that Jennifer and Braddock used to be in the same Army unit together. They had an affair, and then Jennifer wound up filing a restraining order against him. Apparently, Braddock convinced the Navy Seals that Jennifer has intel on a mobile rocket unit just so that they would kidnap her and stop her from going to China.

Once they were safe in the mill, Braddock turned on the Seals and took Jennifer to his boat. Jennifer is obviously confused, and Braddock is certifiably crazy – he rambles to Jennifer that he has their whole life planned out and they are going to live together and grow old together in a fishing village in the middle of nowhere. Jennifer Lin hits Braddock over the head with a boat oar and makes a run for it.

Braddock chases Jenifer down the dock and corners her with his gun drawn – Tom arrives in the nick of time and wrestles with Braddock. When it seems like Tom isn’t going to win, Jennifer shoots and kills crazy Braddock. Case closed!

Tonight’s episode ends with Scottie’s assistant meeting up with her boy toy Trevor. He’s officially on the payroll, and has to sign an NDA.

Tom heads in to Scottie’s office to come clean and tell her he is her son. Right before he spills the beans he looks down at Scottie’s desk and sees the same comic book that Harold was trying to decode. HE realizes that he’s been right all along – and Scottie is not to be trusted. Tom races to Harold’s hideout, but when he arrives he is too late, Solomon is putting Harold in the car.


Amanda Austin:
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