The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: Sheila Hooks Mateo, Quinn Remains Tough Opponent – Shelia Takes Desperate Measures

The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: Sheila Hooks Mateo, Quinn Remains Tough Opponent - Shelia Takes Desperate Measures

The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers tease that Sheila (Kimberlin Brown) has convinced Mateo (Francisco San Martin) to work as her minion as he attempts to seduce Quinn (Rena Sofer). However, Mrs. Forrester’s reaction to her massage and follow-up conversation with Eric (John McCook) appears to affirm that Sheila’s efforts to oust her won’t be easy.

The outrageous portrait that Sheila commissioned of herself was on display in her hotel room again this week. The stark red dressed oil-painted version of Miss Carter winked at the other-world qualities this infamous B&B villain still possesses. That portrait is soapily delicious!

So, Quinn hurt her back last week. Sofer’s character may have weakened it during her recent physical battles with Sheila. However it happened, a massage scene in the Forrester bedroom was enabled.

Mateo happened in as Quinn was exiting the bathroom wearing a towel. She referenced her muscle issues, after which Mateo offered that he was certified in the hands-on arts. Quinn then asked him to massage her back, which he did.

Eric’s new estate manager was uneasy with Quinn’s request, more so because he rubbed her down on the Forrester’s marital bed (Sheila’s later description). But Quinn was not turned on by the encounter, which happened while her husband was downstairs.

Quinn was totally upfront about Mateo’s work with Eric. She also wondered aloud if he should have received money for his time and suggested that her gray-bearded husband should be worked over by him as well. Viewers were thus informed that Quinn is absolutely not interested in Mateo.

However, Mateo later bee-lined to Sheila’s second class suite where he mentioned that Quinn seemed to enjoy the massage. He likely didn’t feel a spark, but nevertheless agreed to do Sheila’s bidding.

Mateo is surely easy on many women’s eyes and he’s a man’s man. But bedding Quinn will be no easy proposition, especially considering the hell Sheila just put her through in regards to Ridge (Thorsten Kaye).

The idea that Quinn will risk her marriage for a romp with Mateo appears unlikely as of October. So B&B fans are forced to wonder if too much alcohol, a forced drugging, or some other such ruse will eventually allow some seeming encounter to take place?

History proves that Sheila is a threat. Mateo’s motivation is money, that conveniently won’t be paid until Brown’s character becomes Mrs. Eric Forrester again.

As for Quinn, Eric will surely toss her out if he catches her with Mateo, or any other man. That means this arc’s conclusion is far from certain, but could turn at any point.

CDL is a leading source for everything linked to The Bold and the Beautiful. Check back regularly for B&B spoilers and news!