The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: Sheila Making Progress With Eric – Does She Deserve Forgiveness Like Quinn?

The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: Sheila Making Progress With Eric – Does She Deserve Forgiveness Like Quinn?The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: Sheila Making Progress With Eric – Does She Deserve Forgiveness Like Quinn?

The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers tease that the plan to write Sheila (Kimberlin Brown) back into B&B is working nicely. However, some minds see it differently. They refused to accept the premise that this character was alive in June, which made all that came after ridiculous in their minds. The soap opera credentials of those individuals will now be questioned.

The Forrester family doesn’t exist. John McCook isn’t actually Eric. Rena Sofer didn’t conk Brown on the head, that was Quinn who hit Sheila. All of that is understood, right? And emotional rants about what great daytime drama should be (supposedly in contrast to this evolving storyline) represent nothing more than subjective slants, rather than definitive conclusions.

The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: Sheila Making Progress With Eric – Does She Deserve Forgiveness Like Quinn?The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: Sheila Making Progress With Eric – Does She Deserve Forgiveness Like Quinn?

It’s illogical to apply critical thinking skills to soap operas. Hidden beneath that obviously flawed attempt is a belief that the consumer should serve as executive producer, writer, camera operator, actor, or whatever. How naive.

What makes Sheila’s return to B&B and Brown’s return to daytime so delicious is the sheer improbability of both things having happened. As Y&R fans know, the last time they saw Sheila she was being embodied by the spectacular Michelle Stafford in a dual role. Yes, this scribe is an admirer of that actor, as can be seen in the last sentence.

Lauren (Tracey Bregman) shot the woman who was believed to be Sheila dead in 2007. B&B addressed that entire arc by having Sheila say that issues about her identity were ridiculous. One could take that as a wink to the fans. Possibly B&B’s current writing staff collectively believed that creative choice went in the wrong direction. If so, that’s not without precedent in the history of his genre.

As for Brown, she hadn’t been seen as Sheila since 2006. So the odds of her returning to the role that made her famous seemed to be zero. But all who love soap know that all is possible in daytime drama.

One must accept the above analysis, or some version of it before moving forward. Those who’ve read to this point likely don’t take themselves too seriously and therefore enjoy escaping into Los Angeles for approximately 20 minutes each weekday. That number was arrived at after subtracting various pill-popping ads and some other paid placements.

Longtime soap viewers recall when detergent (soap) and other home-based product ads were sandwiched between the shows they love. Of course that was before easy access to unfiltered information convinced people that opinions represented facts and therefore wisdom. No, self-awareness and the never ending quest for a balance between logic and emotion makes one wise.

So with clear minds we see that Eric feels compassion for Sheila and, as so many characters have been saying for two months, he has a broad power to forgive. Hey Quinn, that’s what your husband has just offered to you by the way.

Therefore, may Sheila run amok in Los Angeles. May she cajole the awful character that Sofer is playing to the hilt. And may Brown win an Emmy in 2018 for her work because she was, is and will likely continue to be one of the great actors to ever grace the soapy screen.

Sheila will be told the names of all who disagree with that last subjective statement. Wink. CDL is a leading source for everything linked to The Bold and the Beautiful. Check back regularly for B&B spoilers and news!  Sign up for our FREE newsletter by clicking here and get the latest breaking soap news!

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