The Real Housewives of Orange County (RHOC) Recap 8/7/17: Season 12 Episode 5

The Real Housewives of Orange County (RHOC) Recap 8/7/17: Season 12 Episode 5The Real Housewives of Orange County (RHOC) Recap 8/7/17: Season 12 Episode 5

Tonight on Bravo TV the original housewife series, The Real Housewives of Orange County returns with an all-new Monday, August 7, 2017, episode and we have your RHOC recap below.  On tonight’s season, 12 episode 5 called, “Moving In, Moving On And Moving Fast,” as per the Bravo synopsis, “Tamra and Shannon have their first face-to-face with Meghan’s new baby and learn they’ll soon have to face Vicki. Lydia’s family takes a luxurious Hawaiian vacation full of uncomfortable conversations, while Kelly tackles her fears about her mother’s mortality and her desire to move on with Tamra and Shannon.

So make sure to tune in between 9 PM and 10 PM ET tonight for our The Real Housewives of Orange County recap.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our RHOC spoilers, news, photos and more, right here!

Tonight’s RHOC episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

This week on The Real Housewives of Orange County Lydia is packing for her family trip to Hawaii. Meghan has lunch with Tamra and Shannon to show off baby Aspen.  Meghan tells them “I am so excited to be here with you. I don’t have time to get back here.” Shannon says “I gained forty pounds after Ireland. I was so stressed over what people would believe.” Meghan doesn’t believe that all of the weight gain is because of the stress of what Vicki was saying about her.

In Hawaii Lydia and her family are having a great time playing in the ocean.  While they are on the beach Lydia decides to address a comment made by her 8 year old Stirling.  Doug  asks “Have you heard the word sex before?” Stirling says “No clue.” He says “Sex is something you do in private.” He also tells them “When your mom and I met we didn’t have sex until we got married.”

Peggy and her family are having dinner. She says “Armaninan cooking is love, but it’s a lot of work. I want a chef.” While they are having dinner Peggy’s daughter Gia reveals that she got into the college of her choice. Everyone is excited. Peggy says “We have to have a celebration!” Her husband tells her “It’ll have to be next weekend because this weekend we have an event.” Shannon calls and Peggy invites her to Lamborghini event. Shannon tells her “I would love to come, but if Vicki and Kelly are going to be there then I have to decline because of the rumors she spread about my husband beating me.” Peggy does not want to hear it or be involved in the whole mess.

Kelly is trying to get her mom to be more social. She tries to set her up at a social center. While they are in the office speaking to the woman the two ladies break out into an argument. Her mom tells her “You need to just stop. I don’t tell you how to live your life.” Kelly tells her “Yes you do.” Eventually, Kelly says “I want to pay for a year of the service.”

Vicki is working to get her expanded insurance business set up. She is talking to her son Michael about his relationship with his girlfriend Dani. She tells him “If you guys get married obviously you’ll sign a prenup.” She then asks him “Are you guys using birth control?” Micheal is extremely uncomfortable. He tells his mother “Of course we are. We don’t want any kids before we’re ready.” Vicki is relieved to hear this.

Kelly wants to try and make amends with Shannon. She calls Tamra and invites her to have coffee. Tamra agrees to have coffee and tells her “I never wanted to fight with you. I have always been your biggest supporter and cheerleader.” When Tamra hangs up with Kelly she immediately calls Shannon and relays the phone call to Shannon. Tamra tells Shannon “I’ll call you after, or I may call you for help!”

In Hawaii, Lydia tells Doug “Once you put the magazine to bed and we have the party to celebrate there will be a little down time. I want to talk to you about cutting your balls off.” Doug is shocked. Lydia tells him “I’m done. We have four kids and I think we’re done and I don’t want any more kids.” Doug is hesitant. He tells her “We never got the girl that we wanted.” Lydia is adamant, but she does understand Doug’s concerns about the surgery. She says “I just don’t think I could manage any more kids.” Doug agrees and they decide to revisit the subject later.

Meghan is working on restocking the candle store. She feels a bit overwhelmed with caring for Aspen and trying to work on the candle store as well. Jim comes home and both Meghan and the baby are happy to see him. Meghan is worried that because Jim is traveling so much Aspen won’t know who he is.

Kelly meets with Tamra for coffee. There is definite tension between the two ladies. Kelly tells her “I don’t want to fight with you.” Tamra says “I don’t want to fight with you either, but when I feel backed into a corner I come out with my claws.” The two ladies sit down and apologize to each other about the foolishness that they engaged in on social media. Tamra then asks “What about Shannon? Do you want to get along with her?” Kelly says “Yeah I do.” Kelly then tells Tamra about her vaginal laser surgery. She says “I have to wear an adult diaper right now!” Tamra laughs and the tension seems to be broken.

It’s the night of Peggy and Diko’s Lamborghini reveal event. Diko is nervous and trying to figure out what to wear. The party is in full swing when Peggy spots Lydia back from her Hawaiian vacation. Jim and Meghan are also there. Lydia is talking to Peggy about the possibility of her husband having a vasectomy. Peggy is shocked by the very idea. Vicki is there as well and everyone seems to be having a good time. When the car is revealed Meghan is not impressed. Vicki wants one. Meghan mentions her sip and see party. Lydia says “You are friends with Shannon, Tamra and Kelly?” Meghan says “Yeah,” Lydia says “We’re all going to go to the party and be civilized. Vicki seems ok with the idea, but Meghan seems unsure about having Vicki in the same place as Shannon and Tamra because of the incident in Ireland.

Shannon and Tamra are sitting the party out. Tamra tells her “Kelly wanted to meet with you. I’d be willing to go with you.” Shannon says “Ok. I’d be willing to do that.” Tamra says “When it comes to Vicki I don’t know if I could hold my stuff.” Shannon says “You keep me in check with the girl who makes me see red and I’ll keep you in check with the girl who makes you see red.”

As the party continues Vicki and Meghan talk about the situation between her, Shannon and Tamra. Vicki says “I’ve said i’m sorry until I’m blue in the face.” Meghan continues to try and sort out the whole situation, but Peggy is over it. She reaches up and clamps Peggy’s lips together. Meghan looks shocked by Peggy’s action.


Latrese Garner:
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