The Strain Recap 7/30/17: Season 4 Episode 3 “One Shot”

Tonight on the FX Network The Strain returns with an all-new Sunday, July 30, 2017, episode and we have your The Strain recap below.  On tonight’s The Stain Season 4 episode 3 as per the FX synopsis, “Quinlan and Fet discover that stealing a nuclear warhead isn’t easy when they encounter an unexpected enemy. Also: Eph and Alex concoct a new weapon to use against the strigoi and Zack discovers a love interest.”

Tonight’s episode looks like it is going to be a great episode and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our coverage of FX’s “The Strain” at 10 PM – 11 PM ET! While you wait for The Strain recap head over to read all our The Strain news, spoilers & more!

Tonight’s The Strain recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

The Nuclear Holocaust changed everything. A civilized race quickly fell into chaos and it wasn’t long before the other countries began to fire their own nuclear missiles once they saw what happened to New York. But Captain Daniel Roman was the few people that didn’t overreact during a critical time and so he knew how to activate one more missile just for Fet and Quinlan. The guys had come across him after they took down an all women cult and so they saved his life in exchange for getting their hands on that missile.

However, there was a complication. Someone had hit the facility before they got there and Roman wasn’t sure if they got into the underground bunker. So Fet and Quinlan chose to test whether or not any munchers got in by dropping a bomb and when they didn’t hear anything they thought that it was safe yet someone had been alive enough to fire on Quinlan and whoever they were they kept firing. And so the group that travelled with Fet and Quinlan decided to abandon them. Except someone had to check if Quinlan was still alive.

So Fet used another entrance to climb down and he did his best to reason with the soldier that was trying to keep them from getting to the missile. Yet, the soldier didn’t trust Fet or even Daniel because they had brought a strigoi with them and so they were arguing as New York continued to survive as best as it could. The young woman that cleaned up after Zach had tried taking some of the fruit he didn’t want and his creature had almost attacked her for it, but she was lucky that Zach had been nearby.

Zach was safe as long as the Master wanted something from him and so Zach could make any strigoi follow his orders. But the reason he had saved the girl was because he liked her. She was the only human that was around and so she was the only human that he could talk to. So Zach followed out onto the street and he protected her from the rules put in place. Like no human could be out on the street unless it was to home or work. And because he had convinced her to talk to him longer, he took her to his secret place.

He took her to the American Museum of Natural History. He said there weren’t any strigoi around to scare her and that way they finally talk without anyone listening in. Though the girl was still hesitant around him and so he tried to impress by saying he could help. Zach told her that she could have food and could also stay at the hotel if she wanted. So what Abby asked for was extra food. She said that she was staying with orphaned kids and that all they had to eat were a Freedom Bar a day. And so Zach promise to help however he also wanted to ask the Master some questions.

Zach later asked the Master why anyone else didn’t get fresh fruit and he had been told that the nuclear bombs humans had unleashed on each other had destroyed most of the food supply. However, another thing was that people were sick. They were getting sick all the time and there wasn’t a way to help. So the Master explained how they were sick because of the radiation poisoning that had been unleashed and what went without saying had been what Zach did to millions of people when he set off the first bomb. And so Zach started to question his role.

Zach said that maybe he didn’t need the White because he was feeling ok and so the Master suggested that maybe Zach could move out. Which would cost Abby her job and cut the both of them off from fresh food. However, the Master also suggested that Zach could stay and help him with his plan to stop the humans from ever doing something so horrible again. So Zach told him that he would stay and help him, but with what was pretty unclear and Fet had a better understanding of the matter than Zach did.

Fet and the others had finally gotten pass the solider and they found out that the party that attacked them had been humans working with the strigoi. The group had killed off everyone else and they also got to the nuclear core of the missile. They had taken the core with them and Fet along with Quinlan thought it was because the Master was preparing to kill off the other Ancients. But Daniel believed differently. He said the core could survive a plane crash without going off and that whoever took out must have known what they were doing. So the core was part of a bigger plan.

Yet, they didn’t know what that plan was and were desperate about finding the strigoi convoy they passed a while back. So there were just two people that knew what was going on. The Master and his second-in-command Eichorst though Eph like his friends was trying to figure it all out. He and the resistance had liquidated rat poison and they found a way to get into the one of tankers because that way no one would be suspicious as the strigoi willing drank poison. And so the guys had later checked out everything to see if the plan worked and it did. It killed off all the worms in the strigoi that drank the poison.

So the guys were going to repeat it when they found an office for human collaborators and saw that the humans had been looking up various locations in Pennsylvania which was where the nuclear missile was this entire time.


Kristine Francis:
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