The Young and the Restless Spoilers: Michael Muhney Teases Fans With Y&R Adam Newman Return – True Hiring Status Revealed

The Young and the Restless Spoilers: Michael Muhney Teases Fans With Y&R Adam Newman Return - True Hiring Status Revealed

The Young and the Restless spoilers document all things Michael Muhney, as loyal readers know. He recently interacted with a fan who asked if he would be back on TV (not specifically Y&R) in 2017. Muhney responded by tweeting, “I hope it’s pretty likely.” Muhney interacted with another fan on June 27, tweeting, “There is no return to Y&R at this point. But who knows what the future holds,” followed by a heart emoji.

Muhney also advised that he would be taking his annual break from Twitter in July, due to the upcoming Tour de France. That additional information establishes a soap opera-like cliffhanger for all soap fans later this week, as June ends on a Friday according to the calendar.

The Young and the Restless Spoilers: Michael Muhney Teases Fans With Y&R Adam Newman Return - True Hiring Status Revealed

The ongoing on- and off-screen saga involving this actor has stretched for 42 months. Yes, it was in December 2013 that news broke of Muhney’s stunning removal from Y&R’s cast.

Pre-Hilary Hour (Mishael Morgan) internet gossips ran wild with that story. This was daytime’s version of Fake News, which translated to random individuals who had no real sources inventing information in order to gin up the masses.

All rational individuals also know the difference between stories about fictional soap opera characters, like a Y&R recap article, and those who made ‘stuff’ up about Muhney and countless other real life individuals. They did that to feel superior, to gain attention or both.

The Young and the Restless Spoilers: Michael Muhney Teases Fans With Y&R Adam Newman Return - True Hiring Status Revealed

Concocted stories were invented that attempted to force fans to choose sides. Pro-Muhney forces opted to aim their heat-seeking missals at then-executive producer Jill Farren Phelps and at any other known Y&R back office honcho. Later, this mob began verbally assaulting one of Muhney’s cast mates as well, claiming that a sexual harassment issue forced him off the show.

All of the above established an enduring rub for Y&R. Negative forces will surely swarm if, in fact Muhney is eventually rehired. TPTB must surely weigh any anticipated ratings boost, either temporary or sustained, against the incessant sniping that will come from anonymous sources who don’t wish Y&R, Muhney or honest fans of the genre well.

This scribe never decided who did what wrong, or if anyone did anything wrong at all regarding the referenced Muhney termination. The actor was being considered for rehire in the summer of 2014, which surely confirmed that nothing illegal had happened.

The Young and the Restless Spoilers: Michael Muhney Teases Fans With Y&R Adam Newman Return - True Hiring Status Revealed

Muhney is considered by many to be one of the great daytime actors of his era (2009-2014). His return as Adam Newman would be a major buzzworthy event that would encourage non-soap fans to tune in, therefore potentially expanding Y&R’s audience long-term. Here’s hoping it happens.

And, to invoke the spirit of a phrase that leads Eric Braeden’s recent biography, let all who oppose Muhney’s rehire be damned. CDL is a leading source for everything linked to The Young and the Restless. Check back regularly for Y&R spoilers and news!