The Young and the Restless Spoilers: Three Reasons Why Mal Young Will Rehire Michael Muhney To Play Adam Newman

The Young and the Restless spoilers tease that executive producer and recently named head writer Mal Young will rehire Michael Muhney to play Adam Newman. Three reasons make this more than just possible. Young has no history with Muhney. As with all workplaces, the boss counts.

Former executive producer Jill Farren Phelps fired Muhney in December 2013, which set off a social media firestorm. That collective reaction was initially justified, as no details were offered. The corporate response naturally caused Y&R fans to wonder what happened.

Young isn’t Phelps. He earned a respected record across the pond with the BBC over the course of decades. His approach to soaps made him a seemingly smart choice as Y&R’s supervising producer prior to Phelps’ departure. Chuck Pratt, Junior and Sally Sussman then served under Young as his head writers until a pen change was recently announced. So, the back office deck has been cleared, as Young now calls all the shots.

Young is connected to soap fans, often interacting with them via Twitter. So it makes sense to believe that the audience has already influenced him. Young is primed to give Michael Muhney another chance.

The second reason Young will rehire Muhney involves humility. The actor has acknowledged that Phelps’ decision to fire him was justified. He admitted that his on-set demeanor was unproductive and has been very complimentary to Y&R and his cast mates. He apparently holds no ill-will and is motivated to be a non-controversial employee in what would be his second time around the Genoa City set.

Muhney’s fan friendly nature is also off the charts. He genuinely likes the audience, is self-deprecating and understands how modern social media promotion is done. The man has obviously learned a lesson and appears to be sincerely seeking redemption. People love that.

The third reason why Muhney will be rehired involves money. Ratings would absolutely jump leading into his return, on the day of it and for awhile thereafter because he has his own fan base. Of course more casual viewers would be attracted as well.

Significant and lasting viewer support for this particular actor can’t be denied. While there was a contingent of detractors, their claimed facts about Muhney were proven false a few years ago. Fake news unmasked as ideological sour grapes.

At this point in time Y&R would likely benefit from the buzz detractors would attempt to create by pounding on their digital screens. Their attempts to vilify Muhney and Y&R would have been put to rest. Countdown, three, two, one, “Michael Muhney is now playing the role of Adam Newman.” Yes, there are at least three reasons why Mal Young can and should make that happen.

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