Chrissy Metz revealed she has definitely had her ups and downs in life, especially when it comes to her weight. The ‘This is Us’ star recently admitted that she was much thinner in her childhood.
Chrissy says that she’s gained and lost weight all of her life.However, she is contractually obligated to lose weight for season 2 of NBC’s hit drama, ‘This is Us.’ Chrissy plays Kate Pearson, a woman who struggles with her eating habits and body image. She even uses Post-It notes throughout her apartment to remind herself of her diet and actions. And according to Chrissy, she’s definitely struggled with the same issues in real life, too.
What’s more, Chrissy also says she was more active and athletic in her childhood, despite her weight struggles. She even said, “I’ve been chubby all my life. I was born chubby and as I got older at different times in my life I was thinner or more active or playing sports but I was definitely always a chubbier kid.”
Earlier reports indicated that Chrissy was having difficulty sticking to her contractual weight loss schedule. Chrissy’s on-screen character Kate Pearson decided to have gastric bypass surgery.
Chrissy was recently spotted in a wheelchair while she was making her way through Los Angeles’ LAX airport, she injured her knee during Christmas break. Many ‘This is Us’ fans are worried that she’s not going to lose weight in time for the production to begin for the second season. If she’s stuck in a wheelchair, there’s no way Chrissy will be able to work out.
What do you think? Is Chrissy Metz struggling with her weight loss? Will she be able to lose the weight she needs according to her contract?
So far Chrissy Metz herself has not made any comments about her weight loss schedule. Sources say that producers expect her character to look differently once shooting begins for the second season. Even though there have been reports indicating that Chrissy was considering gastric bypass surgery herself, she said it won’t happen. Instead, she wants to lose her weight the healthy way by eating right and sticking with an exercise regime.
What do you think will happen to Chrissy’s character next? Do you watch ‘This Is Us?’ Drop us a line with your thoughts in our comments section below.
Also, check back with CDL for all the latest news on Chrissy Metz and ‘This is Us’ right here!
Photo Credit: Instagram
#NEW | @ChrissyMetz attends The BAFTA Tea Party – January 7, 2017
— This is Us Daily (@DailyThisisUs) January 8, 2017