Training Day Recap 2/9/17: Season 1 Episode 2 “Tehrangeles”

Training Day Recap 2/9/17: Season 1 Episode 2 "Tehrangeles"Training Day Recap 2/9/17: Season 1 Episode 2 "Tehrangeles"

Tonight the Series Premiere of the CBS series Training Day airs with a Thursday, February 9, 2017, season 1 episode 2 and we have your Training Day recap below. On tonight’s episode called, “Tehrangeles” as per the CBS synopsis, “Kyle (Justin Cornwell) grows concerned that Frank’s (Bill Paxton) rogue tactics will put a kidnapped girl’s life at even greater risk after a former member of Muammar Gaddafi’s Amazonian Guard becomes involved in the deal and ups the stakes for the girl’s safe return.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 10PM – 11PM ET for our Training Day recap. While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Training Day news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

Tonight’s Training Day recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Kyle had been confused. He had thought his father had died in a robbery gone bad and so it had been shocking when Frank told him that his father’s death had been somehow covered up. So Kyle had gone looking for answers in some of his father’s old things. He had wanted to see if he could find anything that was even remotely related to Frank or what Frank told him however the boxes hadn’t provided any clues about what really happened to Bill Craig. But his mother on the other hand had known something. She had asked her son why he was looking into his father and it hadn’t taken her very long to realize that Frank had been telling Kyle things he shouldn’t have.

Kyle’s mother had seemingly forgotten to tell her son that Frank had called her after Bill died and that he had tried to tell her that Frank had gotten involved with something yet she hadn’t wanted to hear it and had chosen to believe the story she had been told about the robbery. She later explained that she had been left alone with a son to look after and that Kyle’s well-being had to come first for her. However, Mrs. Craig other explanation for why she didn’t Kyle anything when he got older was because she didn’t want her son to follow the same path that his father in case he ended up like Bill. So she lied and she had done it to protect him.

Yet, Kyle’s older now and he doesn’t need anymore protecting. So Kyle had wanted to find out what happened to his father and he hadn’t been sure if he could trust whatever Frank told him though Frank could often be bluntly honest. Frank for example didn’t shy away from why the two of them had gotten pulled to work a kidnapping case and neither did anyone else. Frank had been called in because he would things that other detectives wouldn’t and the parents of the kidnapped girl were so well connected that a Frank was what they all wished on the people that had kidnapped Haley. And so Frank did what he did best.

Frank had gotten to work by making a nuisance of himself. He had reminded Deputy Chief Lockhart that he’s known her for quite long time and he had gotten on a fellow detective, Det. Val Chaves’s, nerves. Though the bottom line for Frank had always been finding the girl. He had talked her down parents because he didn’t need them acting on their own accord and he had taken the call the kidnappers first reached out with their ransom demands. So Frank who one normally wasn’t considered to be tactful had made sure that he played the kidnappers into a situation that favored his side.

The first thing that Frank did was make the kidnappers show their hand. He got them to admit to how much they want and made them accept how much he was willing to pay them. But the fact the guys didn’t just right off the girl had proved that they weren’t familiar pros and that they were desperate for quick cash. So Frank’s methods while unorthodox had worked. The kidnappers agreed to a location and they had wanted to make the switch as soon as possible so there shouldn’t haven’t been complications at the drop-off however there had been a third party that didn’t know about. The third party had apparently hired the guys to kidnap the girl and had gotten upset when they found out the men that worked for them had been trying to make a deal behind their backs.

So the two Arabic men that had showed up to trade Haley for the money had gotten murdered for their double-dealing and the Arabic women had made off with both Haley and the money that Frank thought was going to be it. However, Frank had gotten yelled for later losing both and Kyle for one had thought that was unfair. Kyle had said that the others expected Frank to act like an unleashed dog then gotten upset when things didn’t happen to play yet what frustrated Kyle the most had been that he still couldn’t get a handle on what type of person Frank was. Frank had said that he just cared about getting the girl back and so Frank had done something illegal to get the girl back.

Frank and the others had found out few things about the women. He had found out that were former members of the Amazonian Guards and he suspected that Haley’s father knew who took Haley. So he arranged to have the father kidnapped and had then used the experience to open the other man’s eyes. Yet, the father revealed that he wasn’t so clean himself. He told them that he had gotten caught up in a money laundering scheme in the Middle East and that he had gotten into some trouble though he did give the detectives a contact’s number and that contact led them directly to the guy behind the kidnapping.

The women as it turns out had been doing the dirty work for the former advisor to the last Shah. Though the fact things didn’t work out for him in Iran meant he was in America now and rearranging kidnappings. So Frank convinced Javeed that the women had double-crossed him and the second drop-off had worked in their favor. Frank and Kyle had showed up a new bag and Javeed had swooped down on the women the second he saw that they had made arrangements behind his back, but leaving a man that arranges kidnapping and former elite soldier to kill each other off had given the detectives time to leave with the girl. Even if Kyle didn’t like it.

Kyle had still wanted to work with Frank to see what he could find out about his father however he thought they should arrest everyone involved with the money laundering. So Kyle had gone against his principles because of the bottom line and he wasn’t sure how he felt at about it. But when he had the chance to tell Lockhart everything that happened, he chose to side with Frank and had even made a snide remark at Lockhart’s expense. And therefore he was learning something from Frank however Frank hadn’t told Kyle that he had arranged for the city council to look into Lockhart in exchange for covering up who was involved with Javeed.

And so Frank could still crooked in his own though he might have met his match in a former kidnapper that killed off Javeed and wanted revenge.


Kristine Francis:
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