American Ninja Warrior Recap 7/30/18: Season 10 Episode 9 “Miami City Finals”

American Ninja Warrior Recap 7/30/18: Season 10 Episode 9 "Miami City Finals"

Tonight on NBC their obstacle course competition American Ninja Warrior returns with an all-new Monday, July 30, 2018, episode and we have your American Ninja Warrior recap below! On tonight’s “Miami City Finals,” season 10 episode 9 as per the NBC synopsis, “The Miami City Finals feature the top 30 competitors from the qualifying round facing such obstacles as the “Crazy Clocks.”

Tonight’s episode looks like it is going to be a great season 10 episode 8, so be sure to tune in for our coverage of NBC’s American Ninja Warrior at 9 PM – 11 PM ET! While you wait for our American Ninja Warrior recap make sure to check out all our American Ninja Warrior news, spoilers, recaps & more!

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“American Nina Warrior” returned to Miami on tonight’s all new episode for the City Finals. The course this time around was once again extended with four additional obstacles and had even changed around the placing of the more familiar obstacles. The course tonight began with the Archer Steps then it will be the Cannonball Drop, the Razor’s Edge, the Ring Turn, the Slippery Summit, the Warped Walls, the Salmon Ladder, the Crazy Clocks, the Stair Hopper, and it concluded with the Spider Trap where the buzzer would be waiting for the happy contestants. But the first person to run the obstacle course was Michael Johnson. He was a rookie and it had made it as far as the Slippery Summit when he took a bad fall. And so it was his timing alone that got him to the City Finals.

Michael hadn’t wanted a repeat of that and he came out swinging. He had started out strong with quick timing and he had made it past the same obstacle that took him out last time however, while he truly tried to finish the course, he ended up taking another fall. This time it was on the newest obstacle the Crazy Clocks and it will be up to his timing to see if he’ll make it to Nationals. Now, the next ninja was a little more familiar with the obstacle course. Drew Hendry was a veteran of the show and he came back this season with new drive because he and his wife had their miracle baby. His daughter’s name violet and she was born just one day after Drew completed the course last year. So being father this time around had given him a sense of a purpose and he wanted to be able to complete the City Finals this time.

Drew had only been running the course for the last three years and he’s gotten better with each year, so everyone was hoping he would be able to complete the run tonight. He started out strong and he made it to his first Warped Wall. It was what came after that hurt him. Drew began losing his upper body strength on the Slippery Summit and it was clear he was tired out on the Salmon Ladder. Thereby making the fact he made it to the Crazy Clocks impressive. He hadn’t been tired out he could have made it and so now he too will having to see if his timing was enough to send him to the Nationals. The next ninja that had their run was Jessica Clayton. She has been such an inspiration and she wanted to show her kids that they could so whatever they sent their minds to though she had had a disastrous run.

Jessica started out strong. She hadn’t had a problem until she came across the Cannonball Drop and the problem had simply been timing. Jessica had held on too long and that swung her back from the platform where she was supposed to jump off, so she ended up missing the platform and fell on the second obstacle. While Jessica’s run had been disappointing, hopes had been high for RJ Roman. He was a rookie that was already making a name for himself as the Rock N Roll Ninja because he was a musician in his everyday life. RJ had turned towards music because growing up his family struggled with his father not being in the picture and his mother facing several issues of her own. And so he went after the course tonight the same way he went after music – he began with a beat and it turns out “Shred that Course” had a good ring to it.

RJ had the crowd chanting his mantra as he made his run. He started out strong and he made it back to the Slippery Summit. It was the same obstacle that took out twenty of thirty-one contestants during the City Qualifiers and RJ had been one of them, but luckily he managed to make it past that particular obstacle tonight and he made it as far as the Crazy Clocks when he lost his grip. He too has to wait to see if his timing will be enough to get him to the Nationals. The next ninja was a veteran. Eddy Stewart was a fan favorite because he had really large pecks and had even taught them a routine. It was Left – Right – Double – Double. Thankfully, he has a very understanding wife and she was cheering him on with their two children on the sidelines as he made his run. He started out strong and then the worst happened on the Cannonball Drop.

Eddy got spun around on the Cannonball Drop and it left him with his back was towards the platform. He tried correcting himself and instead he had fallen on the sidelines near the course which was instant disqualifier. To makes matters worst, Devin Harrelson will also fall because of the Cannonball Drop. The man known for his happy-go-lucky personality came back a little serious this year when a friend of his passed away and so he had wanted to dedicate his run to his late friend. Instead he started out strong with the first obstacle and fell on the second. It was as disappointing to him as it was to everyone else. It seems like if it wasn’t the Crazy Clocks then it was the Cannonball Drop taking out veterans. And so things were looking pretty bleak until Ryan Stratis had his run.

Ryan Stratis has a running bet with his friend and fellow ninja Brett Sims in which whoever doesn’t make it to the buzzer would have to shave off their beard, so for a man known as “the bearded ninja” he knew he couldn’t lose the bet. Ryan had started out strong like the others and he had made it to the Crazy Clocks where he became the first man to make it past the obstacle. The only obstacle that did cause him some trouble had been the Stair Hopper. He was luckily able to past that as well and so he went to become the first finisher of the night. Which couldn’t have pleased a certain someone in the audience more. Brent Sims’s wife Grace, it seems, couldn’t wait for him to get a shave after tonight and so the cameras picked up on her light teasing of the beard.

Brett’s run shall be later on tonight, but first it was Neil “Crazy” Craver’s turn. He was known for being crazy because he was willing to practice with almost anything which included fire and so his run made for an interesting one. He had made it past the first couple of obstacles without a problem and didn’t begin to struggle until he came to the Slipper Summit. He almost fell on the obstacle and it was by sheer luck he hadn’t. The obstacle had sapped some of his strength and so he hadn’t enough to complete the Crazy Clocks. He had made it to the middle of that obstacle when his hands had given up and he fell. That means he was one of those that had to wait till the end to see if they would make it to the Nationals.

The next ninja had an easier time. Kenny Niemitalo became famous as the man that advocated for kidneys for children. When he people heard that his own daughter had needed a kidney transplant, they came forward and saved baby Hazel’s life. So since then Kenny has always worn a shirt detailing someone else’s story in the hope that they too might find a kidney by using American Ninja Warrior. He’s been highlighting two teenagers this season meaning everytime the camera was pointed at him he showed off who was on his shirt and so that helped him stay on in the competition this year. He was a veteran that hadn’t made it to the Nationals since Season 6 and so tonight’s run was impressive. He was strong from start to finish and became the second person to complete the course.

Afterwards, the next ninja was Rachel Goldstein. She was known for never having made it past the fifth obstacle and she surprised everyone by making it up her first Warped Wall tonight. She made it up the wall on her third try and was the first woman to make it to the back of the course. Rachel then went on to make it up the Salmon Ladder and it looked to finally be her year when it abruptly all came to an end on the Crazy Clocks. Despite that, she was still the third person certain to make it to the Nationals because of her timing as well as how far she made it through the course. And who knows maybe then she’ll give Drew a run for his money because they too have a bet going on.

The next ninja to make their run was Bootie Cothran. He was older this time around and had never made it to the back end of the obstacle course before, but this year turned out to be his year. He sailed through the first half of the obstacle course and had made it as far the Crazy Clocks when he began running out of strength. Bootie just hadn’t been able to twist the faces on the clock all the way around and struggling on that was how he eventually fell. Still, his timing had been good enough to ensure he’ll make it to the Nationals and so it was onto the next ninja. The next ninja to make their run was the famous Drew Dreschsel. He was known as the ninja to beat and everyone believed it was his year to take home the million dollar prize at Nationals. And so no one was worried about his run tonight.

Drew flew through the first obstacles with the best speed out of everyone and it made through the first six within two minutes. He then went on to back half and everything was going so well. Drew looked like he was going to complete the obstacle course with the fastest time which was what he wanted and so it came as shock to all when he fell on the Stair Hopper. It had been a new obstacle and Drew hadn’t known how to navigate it, so he fell when no one thought it possible. Things happen of course because of timing or what have you and it turns out what tripped up Drew had been how complex the obstacle really was. No one could have known that until there were on it and so it’s a good thing he was still going to Nationals. He’ll probably want a second round with that obstacle.

And the final ninja to have their run was Jessie Graff. She had completed the obstacle course during the Qualifiers and had wanted to be the first one to finish the course tonight. However, it just wasn’t meant to be. She had no problem with the first half of the course and the second half wasn’t really giving her that much of a challenge until she too fell on the Stair Hopper. Jessie said she became too confident and applied too much pressure when she shouldn’t have. And so she too is going to want another go at the obstacle.

Whether the incredible difficult Stair Hopper is included at Nationals or next year’s City Final, quite a few people seemingly want to take it on.