Big Brother Recap 7/11/18: Season 20 Episode 7 “PoV and Ceremony”

Big Brother Recap 7/11/18: Season 20 Episode 7 "PoV and Ceremony"

Tonight on CBS Big Brother airs with an all-new Wednesday, July 11, 2018, episode and we have your Big Brother recap below! On tonights Big Brother season 20 episode 7 as per the CBS synopsis, “Houseguests compete to win the Power of Veto. During the Veto meeting, the winner of the competition can keep nominations the same, or save someone from eviction for the week. Hosted by Julie Chen.”

So make sure to visit Celeb Dirty Laundry for our Celebrity Big Brother US recap between 8 PM and 9 PM ET.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our CBBUS recaps, videos, news, spoilers & more, right here!

Tonight’s Celebrity Big Brother  episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Tyler is trying to keep his game plan secret, while Winston is worried and knows that he has to get the veto and get himself off the block. Meanwhile, Faysal is happy about the nominations and looks forward to having Winston go home. Sawggy C is happy about the nominations and thinks he is safe, little does he know Tyler’s plan to get him evicted.

Time for the Veto competition, only six people will participate; the HoH, two nominees and three other players selected by random draw. Kaitlyn choose Faysal. Scottie chooses Rachel. Winston chooses Tyler.

Kaitlyn is alone with Faysal and she tells him that she doesn’t want him to win, but Faysal is not going to through it.

All of a sudden former BB players, Jessica and Cody walk into the house. Jessica tells everyone that the two fell in love las year in the BB house and now BB has created its own dating app called

The Veto competition has the players matching former BB houseguests with their preferred date from their dating app profile. The idea of this competition to make all the correct matches as fast as possible.

Tyler wins with a time of 5:29 and Winston came in last with a time of 20:00.

Swaggy is thrilled that Tyler won and believes he is safe. Meanwhile, just as Tyler believes the stars are aligned, Kaitlyn is getting nervous about defying her alliance and backdooring Swaggy C.

Kaitlyn speaks to Faysal, tells him that she would put up Angela, lying to him and she is really upset that she is lying to him.

There is someone at the door, it is a guy shouting and he is looking for Rachel who got the crap app, YELL. The guy is rude, yelling and he goes to Rachel day and night.

Kaitlyn decides to tell Haleigh about the back door plan in the hopes of softening some of the reactions she may get from going against her alliance. Haleigh tells Kaitlyn that she is worried that she is getting too close to Tyler.

Haleigh tells Rockstar what Kaitlyn is going to do. Rockstar then goes to Faysal and tells him that Tyler makes her uncomfortable. Faysal tells Rockstar that Kaitlyn is going to backdoor Angela.

Time for the Veto competition. Tyler has the power to Veto one of the nominations and he has decided to use it, he takes Scottie off the block. Kaitlyn now has to name a replacement nominee, she is crying and says sorry, then she nominates Swaggy C, who is in complete shock. Meanwhile Faysal is shocked and confused, Kaitlyn is supposed to be his best friend in the house. Bayleigh is panicking, Swaggy C was the only friend she has in the house.