Big Brother Recap 8/5/18: Season 20 Episode 18 “Nominations”

Tonight on CBS Big Brother airs with an all-new Sunday, August 5, 2018, episode and we have your Big Brother recap below! On tonights Big Brother season 20 episode 18 “Nominations,” as per the CBS synopsis, “The new Head of Households takes power and nominates two Houseguests for eviction. Hosted by Julie Chen.”

So make sure to visit Celeb Dirty Laundry for our Big Brother US recap between 9 PM and 10 PM ET.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our BB20 recaps, videos, news, spoilers & more, right here!

Tonight’s Big Brother episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Angela is the new HoH. Brett is thrilled because he hasn’t gone anywhere. Meanwhile, Angela is thrilled because she has a new alliance with Brett. Bayleigh is not happy but Tyler put his plan in motion, to make Bayleigh think that Rachel was trying to turn them against each other. Bayleigh confronts Brett and tells him off for what she thinks was throwing her under the bus by revealing her power app to everyone.

Rockstar is going all around the house crying and JC is trying to through her under the bus with Faysal and suggests that she flipped her vote. Bayleigh meets with Rockstar to find out if she flipped, she says no but Bayleigh doesn’t trust her.

Tyler is with Kaycee and they start celebrating, then JC joins them. Tyler is thrilled that they pulled it off and everyone else is running around like chickens with their heads cut off trying to figure out who flipped their vote. The trick is, putting on the right face so nobody figures it out.

Houseguests gather in the living room to find out about the next big twist of the summer, H@CKER//…COMP. For the next two after the nominations a new competition will be played, everyone will compete and only one will win and become the BB Hacker. This houseguest will secretly hack the game all week long. They will be able to hack the nominations after the nomination ceremony by removing one nominee from the chopping block and replacing them with the houseguest of their choice. The BB hacker will secretly choose one houseguest to play in the veto competition and finally, the BB hacker will secretly eliminate one houseguest from casting a vote on eviction night.

There is only one way to secure the power, win the BB hacker competition.  The houseguests are shocked. Scottie thinks this is a game changer.  Haleigh would love to win the hacker comp because she could get some power.  Angela feels her HoH control just plummeted.

Rockstar thinks the game is so unpredictable she wants to win the hacker comp to get some power. Brett thinks this could really be a tough week for him.

House Meeting – Samantha has a plan to keep the peace.  Samantha suggests that then houseguests make sure she wins the hacker competition.  She agrees if she wins it she won’t use it.  Rockstar thinks Samantha just wants control.

Angela thinks Samantha is trying to run the house even though she is not HoH.  Rockstar says she trusts very few people in the house and does not think Samantha’s idea is a good one.

Angela says she is just going to put two people on the block who should go and the dice will roll.  Angela thinks Bayleigh is smarter than they think.

Bayleigh is glad that Angela won because she says she does not have to worry as much as she would have.  Bayleigh does not realize that she is Angela’s number one target this week.  Bayleigh tells Angela it is selfish but she is happy Rachel is gone.

Time for the Nominations – Angela nominates Scottie and Rockstar.  Angela says it is a strange week to be HoH to have any strategy.  She wished both the best of luck.  Angela is so glad that Bayleigh did not use her power app.

Scottie is not surprised that he is on the block but does not think nominations will stay the same because of Veto and the hacker comp.  Rockstar is not surprised either and feels Angela is working with Brett.  Rockstar says she is, “Getting her ass kick in this stupid game!”

Hacker Comp – The houseguests go to their computers – <hacker> //competition starts.  First ever BB hacker competition starts the winner will earn the right to secretly hack the BB game all week.

Here is the mission – At each round, a scramble BB word will appear on the computer screens.  They must attempt to unscramble the words.  The first three players to unscramble a word will get a point.  The player with the most points at the end will win the hacker power.

The competition is over and Haleigh wins and she wants to make sure that everyone in the house does not find out that she has won the hacker comp.  The houseguests are trying to figure out who won with no luck.

BB Hacker

The houseguests are called to the living room. The BB hacker has decided to hack the nominations and remove Scottie from the chopping block. The new nominee is Tyler.  The BB hacker’s work is done…. for now……

Everyone is shocked!

Haleigh (BB Hacker) thinks that Tyler plays the middle and both sides.

Angela says she is going to win the Veto and take Tyler down and put Bayleigh up.


Dorothy Gale:
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