Blindspot Recap 4/27/18: Season 3 Episode 19 “Galaxy of Minds”

Tonight on NBC Blindspot airs with an all-new Friday, April 27, 2018, episode and we have your Blindspot recap below.  On tonight’s Blindspot season 3 episode 19, “Galaxy of Minds,” as per the NBC synopsis, “The team must partner with an oddball conspiracy theorist in order to stop a deadly weapon from getting into Crawford’s hands. Meanwhile, Roman struggles maintain his personal life with Blake while completing a series of secret missions.”

Blindspot the season 3 episode 19 airs at 8 PM – 9 PM ET on NBC. Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back for our Blindspot recap! While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Blindspot recaps, news, spoilers & more!

Tonight’s Blindspot Recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Apparently, one of the new tattoos became relevant all on its own on tonight’s all-new episode of “Blindspot”.

Roman had been responsible for the new tattoos. Back when he was coming up with them, he had wanted the FBI to take down Hank Crawford and so he had been through in the breadcrumbs he left behind. Roman had given each new tattoo a link to Crawford and unfortunately one of them became relevant even as Roman had had a change of his heart. He no longer wanted to work with them and the information he had given the team had practically ensured that they didn’t need him to lead the way. They were able to figure out the new tattoo all on their own once they realized the beetle tattoo on Jane was linked to this new book called “Golden Rhino”.

The book’s summary indicated that it was about the military’s greatest secrets and that they were so explosive that men in power were willing to kill for it though the team wasn’t so sure about that. They had all taken a look at the summary and had assumed the book was written by a conspiracy theorist. They also looked into the author and learned Dacshelle Wakins was once a professor that soon became a hermit after getting passed up for tenure, so the team had no idea what to make of his story and decided it best to bring him in. Dash had come across as the man they all feared he was and by that he was a jittery conspiracy theorist.

Only Dash did have a few things to say that seemed real. He told them that the military had commissioned a weapon that so powerful that the man that created it had gone on to kill General Joseph Baxter. Baxter had hired Varnew which was a military weapons contractor and the man that went rogue was Michael Ganzman. Ganzman worked at Varnew and had built that weapon that he later claimed he would need more time to develop. And that hadn’t played well with the General. The General had already invested a quarter of a billion dollars from his budget on the weapon and he had threatened to pull the plug when he wasn’t getting results.

It was moments after the General made that threat that his plane went down and everyone onboard was killed. Dash said that Ganzman had already developed the weapon by then and had used it on the general because he had wanted to sell the weapon to someone else. Someone powerful and rich enough that they wanted their hands on such a weapon to use however way they wished and hadn’t wanted the military stopping them. The team, upon hearing that, had realized that someone was Crawford and so they wanted to know what the weapon was. Dash had claimed that the weapon was a mind control device and the team had gone back to believing he was crazy until he said he had proof.

Dash had the black box from Baxter’s plane and in it, there was a sound he called warbles. Patterson had laughed at that because she thought he was crazier than others and so she had Dash gave her everything. He played the audio from the black blow that indicated everything had been fine until a weapon attacked the plane and everyone onboard stopped functioning. Dash said that’s why he believed it was mind control and that a list of suspects on whoever used the weapon that day. He believed Ganz ordered it yet he hadn’t been the one to use it and so he had a list of people that Patterson had to filter through.

Patterson eventually found one man on the list to be viable as a suspect. The man was Surjik Fells and he had been in the military until he had gotten thrown out on a drug charge but Fells joined Varnew after he left the army and so that’s how he must have met Ganzman. The team then tried to bring in Fells who had once gone to prison because of drugs and he ended up getting kidnapped on the ride to their headquarters by Roman. Roman was cleaning up all the loose ends and the team knew they had to Ganzman before he did, so they looked into Ganzman. Ganzman had a family cabin that he used to go to on holidays and so the team sent a chopper there.

Then on the way to the cabin, the chopper had gotten hit and Patterson had heard the warbles just like Dash said. Except she knew that it wasn’t a mind control weapon when everyone in the chopper complained of headaches before they all died. Patterson realized from what she heard that the weapon was actually a sonic weapon. It was so powerful that it could attack from a greater distance and it was so powerful that it killed people from the inside. Patterson said that in a way Dash had been right about everything and so they tried to use what he had to find Ganzman. Ganzman, as it turns out, was still being paid by Varnew despite Varnew claiming that they fired him.

Therefore, the woman in charge had been lying. Ms. Moon was brought in and with the littlest pressure, she managed to give up Ganzman. He was at the warehouse where they first built the weapon and so the team tried to get to him in time though they had been too late to save him. He had used the weapon on them and had tried to make a run for it when they destroyed his toy. So he was running away when he came across Roman and Roman killed him. He had been the last thread that could link the weapon to Crawford and that thread died with Ganzman. And as Roman was fleeing from the scene, he saw his sister and once again she hadn’t been able to kill him.

That’s when Roman remembered he did love his sister and so he had tried to convince Blake to run away with him where no one could find him, only she didn’t want to leave her friends or family behind and so she convinced Roman that no matter what he was running from that it was important he stay to fight.

So that’s when Roman flooded the database ensuring no new tattoo could ever register with the team.


Kristine Francis:
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