Chicago Fire Recap 1/25/18: Season 6 Episode 10 “Slamigan”

Chicago Fire Recap 1/25/18: Season 6 Episode 10 "Slamigan"Chicago Fire Recap 1/25/18: Season 6 Episode 10 "Slamigan"

Tonight on NBC Chicago Fire returns with an all new Thursday, January 25, 2018, season 6 episode 10 called, “Slamigan” and we have your Chicago Fire weekly recap below. On tonight’s Chicago Fire episode as per the NBC synopsis, “Dawson and Casey do everything they can to locate Bria’s whereabouts after discovering important new information. Lt. Severide reunites with Chief Grissom, an old family friend. Meanwhile, Cruz enlists the help of Brett and Mouch to create a new tool; and Kidd and Zach go on a date.”

Tonight’s Chicago Fire season 6 episode 10 looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it.   While you’re waiting for our recap make sure to check out all our Chicago Fire recaps, news, spoilers & more, right here!

Tonight’s Chicago Fire recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Chicago Fire begins tonight with Gabi Dawson (Monica Raymund) and her husband, Matt Casey (Jesse Spencer) ringing the bell at the desk. A man asks for her identification but hesitates when she says she is a friend and not next of kin; but he lets her in, revealing she was found in an alley DOA. Gabi is relieved to learn it is not Bria (Quinn Cooke), she has track marks on her arms and Matt wonders why she has Gabi’s card, so when they look at her possessions, Gabi realizes this is all of Bria’s stuff and purse.

Gabi goes to see her brother, CPD Detective Antonio Dawson (Jon Seda), who runs the prints on the Jane Doe. He is able to find her boyfriend’s address, but pretends not to see her taking the address; before she leaves he asks how Sylvie Brett (Kara Killmer) is doing.

At Firehouse 51, Sylvie is learning all about Stella Kidd’s (Miranda Rae Mayo) new love interest, Zach (Daniel di Tomasso). She admits she is cautiously optimistic, as he is a gentleman; Lt. Kelly Severide (Taylor Kinney) overhears and wonders since when she opted for the gentleman type? She says she is improving her standards.

Matt talks to Severide, saying it was a long night. He doesn’t seem to happy when Kelly admits that Gabi wasn’t the only one who got close to Bria, but both are glad it wasn’t Bria in the morgue.

In the dining area, Randall “Mouch” McHolland (Christian Stolte), Brian “Otis” Zvonecek (Yuri Sardarov) and Christopher Herrmann (David Eigenberg) all chastise Joe Cruz (Joe Minoso), saying he knows how Connie DuShon Monique Brown) feels about fire tools inside the house, but is trying to invent a new tool. They all doubt he can invent this tool called a “slamigan.” Herrmann says they are all going to be rich as Sylvie watches them, then she gives them a suggestion since she grew up on a farm.

Gabi takes Sylvie with her to the boyfriend’s house and informs Aaron (Sebastian Chacon) that Carly has passed away. He says he doesn’t know a girl named Bria and if it was from last week he would have no idea because they had a big fight and he has no idea where she went; although the only place Carly would have gone to is a place called “Safe Harbor,” a shelter where they just take in teens. He begins to cry as they leave, admitting he just watched her leave and didn’t even try to stop her. Gabi encourages him to reach out to friends and family as he shouldn’t be alone right now.

Ambulance 61 arrives at a call for Mrs. Capizzi (Bryce Gangel), and the button is jammed with her hand inside the garborator. They are able to free her hand, and she only had some minor lacerations on her hand but she is upset that her engagement ring is damaged from them twisting her hand to get it out. As they are taking her to get some stitches, she is whining about how unfair life is; Gabi stops her and tells her about a shelter that is less than half a mile from there that is filled with kids that have nowhere to go, kids that can be on the streets or in a morgue or God knows where; not THAT’s unfair. Brett tells Gabi to drive and she will stay in the back with Mrs. Capizzi.

Chief Grissom (Gary Cole) comes to Firehouse 51, telling Chief Wallace Boden (Eamonn Walker) that he had his protege long enough and he is there to reclaim him; but then reveals he is there for a benefit dinner he is hosting on Friday. Once they are alone, he asks Lt. Kelly Severide when he is seriously coming back to 36, they agree to grab some drinks together after shift.

Gabi goes to Safe Harbor looking for Bria, but she is told they don’t give out information on residents. Gabi apologizes, saying she knows what they do is important but she is worried about Bria Jamison and if she sees her to let her know what Gabi is worried about her. Again, Gabi is told residents come and go and to not hold her breath.

Brett welded the slamigan together for Cruz, but when he tries to use it there was too much give in the hinge and hurt himself. Everyone seems so invested in the new tool but no one is willing to put any work into it. Brett points outside the door, as Gabi turns around, Bria approaches the Firehouse. Bria tells her that she can’t tell anyone she saw her because they will send her away. Gabi hugs her and Bria wrap her around her too.

Bria sits in the bunker room talking to Severide as Gabi suggests to Matt that she is an approved foster parent and left a message with Tina, the social worker to see if she can be Bria’s guardian until her dad gets out of rehab. She knows Tina might not get back to her for a few days but really wants to have Bria staying with them tonight and although it’s not legit, Matt agrees. Bria is shocked that Severide and Gabi were looking for her, he sits down and reveals how life as a kid wasn’t great for him either. He says life with her father is different because more than anything, he wants to do right by her.

Mouch and Herrmann are about to leave for work when Cruz is ready to try again with the “slamigan” but the wood shaft of the sledge hammer snaps when he does it. They mock him, saying that is too bad since the name is so great. Cruz beats himself up, feeling this is dumb but Sylvie says she doesn’t have to go anywhere and tells him to have a little faith in himself.

In the office part of the firehouse, Connie complains to Boden about Cruz’ shenanigans but he tells her to let it play out. He leans into Severide and asks him what Joe Cruz is up to, but Kelly says he is staying out of it. Chief Boden talks to Kelly about Chief Grissom’s visit and how he talks to him a few times a year asking about him. Severide proudly talks about Grissom and how he admires him and became a firefighter because of him.

Bria looks around the room, saying it is super nice but is worried about DCFS letting her stay there until her dad comes back from rehab. Matt watches with a smile as Gabi and Bria talk about challenging each other to another Crazy-8s competition.

Zach and Stella are at a fancy restaurant, and she feels she needs to ask a few questions before she commits to this date. She asks if he is married, takes drugs or any mental illness. All of which he says no. He tells her she fights fire for a living and she needs to man up and commit to this date so he can order; she agrees.

Kelly and Chief Grissom meet for beers and he learns that as Grissom hurdles towards retirement, he is looking at firefighters who are coming up under him. He defends Casey becoming Captain and he confronts that Kelly should be further along that he is now. Grissom stops talking and says he needs to pay the deposit for the ball on Friday. He comes home, wanting to ask Stella out but finds her at home with Zach. He is clearly disappointed, grabs something else and leaves again.

Matt and Gabi meet with Tina, who informs them they need to reapply as foster parenting in this particular case and since Bria is a problematic case, her bosses will want her in a state-run facility with constant supervision. Matt stands up to them, saying the only place Bria will be safe is with them because she is where she wants to be; Gabi is pleasantly surprised that Matt is so supportive.

Sylvie continues to weld the slamigan and Herrmann suggests any firefighter who comes into Molly’s will get a free shot glass that says “Slamigan” on it. Cruz tries to do it, and is able to open the door when he celebrates, Herrmann is about to say something but Brett tells him to let Joe enjoy his moment. Joe kisses Sylvie on the neck, and it seems Otis is the only one who notices.

Gabi is reviewing how much homework Bria has, and how much schoolwork she has been missing but Matt comes over, saying Tina called. Gabi checks the voicemail and they learn that they have been approved to be her guardians. A call comes in and Bria hugs Kelly for everything he had done to help this happen.

When they arrive on the scene, they learn some sort of chemical is burning on the loading dock and the trucks are refusing to go inside until Haz-Mat gets there. Severide tells everyone to mask up, he wants to get the door open, so Haz-Mat can get inside when they get there. Unfortunately, they have to stay clear of the windows as things start to explode. Zach and his team arrive, he says there are 55 gallons of industrial cleaner, he has done inspections and if the fire gets beyond the loading dock it will hit the mother load of 50,000 gallons; which will level the whole block.

Capp (Randy Flagler) uses the electric saw with Severide as Zach tells Cruz if they cannot contain this, they have to evacuate a 10-block area. They are able to lift the garage door and Severide shouts for them to get a line in there quick. They clear it for Haz-Mat but the fire is inside, he calls for Cruz, who brings in his “Slamigan” and when he yanks the door open and Kelly says “Cool!” a firefighter from another house asks him about the weight and likes it too. When the fire is out, Severide tells Zach that he and his crew can now “mop it up!”

Cruz drops the Slamigan on the table back at Firehouse 51 and tells them it has been tried at a fire and it works. Both Herrmann and Mouch keep saying “we” and Cruz interrupts them, they take off arguing it out as Otis confronts Cruz about his little secret. Otis stands up, saying she lives with us and works with us and he cannot be in love with Brett. Cruz says she doesn’t feel the same way about him, but they are interrupted when she asks him if they are going to the fundraiser together and she will be ready by 6.

Matt tells Kelly that he and Gabi can’t make the fundraiser dinner, but Severide tells him not to worry about it. They want to make it happen that Bria can visit her dad, Severide said he will talk to Cruz who knows a nurse at the facility and Matt promises to buy him a box of Cubans if he makes it happen, but Severide says only if they smoke them together.

Stella is all dressed up but shocked to see that Severide is going to the fundraiser. He is surprised she is going on another date with Zach; he tries to tell her to come with the fundraiser as it is for a good cause and she should care about firefighters.

At the charity dinner, Sylvie arrives with Cruz and Otis is not happy and Stella comes in the door with Severide already asking him to get her a drink, wondering why it’s taking him so long to get her one. He laughs. Right away, Chief Grissom takes him away and she leaves to get them drinks. Grissom wants to introduce him to some people but Kelly wants to grab some drinks and hang with some of his guys; but Grissom says if he can make things happen for him, he is going to.

Matt and Gabi bring Bria to the rehab facility, they are given ½ an hour for her to see him. She is extremely nervous but she tells him he looks so good and he calls her “my angel girl.” Gabi tells Matt he didn’t need to step up with Tina the way he did and she is sorry how consumed she got with this. He just needed her to know, that when the whole thing with Louie went down she pulled away from him so when this happened with Bria he saw her going down the same road. Gabi apologizes, he tells her not to because no matter when she goes, he is right there with her. She kisses him and confesses that she knows.


Cristie Geroux:
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