Criminal Minds Recap 4/11/18: Season 13 Episode 20 “All You Can Eat”

Tonight on CBS their hit drama Criminal Minds returns with an all-new Wednesday, April 11, 2018, episode, called “All You Can Eat,” and we have your weekly Criminal Minds recap below. On tonight’s Criminal Minds episode season 13 episode 19 as per the CBS synopsis, “The Centers for Disease Control calls on the BAU when they suspect bioterrorism is behind a series of mysterious deaths in Virginia. Also, Garcia visits her stepbrother, Carlos, to take care of a difficult family issue.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back for our Criminal Minds recap between 9 PM – 10 PM ET! While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Criminal Minds spoilers, news, videos, recaps & more, right here!

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Garcia was heading to San Francisco on tonight’s all-new episode of “Criminal Minds” because of a family obligation.

Garcia’s mother and stepfather were in killed in a car accident when she was young and the man responsible had gone away for vehicular homicide, but he was up for parole and Garcia had wanted to be there. She wasn’t going to issue a victim’s impact statement because one of her stepbrothers were going to be doing it and so she was just going out there for support. Garcia had wanted to support the family as they deal with this situation again and the team had understood. They had even told her to take all the time she needed and Garcia had been the one that said she could multi-task.

Garcia told them that she wanted to help and so she asked them to reach out if they needed any assistance in their latest case what with this latest one being quite serious. The CDC had reached out to the BAU for their help in finding out what happened to Clayton Osborne and Serena Logan. The two both died from abnormal bleeding. They each bled out until they died and no one knew why. The victims could have died from various diseases that could have caused such a thing yet they were both low risk meaning neither of them had left the country or would have been in a position to become sick by being near someone infected. So there was another possibility.

The two could have died because of bioweapon. They could have been drugged or infected by someone that intentionally set out to hurt them and so the BAU had to look into the why. They considered that the victims could have been having an affair because they had found a connection between the victims. Serena did work at a bank that Clayton used with his wife and that meant they could meet through that before embarking on a relationship however that relationship could have made Serena’s ex-husband jealous and he did have a temper. The team had checked out the ex-husband and they eventually wrote him off as a suspect for he wasn’t the type.

They also had to write off a virus because they later learned that both victims had been tested and had come up negative for everything that could have their deaths naturally, but what was found was rat poison. There were traces of rat poison in both of the victims’ stomachs. Large amounts of rat poison could have caused such bleeding and it was a horrible way to die as well. It was both painful and cruel which indicated that someone could have chosen these victims at random just for the enjoyment of watching them die. The team had realized right off that Unsub was killing because he or she thought it was a game.

The victims didn’t matter because they could have been anyone. They could even have been stand-ins for what really had upset the Unsub and the Unsub used that as a justification for how they liked inflicting pain on others. Now that pain could have been in the way someone died or in the panic that it spread and so this Unsub could also get off on the media coverage. The media had swooped in when it learned people were being randomly poisoned and that coverage would die down if nothing else were to happen. So the team knew the Unsub would strike again just to keep the cameras around though they questioned whether the Unsub might want to up the stakes by killing more than one victim at a time.

The team was hoping they could find a lead before the next attack and that just wasn’t possible because all they had to go with was rat poison. Far too many people researched rat poison and so the team hadn’t been able to prevent the next attack. The Unsub had gone to a business conference where he had put rat poison in the food and took several more lives in that one setting, so the team did their best to put together everything and they didn’t want to bother Garcia. Garcia hadn’t told anyone that her parents were out that late at night because they had gone out looking for her. She had broken curfew and they had gotten worried. And so when she came home to see the note they had left for her, she had assumed she was in trouble until that night they never came home.

Garcia had wanted someone to blame after that. She had felt so guilty that she had been fine with just blaming the drunk driver that was the same age as her and who had made one fatal mistake when he got behind the wheel drunk. But Garcia later realized that she couldn’t hold that mistake over one man’s life when she made mistakes as well and so she chose to issue a victim’s impact letter her way. She forgave Jesse what he did and that had upset her stepbrother who had been thirteen when their parents died. She had tried to get him to see that their parents would have forgiven Jesse and that she had played just as big a role except Carlos Garcia hadn’t wanted to hear it. He also hadn’t wanted to look at his sister.

Only Garcia stayed in town to visit her parents’ graves and so the team carried on the investigation without her. They realized the Unsub was targeting business because their business had failed. The Unsub was targeting people that he considered was more successful than him and so he probably felt his own business failed because one of theirs succeeded, however, they believed the Unsub must have had a restaurant. That would explain the need to poison people and so the team did their own search into failed restaurants. They later found a restaurant called Henshaw’s. Henshaw’s was a mom and pop place until one day they got a bad review from Clayton that went viral and led to the bank foreclosing on them.

They lost the restaurant then the parents that ran the place died within a year of each other and that made Mark Henshaw snap. He blamed everyone for why his parents’ business failed and was going to poison the restaurant that took over from them, but the team was able to stop him.

As it turns out he had added poison in the soup and his plan was to kill everyone he believed was disloyal to his parents’ place!


Kristine Francis:
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