Criminal Minds Recap 4/4/18: Season 13 Episode 19 “Ex Parte”

Criminal Minds Recap 4/4/18: Season 13 Episode 19 "Ex Parte"Criminal Minds Recap 4/4/18: Season 13 Episode 19 "Ex Parte"

Tonight on CBS their hit drama Criminal Minds returns with an all-new Wednesday, April 4, 2018, episode, called “Ex Parte,” and we have your weekly Criminal Minds recap below. On tonight’s Criminal Minds episode season 13 episode 19 as per the CBS synopsis, “The BAU takes charge of a hostage situation at a law firm in D.C., where Matt Simmons’ wife, Kristy, works.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back for our Criminal Minds recap between 9 PM – 10 PM ET! While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Criminal Minds spoilers, news, videos, recaps & more, right here!

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The team dealt with a hostage situation on tonight’s all-new episode of “Criminal Minds” after two unsubs took the place of maintenance workers to gain access to a law firm.

The firm the Unsubs chose wasn’t a prestigious one. It was the American Legal Defense Council and sure they had huge offices in a great neighborhood however they usually took on cases in which they were the ones fighting for the underdogs. Like the ones that couldn’t afford the best attorneys based on their salaries! The people that went there weren’t rich and a third Unsub had even gotten into the building by pretending to be a client. He had approached the receptionist with a bogus story about how he had an appointment that day and that he desperately needed to see someone, so she had taken pity on him. She told him that he could have a seat in the waiting room while she tried to find an attorney that was available and so he sat himself down until his buddies came along.

The other two had been the ones that killed the maintenance workers to get into the building and they had pretended to be checking out the IT room when in fact they were destabilizing all the security protocols. They cut off the feed to the security cameras and had tied c4 to all of the doors to ensure no one could come busting in. Then when they were in a position to move, they did so by shooting off semi-automatic weapons to get everyone attention and had even told their new hostages how lucky they were. It turns out the hostages were going to be part of something bigger than themselves or at least that what the Unsubs claimed. They had some sort of plan that they didn’t want the hostages to get wind of and they didn’t care about the police or the FBI.

They had opportunities to talk the police and begin negotiations yet they spent time working on the computers instead and unfortunately, one of the Unsubs later proved to be unstable. He was the one that faked his way into the office on his own and, while he was clever, he was also prone to violence. He had gone around to everyone at the office and had demanded their cell phones. Most of them had even followed his orders by handing it over and so it was just this one person that made a mistake. He tried to claim he left his cellphone at home because he had been in a rush to leave the house and had forgotten it, and therefore he had tried to outwit the Unsub. The Unsub knew what the hostage was doing and so he tested it. He called the man’s cellphone and had found it hidden.

That’s when the Unsub snapped. He just began wailing on the hostage and had needed a friend of his to pull him off his victim, so the Unsubs weren’t on the same page and one refused to follow the plan. It was the unstable one that had been left in charge of the hostages and he had been told to do nothing that forced the FBI hand. They were working on something in the backroom that needed time to complete and so they thought their representative with the hostages wouldn’t risk that except he couldn’t himself. He told the others he wouldn’t anything and then he did something. He grabbed a hostage and demanded that she talk to him with the hostage negotiator and he had told her that it was only fair because despite what she believed the police were capable of killing white men.

The Unsub then needle the woman about the clients she chose to help and how they were the ones destroying this country though that also sure up the woman’s resolve until she refused to answer the phone for him because she said he didn’t deserve her help. He, in turn, had killed her for not wanting to help him and had later sent her body down in the elevator as a message for the feds. And unfortunately, he didn’t end things there. He later answered the phone to talk to Lewis and dealt with the BAU. The BAU had asked to assist on this case and they sort of had to get involved because Matt Simmons’s wife Kristy worked at ALDC. She had actually started there a week ago and so she had no idea about the group that had taken over.

The others were different. They were beginning to piece together who their kidnappers and the kidnapper himself proved it when he answered the phone. He talked to Lewis and told her that he wanted Leonard Hagland to be released from prison or he was going to start killing hostages. He later followed up that threat by killing another person there because he was desperate to get Hagland out of jail and so the team looked into Hagland. Hagland was once the leader of the Horsemen who were a racially motivated group that believed the police were raging war on “true” Americans and Hagland was in prison because he shot two state troopers in the back when they came to check out his home.

The feds had known that the Horsemen were dangerous and there were once on a watchlist until the group fell apart following Hagland’s arrest. Hagland was the one that kept the group together and he was useless in jail because everyone knew he was never getting out. He had been sentenced to death for what he did and had used up all of his appeals, but the unstable Unsub also known as Josh Martin had wanted Hagland freed for his own purposes. Hagland was his father and had never acknowledged Josh who was illegitimate while he had three daughters with his actual wife. And so the whole hostage situation had been Josh trying to prove himself to his father and what he didn’t get was that Hagland was ashamed of him.

Hagland wanted nothing to do, at least publicly, with his bastard son and he definitely didn’t want anyone finding out he had had a child with a Mexican woman. A woman he had met when he was running guns for the horsemen and who he had snuck into the States. So Kristy Simmons had helped the team. She had put up a camera that allowed the team to see inside of the building and they had used that to identify all the Unsubs. They were all former Horsemen and one of them had even tried to save people. He told his friends that he would kill the maintenance workers and instead he had faked their death. He had wanted everyone to believe those guys were dead because he was hoping someone would find them and set them free.

Therefore, everything the team found they ended up putting to use and they had begun using it when Josh found the camera. He had demanded to know who set it up and Kristy didn’t want to get hurt for what she did, however, she still had her earpiece in and so she followed what the team told her to get the Unsubs to turn on each other. The others hadn’t known Josh wasn’t fully white and that forced Josh to shoot one of them. He would have shot the other as well only that’s when Simmons busted in and began shooting at the Unsubs. He had used what looked like their escape plan to get into the building and then slowly he took them down. Simmons killed the second guy and he managed to arrest Josh.

Josh’s father was later told that the plan failed and that Josh would be following in his footsteps because it was most likely Josh would be given the death penalty, so the team had to accept the fact they had only lost two of their hostages as a win. It wasn’t a win that any of them were going to have an easy time living with and so Simmons started talking to his wife about her seeing someone when she was ready to talk about what happened. He, on the other hand, was used to these situations even if he didn’t like them.


Kristine Francis:
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