Dancing With the Stars Finale Recap 11/19/18: Season 27 Week 9 “Winner Chosen”

Dancing With the Stars Finale Recap 11/19/18: Season 27 Week 9 "Winner Chosen"Dancing With the Stars Finale Recap 11/19/18: Season 27 Week 9 "Winner Chosen"

Tonight on ABC the glitz and the glimmer returns to the ballroom as Dancing With The Stars season 27 week 9 airs! We have your all-new Monday, November 19, 2018, season 27 week 9 “Finale” Dancing With The Stars recap below! On tonight’s DWTS Season 27 week 9 Finale as per the ABC synopsis, “A winner is crowned in the 27th-season finale, which features two rounds of dancing: a repeat performance and a freestyle. Also: a parade opening number; and Dan + Shay, Lauren Daigle, Avril Lavigne, John Schneider, Robin Thicke and Tinashe perform.

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 10 PM ET for our Dancing With The Stars recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to head over and check out all our DWTS recap, spoilers, news & videos, right here!

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Four couples remain and may the best dancer win tonight. Tonight our finalists will face two more rounds of dancing, including the freestyle.

Alexis Ren and Alan Bersten – “Swan Lake” Argentine Tango

Judges Comments: Len: “Congratulations on getting through to the final. You pulled off a pretty terrific dance. It had a lovely feel in the ballet section, plenty of snap, crackle, and pop. A few times I was concerned about your footwork, but well done overall.” Bruno: “I loved the classical patches. You had incredible focus, especially in the hold, the connection works. You have found yourself. There was a stumble in the landing, but beautiful dance.” Carrie Ann: “I love watching you dance, you have opened up your heart and let us in. There were a few moments that I felt your point wasn’t as strong as last time. But it was a beautiful poetic dance.”

Judges Scores: Carrie Ann 9, Len 9, Bruno 9 = 27/30

Bobby Bones and Sharna Burgess – “MC Hammer” Cha Cha

Judges Comments: Bruno: “I do understand why you are here, everything that you do is so totally and honestly you, you are irresistible.” Carrie Ann: “You defy the laws of ballroom and latin dancing. You have proven that without a doubt that hard work and determination pays off. I love you every time you dance, I walk away with a smile.” Len: “You make so much fun out there, it was just great, well done.”

Judges Scores: Carrie Ann 8, Len 8, Bruno 8 = 24/30

Evanna Lynch and Keo Motsepe – Foxtrot – “Haunting Halloween” Tango

Judges Comments: Carrie Ann: “Congratulations Keo, you have done an amazing job. You are the most improved by far, you are not the same person that started on this show, well done.” Len: “Last time I saw this dance I gave you a bit of a challenge, I said to improve your posture and improve your frame. I am happy to say mission accomplished.” Bruno: “I love to see you growing, every week you add more to your performance.”

Judges Scores: Carrie Ann 10, Len 10, Bruno 10 = 30/30

Milo Manheim and Witney Carson – Cha Cha – “New York City” Charleston

Judges Comments: Len: “You’re 17, I’ve got underpants older than you. You come out with so much confidence and so much maturity. I didn’t like your Charleston as much last time because I felt it lacked something. Tonight it was 100% on the money.” Bruno: “Even more exciting and sharper than ever, the musicality and attention to detail was out of this world.” Carrie Ann: “They say that youth is wasted on the young but you are ridiculously amazing. You have the Midas touch.”

Judges Scores: Carrie Ann 10, Len 10, Bruno 10 = 30/30

Freestyle dancers are next.

Alexis Ren and Alan Bersten – dancing to “Head Above Water” by Avril Lavigne

Judges Comments: Len: “I was concerned because that was such a powerful song, but tonight you kept up and it was wonderful, magic, it was really, really good.” Bruno: “You took a big risk with this one. The level of difficulty was strong, you did it all the way through.” Carrie Ann: “I am not going to lie I took a point off because you were struggling but once you hit the floor it was magical. The whole world opened up but you were in so control.”

Judges Scores: Carrie Ann 10, Len 10, Bruno 10 = 30/30

Bobby Bones and Sharna Burgess – dancing to “The Greatest Show”

Judges Comments: Bruno: “Give it to me. That was the perfect freestyle for the free spirit. What an absolutely stunning job.” Carrie Ann: “That was a strategy. This is everyone’s time to shine and you did too Bobby.” Len: “You have not always been the judges champion but 100% you’ve always been the peoples champion. Tonight you are my champion.”

Judges Scores: Carrie Ann 10, Len 10, Bruno 10 = 30/30

Milo Manheim and Witney Carson – dancing to “Ain’t No Sunshine”

Judges Comments: Carrie Ann: “My mind is blown. I don’t think we have ever had a freestyle with that much content. Not only was the content amazing but showing how diverse you are, the opening number you did earlier to this, you have grown from a boy to a man.” Len: “What I love is the mix. Totally different dances were brilliant, I loved it.” Bruno: “Versatility, incredible quality of movement. Your musicality is off the charts. You are a star.”

Judges Scores: Carrie Ann 10, Len 10, Bruno 10 = 30/30
[2018-11-19, 9:56:09 PM] Rosie LeBlanc: Evanna Lynch and Keo Motsepe – dancing to “It’s Oh So Quiet”

Judges Comments: Len: “For me, this was the cherry on the cake. I loved that mix, it showed every part of your dancing.” Bruno: “It was bright, it was colorful, it was quirky. This gave her the potential to shine. You were a leading lady.” Carrie Ann: “You did such a great job. You made it your own and you made it spectacular. Well done guys.”

Judges Scores: Carrie Ann 10, Len 10, Bruno 10 = 30/30

Time for the final results. The champions of Dancing with the Stars are Bobby Bones and Sharna Burgess.

THE END!  See you next season!!

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