Days of Our Lives (DOOL) spoilers tease that Sami (Alison Sweeney) will be on a full-scale hunt for EJ (James Scott) this fall. As soon as she’s able, she’ll be out on the road looking for her true love, with or without Kristen’s (Stacy Haiduk) help. And from the looks of the new Days fall promo video, she’s going to find him!
The promo shows Sami approaching a bandaged man in a wheelchair in some sort of medical facility, quite possibly a private facility operated by Dr. Rolf (William Utay), who’s also shown briefly in the promo. It’s impossible to see the man’s face through the bandages and due to the camera angle, but he calls out to “Samantha” when she tentatively calls him EJ.
Of course, the last time that viewers saw EJ was back in 2014, when he was allegedly killed by his disloyal bodyguard after a confrontation with Clyde Weston (James Read). While his body was in the morgue, Stefano (Joseph Mascolo) instructed Kristen (then portrayed by Eileen Davidson) to inject him with a mystery substance. EJ’s body was then sent to Stefano.
The big promo reveal of Sami finding EJ is exciting for Days fans, but it does beg an important question. Will EJ still be portrayed by James Scott, or will the role of EJ be recast? Some fans have pointed to the facial bandages as a sign that this may be a recast and EJ will be shown to have had some sort of injury and resulting plastic surgery.
But the bandages could be a fake-out. It’s entirely possible that James Scott will wind up being behind them. In fact, it would be a great reveal if the bandages came off and viewers saw James as EJ! But as with most big soap reveals, we’ll likely have to wait until sweeps to find out just who will be portraying EJ for this stint.
What do you think? Will we see the return of James Scott as EJ, or do you think the role will be recast? Stay tuned to DOOL and don’t forget to check CDL often for the latest Days of Our Lives spoilers, updates, and news.