FBI Recap 10/23/18: Season 1 Episode 5 “Doomsday”

FBI Recap 10/23/18: Season 1 Episode 5 "Doomsday"

Tonight on CBS FBI premieres with an all-new Tuesday, October 23, 2018, season 1 episode 5 called, “Doomsday,” and we have your FBI recap below. On tonight’s FBI episode as per the CBS synopsis, “Special Agents Maggie Bell and OA Zidan investigate the death of a safety inspector and its possible connection to a leak at a nuclear power plant.”

Make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our FBI recap. While you wait for our recap check out all our television news, spoilers, recaps & more, right here!

Tonight’s FBI recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

The victim was Cameron Porter. She was an investigator with the Inspector General and she wasn’t even supposed to be at the plant because there were no open investigations into Arrowpoint however she was at the plant when she was murdered and whatever happened there it led to her body becoming radioactive. It wasn’t the radioactive material that killed her because that had been a bullet and so that led to even more questions. Agents Bell and Zidan asked the plant’s operator how the body could have become radioactive. They were told that it might have something to do with the field pool. The field pool was where the uranium is taken to be cooled and someone had tried to sabotage its system on the night Porter was murder.

The federal agents talked to security and there were some lacking protocols in place. There wasn’t much the one guard could tell them but he had liked Porter. He respected the victim enough to tell the agents that he saw her fighting with the plumber Garrett Sebastian the other day and so they talked to the plumber. He said that Porter got in his face because she didn’t think he was doing as much as he could and the fight wasn’t something to kill over. Bell and Zidan just know that for some reason Porter was in the room when sabotaged the uranium room and so they question what she was really doing at the plant. She could either have been the saboteur or she could have walked in on the saboteur and that’s why she was killed.

The FBI had checked out Porter’s personal life. She mostly stayed home and order in through a few months ago she did travel to Cuba. Bell and Zidan also checked out her apartment and they found a photo in which she tried to hide her boyfriend. The boyfriend was Jake Fletcher. He worked at Arrowpoint until several complaints were made against him and that launched an investigation. It had been Porter that looked into him and she found enough evidence to warrant firing Fletcher. After he was fired, he claimed someone with an agenda had been out to get him and that he had been fired because he found a crucial water valve that was at risk of failing. Fletcher even released pages and pages of classified information that as a nuclear engineer was too important to be posted online.

Once the feds moved to arrest Fletcher for what he did, he found a way out of the country and escaped to Cuba. His girlfriend had left the country for the first time in order to visit him and so neither Bell nor Zidan thought Fletcher could be their killer because as far as they knew he was still in Cuba. Only he left Cuba. Fletcher went to Canada where he crossed into the US at some point in Vermont. The agents had no idea how he could have left Cuba without CIA knowing and, so clearly, they made several mistakes. Another thing that stuck out was who had helped Fletcher cross into the country. The agents thought their best bet was Richard Cook. Cook was a friend of Fletcher’s and there was evidence he stopped for gas on his way to Vermont.

Bell and Zidan later talked to Cook. He denied helping his friend and said Fletcher hadn’t been a traitor because he was just trying to do the right thing. Cook believed his friend’s story about being set up and the agents didn’t have the evidence they needed to arrest him just then, but they soon found out that they had been too quick to write off Garrett Sebastian. He sent the text message to Porter on the night she died that lured her to the plant and so the agents went back there to talk to him. They said they knew he lured Porter to her death and they demanded to know why he really fought with the victim. It turns out Sebastian had been the one that made the allegations against Fletcher and so he was asked about Porter. And he said he wanted a deal first.

Sebastian let them know that he hadn’t pulled the trigger though he did know had actually Porter and wanted a deal before he said anything else. The agents were marching him out of the building when he set off the alarms and they were all quarantined because they had signs of radioactive waste on them. Luckily, Bell and Zidan had been fine. The real problem was Sebastian because someone had poisoned with that waste and it only registered when he started to sweat. He later died from being poisoned and everyone thought it was Fletcher. Fletcher could have used Sebastian’s past against him in order to manipulate him and then he was done with him he killed him.

The agents got lucky again when the FBI found Fletcher. He had still been in New York and so they asked him about Porter. They found out Porter and Fletcher got married, so they wanted to know how he conned her. He said he didn’t. Fletcher told them Porter came to Cuba because she found evidence that he had been right all along and that someone set him up. The two got back together after that and they got married. They wanted to start a family right away and Porter learned from her doctor that she would need IVF. So that’s why Fletcher came back. He needed to be in NYC when they began treatment and he was with his wife when she got that text. She wanted to respond to it because she thought that she would finally learn who set him up. And he hadn’t wanted her to go the plant because he didn’t think that would change much of anything for them.

Porter waited until he was asleep and she went to the plant anyways. She must have run into the person that wanted to hide the fact the plant needed to close and so agents asked who knew Fletcher was back. The only other person that knew was Porter’s best friend Valeria Borgia. Borgia was also an investigator and she hid the fact she knew where a wanted criminal was yet they leaned her and they found out she revealed this secret to Inspector Miller. Miller worked at Arrowpoint and had been someone both women had looked up to. Only Miller seems like he was the only one that could frame Fletcher for murder and so they decided to use a ruse. They sent Fletcher back to Arrowpoint with a wire on and they got him to get a confession out of Miller.

Miller had used Sebastian to sabotage the plant while he murdered Porter and then he murders Sebastian because the guy knew too much. He did all of this because Fletcher had been right. There was a valve weakness at the plant that was slowly leaking radioactive waste over time and Miller wanted to cover it up because he wanted to lose his job or how important the job made him feel. That’s why he got rid of Fletcher and began killing people whenever they questioned why Fletcher was let go.

The feds arrested Miller and now he’ll pay for everything including the coverup.

The End!