General Hospital Spoilers: Shocking Split Personality Storyline – Kevin Collins Has DID – Helped Faison Escape?

General Hospital (GH) spoilers suggest favorite Port Charles Psychologist Dr. Kevin Collins will be on the frontlines as the Franco (Roger Howarth) childhood abuse storyline unfolds. As General Hospital viewers know Kevin and Laura Spencer Collins (Genie Francis) are newlyweds and before they could even honeymoon Laura jetted off to care for grandson Spencer (Nicholas Bechtel).

This gave Kevin lots of time to do research on a book he is writing – “The Psychology of a Psychopath: A Murderers Mind Examined.” Franco agreed to be part of the research considering he has had his share of darkness during his brain tumor days. It is a project near and dear to Kevin heart because his identical twin brother, Ryan Chamberlain (Jon Lindstrom), was a psychopath (and also a Doctor) – a serial killer that left a huge impact on his life.

The burning question for General Hospital fans has been, was it really Cesar Faison’s (Anders Hove) brain Dr. Kevin Collins “Doc” (Jon Lindstrom) picked up from the morgue and was that really Kevin who picked it up? Lots of GH buzz on social media suggests it was not Faison’s brain, but yes it was Kevin.

Kevin has had his share of weirdness in his life but for the most part seemed okay, the key word here is “seemed!” Doc was functioning as if things were perfectly fine until he started his book and opened up this peculiar fascination for psychopaths.

Cesar Faison who was also considered a psychopath was in the hospital for several days before he was pronounced dead – which would have given Kevin lots of time to visit the ailing Cesar. Kevin thought he could get inside the mind of this madman, but instead, the madman got inside the mind of Kevin – stirring up the demons lurking within and then manipulating him.

General Hospital fans watched in horror as Kevin showed up at the morgue picking up a brain in a large jar, being told “You’ve got what you came For” as he smiled and left for his office.

All of this brings us to Kevin’s bizarre during an appointment he had with Franco. Kevin had the huge jar with the brain sitting in plain sight as they ate lunch – Kevin chowed down as if it were nothing but Franco, of all people, was disturbed and made uneasy by this Brain in a jar.

Kevin Collins is very professional and would typically have NEVER done such a thing but Kevin’s dead twin brother Ryan would have. Some GH fans believe that Kevin’s twin brother Ryan survived the massive explosion and fire that allegedly resulted in his death. Since Kevin watched his twin burn to death, traumatizing him, General Hospital left no room for doubt that Ryan was dead.

General Hospital buzz is teasing that Dr. Kevin’s traumatic past has left him with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID – multiple personalities) and that the other identity that has been emerging is that of Ryan. This could explain all of Kevin’s out-of-character behavior. Faison recognized and tapped into Kevin’s illness and gained control – using Kevin to make people believe he was really dead, helping the villain escape.

Doc had been through a lot of trauma himself – discovering the abuse his twin brother lived through as a child at the hands of their crazy mother, and then living through it himself. Kevin then witnessed as his evil twin brother dies a fiery death – very hard stuff to cope with whether brother Kevin was evil or not. Perhaps the type and degree of trauma some people bury deep down but which can later emerge as DID.

The DID storyline is one that daytime soaps often use to bring an extra dimension of excitement to a character (Abigail on Days of our Lives, for example). Since GH spoilers reveal that Genie Francis is returning with a hot storyline, giving Kevin a crazy side that will give Laura something serious to deal with. No GH fan can forget that Laura has lots of experience with DID – remember Luke Spencer (Anthony Geary) bringing hell on earth to Port Charles with the Fluke storyline – none of us will ever forget it!

Kevin’s other personality, “Ryan,” could have made a deal with the devil to throw residents of Port Charles off Faison’s scent – leaving the door open for the dastardly villain to return. Maybe Franco and Dr. Collins have more in common than they realized…

What do you think General Hospital fans did Faison escape with the help of Kevin’s other personality?Stay tuned to ABC’S General Hospital as all of the exciting drama unfolds and stick with CDL for all of your GH spoilers, news and updates!

Carrie Cammann:
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