Grey’s Anatomy Recap 10/04/18: Season 15 Episode 3 “Gut Feeling”

Tonight on ABC their hit drama Grey’s Anatomy returns with all-new Wednesday, October 4, 2018, season 15 episode 3 and we have your Grey’s Anatomy recap below. On tonight’s Grey’s Anatomy season 15 episode 3 called “Gut Feeling” as per the ABC synopsis, “Meredith works on a patient who happens to specialize in matchmaking, and a seemingly drunk patient pushes Richard’s buttons and gives him a medical mystery to solve. Meanwhile, Maggie tries to reach Teddy after bearing the burden of her secret becomes overwhelming as she struggles with issues in her own personal life.

We are so excited for another season of Grey’s Anatomy so make sure to bookmark this spot and come back from 8 PM – 9 PM ET for our Grey’s Anatomy recap.  While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our Grey’s Anatomy recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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Grey’s Anatomy begins tonight with Dr. Amelia Shepherd (Caterina Scorsone) and Dr. Owen Hunt (Kevin McKidd) thoroughly enjoying their reunion; wondering why they ever stopped. Suddenly, the alarm sounds and they joke that they’d never thought they’d say “wake the baby and Betty (Peyton Kennedy) has school.” They enjoy a very more moments under the covers before their day officially begins.

Dr. Miranda Bailey (Chandra Wilson) lays in bed, while her husband, Ben Warren (Jason George) gets ready for work. He calls her “Mrs. Fireman” now that she is no longer “Chief of Surgery”. She is disappointed, when she arrives at work and finds Dr. Alex Karev (Justin Chambers) has parked in her spot as the intern Chief of Surgery; both him and his new wife, Dr. Jo Wilson-Karev (Camilla Luddington) wave when they exit their car.

Dr. Andrew DeLuca (Giacomo Gianniotti) shows up to work on his Harley Davidson, as Amelia, Dr. Maggie Pierce (Kelly McCreary) and Dr. Meredith Grey (Ellen Pompeo) observe. They comment if he always looked like that; Maggie says yes, but Meredith says no. Maggie encourages Amelia to “hit that” but she reveals she is off the market.

Jo worries that people are looking at them, but Alex denies it. Dr. Richard Webber (James Pickens Jr) confirms her fears when he congratulates her on her Fellowship. She’s happy to announce her last name is now Karev, like the new Chief. Richard implies that Bailey is not looking for experience, wisdom and countless hours of OR as she picked Alex!

Dr. Tom Koracick (Greg Germann) brings Dr. Atticus “Linc” Lincoln (Chris Carmack) to meet the new chief. Linc shows him the super hero arms that he has created for kids that will love them; he can create them in various colors that would make children very happy. The cost of making them is cheap but the 3D printer required is quite expensive, Alex doesn’t even think twice and approves. Tom grabs Alex’s shoulder saying he thought Bailey chose him, only to make herself look better; Alex looks confused.

Maggie leaves another message for Dr. Teddy Altman (Kim Raver) insisting she calls back before it gets any more complicated. Linc greets the sisters and Amelia suggests Maggie should “hit that.” Maggie walks up to him and offers to show him the short cut to the OR.

Owen and Richard rush to greet incoming patients when Dr. Nico Kim (Alex Landi) patient reveal there was a horrible accident with a table saw in shop class; he was worried about his teacher Mr. Buckley. Dr. Levi Schmitt (Jake Borelli) is told to clear trauma 1 when they see the next rig has a student with the table saw blade lodged inside them.

Meredith visits her patient, Love Matchmaker CeCe Colvin (Caroline Clay) who is on day 8 of dialysis. She reminds Meredith that if they work on her medically, she gets to work on her romantic life. Meredith didn’t realize hiring her would require answering so many questions and excuses herself to deal with more patients.

Miranda offers Alex a happy first day; he can’t help but wonder if she is nervous and questions her motives for hiring him. She says she hired him for his abilities and leaves when Dr. Vik Roy (Rushi Kota) comes in for an issue.

The student and his mother are very concerned about Mr Buckley as he has no family; Schmitt comes in revealing to Richard that the teacher’s alcohol level was so high, it was what caused him to collapse and knock a kid into the table saw. Richard calls him a “son of a bitch!”

Maggie begins to call out tests she wants to do, including paging Dr. Jackson Avery (Jesse Williams) completely unaware that he took a leave of absence from the hospital.

Nurse Frankie (Stacey Oristano) complains about Alex’s ability to read and Bailey reprimands her, hoping she never spoke about her that way; telling her to fix it without commentary. Jo begins talking about her fellowship but Bailey can’t help herself and fixes the board, putting Jo’s name on the board as well, saying they can talk about it during surgery. Jo says her name is Karev, not Wilson.

Meredith wants to know where Jackson went, and Maggie says she is humiliated as Jackson didn’t tell her anything to her. Meredith says the right word would be “enraged”, not humiliated!

Chaos erupts in the ER as the police arrive and parents learn the teacher may have been impaired when the accident happened. Alex informs them he doesn’t have a lot of information at the moment; they demand to speak to the person in charge and Roy says that is him. They escort the parents to the waiting room as Alex goes to find out what is going on. Roy finds a patient with a nose bleed that won’t stop, he tells him to apply pressure and to lay off the nose candy, as he knows all about it and he will find something to pack it.

Mr. Buckley is awake, but swears he isn’t drunk. Linc needs to get him up to the OR but they are only going to use a local, since he is going to lose two fingers. Richard informs Linc that he has been where he has been and would like to talk him through this, and the more sober he gets, the worse it is going to get for him.

Maggie finds DeLuca, learning Owen went straight to the OR. Maggie gets angry, wondering aloud when it was okay to run off without telling someone first.

In the middle of surgery, Meredith learns CeCe’s has an infection and tells the nurse to start her on antibiotics. She is asked about her father and orders the nurse out of her OR.

Meanwhile, Amelia is at the surgical board where she finally meets Linc. He wants to pick her brain about nerve graft, asking her out for Italian dinner; claiming he heard she likes it. She demands to know where he heard that.

Maggie argues with Owen during surgery, but they are interrupted when Amelia starts talking from the observation room wondering if there will be any more romantic advances today, like the one from Dr. Linc and her also trying to ram DeLuca down her throat too. She doesn’t understand what the thought was coming from Maggie; since she knows Amelia is trying to make things work with Owen.

Meredith informs CeCe they cannot use her abdomen for dialysis; she is confident in Meredith’s abilities. She once again tries to talk to Meredith about the lack of love life, but she shuts her down.

Richard talks to Mr. Buckley as Linc removes the severely damaged fingers. He swears that he slipped, as he was encouraging his student who was terrified of the saw. Richard asks him how long he is going to keep up the lie, as alcohol tends to do that to one’s balance. Alex asks how it is going on in here and the police want to know how long. Richard says 10-20 years and Linc cuts him off, saying he is almost done. As the teacher attempts to deny drinking, Richard gets in his face, saying a kid has a saw blade in his chest and he needs to own what he did. Linc tells him to stop; as his Chief, Alex orders him out of the OR.

Grey’s Anatomy Season 15 Episode 3 ‘Gut Feeling’ Recap Part 2

Coming out of surgery, Jo tries to talk to Bailey about the fellowship, but again she dismisses her as she is concerned that Alex doesn’t know anything about how to be Chief. Jo leaves frustrated that she can’t get a word in edgewise.

Amelia has had enough when even Tom suggests he is her “sometimes lover”. She wants to know why everyone is against her and Owen. She walks away when Tom babbles on about how the conversation is boring him.

Roy updates Alex on what is going on in the ER; the chest blade kid is still in the OR, all the shop kids have been discharged and the cops want a copy of the teacher’s tox screens. The guy with the nose bleed, he took care of. He hands Alex a bunch of purchase requisition forms; Richard and Alex exchange looks but no words.

Alex asks for a pen as student Arthur Krug’s (Terrell Ransom Jr), mom Ava (Mashari Laila Bain) says they are waiting to check on Mr. Buckley. She insists it doesn’t make sense, she knows drunks and he is not a drinker; this makes Richard rethink everything.

Meredith asks Jo what she knows about alternative dialysis access. She misses working with Meredith, suggesting she is technically Bailey’s boss so Meredith could demand Jo back. Meredith said since it is a fellowship, Bailey isn’t her boss either, it’s a partnership and she should just tell her what she needs, or she could tell on her to the chief, seeing as he likes her!

Owen wants to know if Maggie has an issue with him, or him and Amelia. She avoids answering, by saying the issue is the kid’s arm is turning white; there is no blood flow. She says he will lose the arm, because he rushes into everything. He shouts at her, saying there was no time for an angio and what ever issue she is having is not due to his medical decisions and they both know that.

Richard comes to see Mr. Kevin Buckley, who wants to know about his students. He agrees to check on them, but pours him a drink; saying he knows what withdrawal feels like. Mr. Buckley gives him a very odd look.

Dr. Roy shares how several patients are disappointed with Alex’s performance. Alex goes to visit Meredith in her office, asking if they knock their attendings? She reveals that CeCe says she is closed off. He laughs because he thought Jo was kidding that she hired a matchmaker. He assures her that after everything she has been through, she has earned the right to choose who she lets in her life. His advice gives her an idea on how to save CeCe; she tells him he is an excellent chief. Linc finds Alex, informing him that Buckley is wasted again and he better talk to Dr. Webber!

They are able to save their patient, Maggie says she may have been wrong and Owen tells her he is not in a rush. Amelia and Leo are valuable; they are not a whim nor impulse and he isn’t going anywhere. She knows, apologizing. She leaves to update the parents.

Tom wants to give Alex a requisition before he gets fired. Roy finally goes to see the patient with the bleeding nose, feeling he has been waiting long enough. He looks at his nose but Tad (Kurt Kanazawa) insists he can still taste blood and suddenly begins to cough up blood. Tom calmly tells him to call a code, telling Roy to back up and takes over. Roy says the patient has been there for over 5 hours and there was no physical exam and no labs. They can’t even intubate him.

Alex and Linc confront Richard about giving a patient alcohol. Richard confirms he offered it, but he didn’t take it. He has auto-brewery syndrome, its incredibly rare; any sugar he eats turns into alcohol; it was probably the Jello he ate. He also reveals he replaced the Vodka with water, Linc says he got lucky; but Richard says it was a gut feeling and its because he has been around the block a few times more than they have.

Alex gets called away and rushed into the OR as Tom says he needs help from a grown up. Tom tells him to stop compressions and calls it. Roy says it was just a nose bleed. Tom says a nose bleed that brings a person to the ER is never just a nose bleed. Roy says it was just a mistake; Tom orders Roy to call it, as it was his patient. Roy runs out, saying he was just an intern and this isn’t on him. Tom leans in telling Alex, he is “just killing it!” Alex calls time of death.

Meredith and Taryn (Jaicy Elliot) explain how they are saving CeCe. CeCe tells Meredith to go buy 5 great new outfits and break the mold, take chances, make herself ready for something new. Meredith agrees to the deal.

DeLuca is surprised that Maggie would try to hook him up with Amelia considering their history. She says that is ancient and asks him to keep an eye on their patient. Meredith and DeLuca lock eyes and she says she is off to go shopping.

Nico finds Schmitt in the locker room, happy there are showers there. Schmitt says fellows have a lounge on 3, but he strips down, asking if he is kicking him out. Alex fires Roy for lying and not taking responsibility for it; saying he is never setting hands on a patient in this hospital again.

Jo barges into Miranda’s office who is staring at her computer screen. She asks where Karev is. Jo says, “Right here. You’re looking at her! The only Karev you should be looking at!” She feels this is a mistake and Bailey is not holding up her end of the partnership. Bailey admits she has been distracted but the second Alex walks in, she demands to know where he thinks all the money is coming from. Jo leaves when its clear Alex made a mistake.

Amelia finds Maggie alone in the lounge. Maggie apologizes but Amelia is shocked to learn Jackson left. Maggie feels bad about how she treated Owen, but Amelia is more concerned about Jackson leaving and how Maggie is doing. Maggie feels there is something wrong with her because she almost died and all she feels is lucky. Jackson said if he told her to her face, he might not have even left. She is so confused.

Mr. Buckley is able to see Arthur, thrilled to see he is going to be okay, as Richard watches how much his students love him. Outside, DeLuca spots Richard waiting outside, admitting being a bachelor for a few days is okay but after a couple days, its boring. Linc comes out, asking where they can drink. DeLuca tells him about the pub. He invites Richard, who says he doesn’t drink. Linc suggests darts, or pool; saying disagreeing over a patient doesn’t mean they can’t be friends. Richard agrees to join them.

Amelia tells Owen that the thing with Maggie really had nothing to do with them. Amelia likes how weird it sounds to say “Let’s grab the kids and head home.” Meredith comes home to the kids after shopping, asking Maggie if she is going to join them; she thinks about sending a message to Jackson, but puts her phone away instead.

Coming out of surgery, Jo tries to talk to Bailey about the fellowship, but again she dismisses her as she is concerned that Alex doesn’t know anything about how to be Chief. Jo leaves frustrated that she can’t get a word in edgewise.

Amelia has had enough when even Tom suggests he is her “sometimes lover”. She wants to know why everyone is against her and Owen. She walks away when Tom babbles on about how the conversation is boring him.

Roy updates Alex on what is going on in the ER; the chest blade kid is still in the OR, all the shop kids have been discharged and the cops want a copy of the teacher’s tox screens. The guy with the nosebleed, he took care of. He hands Alex a bunch of purchase requisition forms; Richard and Alex exchange looks but no words.

Alex asks for a pen as student Arthur Krug’s (Terrell Ransom Jr), mom Ava (Mashari Laila Bain) says they are waiting to check on Mr. Buckley. She insists it doesn’t make sense, she knows drunks and he is not a drinker; this makes Richard rethink everything.

Meredith asks Jo what she knows about alternative dialysis access. She misses working with Meredith, suggesting she is technically Bailey’s boss so Meredith could demand Jo back. Meredith said since it is a fellowship, Bailey isn’t her boss either, it’s a partnership and she should just tell her what she needs, or she could tell on her to the chief, seeing as he likes her!

Owen wants to know if Maggie has an issue with him, or him and Amelia. She avoids answering, by saying the issue is the kid’s arm is turning white; there is no blood flow. She says he will lose the arm because he rushes into everything. He shouts at her, saying there was no time for an angio and whatever issue she is having is not due to his medical decisions and they both know that.

Richard comes to see Mr. Kevin Buckley, who wants to know about his students. He agrees to check on them but pours him a drink; saying he knows what withdrawal feels like. Mr. Buckley gives him a very odd look.

Dr. Roy shares how several patients are disappointed with Alex’s performance. Alex goes to visit Meredith in her office, asking if they knock their attendings? She reveals that CeCe says she is closed off. He laughs because he thought Jo was kidding that she hired a matchmaker. He assures her that after everything she has been through, she has earned the right to choose who she lets in her life. His advice gives her an idea on how to save CeCe; she tells him he is an excellent chief. Linc finds Alex, informing him that Buckley is wasted again and he better talk to Dr. Webber!

They are able to save their patient, Maggie says she may have been wrong and Owen tells her he is not in a rush. Amelia and Leo are valuable; they are not a whim nor impulse and he isn’t going anywhere. She knows, apologizing. She leaves to update the parents.

Tom wants to give Alex a requisition before he gets fired. Roy finally goes to see the patient with the bleeding nose, feeling he has been waiting long enough. He looks at his nose but Tad (Kurt Kanazawa) insists he can still taste blood and suddenly begins to cough up blood. Tom calmly tells him to call a code, telling Roy to back up and takes over. Roy says the patient has been there for over 5 hours and there was no physical exam and no labs. They can’t even intubate him.

Alex and Linc confront Richard about giving a patient alcohol. Richard confirms he offered it, but he didn’t take it. He has auto-brewery syndrome, it’s incredibly rare; any sugar he eats turns into alcohol; it was probably the Jello he ate. He also reveals he replaced the Vodka with water, Linc says he got lucky; but Richard says it was a gut feeling and its because he has been around the block a few times more than they have.

Alex gets called away and rushed into the OR as Tom says he needs help from a grown up. Tom tells him to stop compressions and calls it. Roy says it was just a nosebleed. Tom says a nosebleed that brings a person to the ER is never just a nosebleed. Roy says it was just a mistake; Tom orders Roy to call it, as it was his patient. Roy runs out, saying he was just an intern and this isn’t on him. Tom leans in telling Alex, he is “just killing it!” Alex calls time of death.

Meredith and Taryn (Jaicy Elliot) explain how they are saving CeCe. CeCe tells Meredith to go buy 5 great new outfits and break the mold, take chances, make herself ready for something new. Meredith agrees to the deal.

DeLuca is surprised that Maggie would try to hook him up with Amelia considering their history. She says that is ancient and asks him to keep an eye on their patient. Meredith and DeLuca lock eyes and she says she is off to go shopping.

Nico finds Schmitt in the locker room, happy there are showers there. Schmitt says fellows have a lounge on 3, but he strips down, asking if he is kicking him out. Alex fires Roy for lying and not taking responsibility for it; saying he is never setting hands on a patient in this hospital again.

Jo barges into Miranda’s office who is staring at her computer screen. She asks where Karev is. Jo says, “Right here. You’re looking at her! The only Karev you should be looking at!” She feels this is a mistake and Bailey is not holding up her end of the partnership. Bailey admits she has been distracted but the second Alex walks in, she demands to know where he thinks all the money is coming from. Jo leaves when its clear Alex made a mistake.

Amelia finds Maggie alone in the lounge. Maggie apologizes but Amelia is shocked to learn Jackson left. Maggie feels bad about how she treated Owen, but Amelia is more concerned about Jackson leaving and how Maggie is doing. Maggie feels there is something wrong with her because she almost died and all she feels is lucky. Jackson said if he told her to her face, he might not have even left. She is so confused.

Mr. Buckley is able to see Arthur, thrilled to see he is going to be okay, as Richard watches how much his students love him. Outside, DeLuca spots Richard waiting outside, admitting being a bachelor for a few days is okay but after a couple days, its boring. Linc comes out, asking where they can drink. DeLuca tells him about the pub. He invites Richard, who says he doesn’t drink. Linc suggests darts, or pool; saying disagreeing over a patient doesn’t mean they can’t be friends. Richard agrees to join them.

Amelia tells Owen that the thing with Maggie really had nothing to do with them. Amelia likes how weird it sounds to say “Let’s grab the kids and head home.” Meredith comes home to the kids after shopping, asking Maggie if she is going to join them; she thinks about sending a message to Jackson, but puts her phone away instead.


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