Masterchef Premiere Recap 5/30/18: Season 9 Episode 1 and 2

Masterchef Premiere Recap 5/30/18: Season 9 Episode 1 and 2Masterchef Premiere Recap 5/30/18: Season 9 Episode 1 and 2

Tonight on FOX Gordon Ramsay’s Masterchef Junior continues with an all-new Wednesday, May 30, 2018,  season 9 premiere called “The Judges Do Battle; The Judges Do Battle, Pt. 2,” and we have your weekly Masterchef Junior recap below. On tonight’s Masterchef Junior episode as per the FOX synopsis, “The Season 9 premiere: Forty-three of America’s finest home cooks compete in the Battle of the Apron challenge, during which they will face off against each other to earn a spot in the Top 24. This season brings a new twist: Judges Gordon Ramsay, Aarón Sánchez and Joe Bastianich each will have eight aprons to hand out to the home cooks whom they deem worthy.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 8 PM – 10 PM ET for our Masterchef Junior recap.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our Masterchef Junior videos, pics, news & recaps, right here!

Tonight’s Masterchef Junior recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Gordon Ramsay and Aarón Sanchez return with Joe Bastianich as judges for this season’s Master Chef which will introduce a new format to the show; the three judges will each select eight contestants to give aprons to, and then the judges will mentor their teams throughout the competition.

The judges arrive in the studio. We get to meet a few contestants; Gerron is an English Teacher, Olusola is a Bus Driver, Farhan is a Dental Student, Emily is a Food Reserach Analyst, Jannie is a Cocktail Server, Bowen is a pilot. The judges welcome the home cooks and say they have found the best with the ones in the room. Joe says the winner will go home with a quarter of a million dollars.

Gordon announces that the home cooks families are there to cheer them on.

Time to start cooking, their signature dishes must include beef and they have 30 minutes to prepare their meals.

Jannie is first, she prepared a Cambodian Beef Skewers with Green Papaya Pickle. Aaron likes the dish, Joe likes it as well, Gordon thought it needed some heat.

Emily made Filet Mignon with Mushroom Duxelle and Fondant Potato. Joe is not crazy about the use of garlic and onion powder, Gordon liked it, Aaron liked the duxelle but thinks it needed more acidity.

Bowen made Lion’s Head Meatball with Pickled Radish. Gordon thinks it looks weird but tastes delicious, Aaron says the beef has a beautiful texture, Joe says he would have liked some broth.

Aaron says no to all three, Joe offers an apron to Bowen and another to Emily. Gordon offers an apron to Bowen. Jannie is leaving the kitchen and Bowen has to make a decision. Bowen picks Gordon.

We get to meet more home cooks; Cynthia is an Accounting Assistant, Shanika is an Event Promoter and the two have 45 minutes to prepare their signature desserts.

Cynthia made Strawberry Shortcake with Lemon-Mint Strawberry Puree. Gordon says the shortcake is tasty but needed a glaze, Aaron thinks it is missing something, Joe says he doesn’t know if it is good enough for the Master Chef kitchen.

Shanika made Bitter French Kiss with Puff Pastry with Goat Cheese Filling. Joe doesn’t anything, Aaron says he is impressed, Gordon doesn’t say anything.

Cynthia gets three no votes. Shanika wants Gordon Ramsay but he says she is not ready yet. Aaron offers an apron to Shanika. Joe offers Shanika an apron. Shanika has to decide, she picks Joe’s apron.
[2018-05-30, 8:48:51 PM] Rosie LeBlanc: Gordon hands out his second apron and Aaron his first, while we say no to a lot of home cooks bombed.

We get to meet more home cooks; Samantha is a College Student, Mark is a Dishwater, They have 30 minutes to prepare their signature dishes.
[2018-05-30, 8:59:51 PM] Rosie LeBlanc: Samantha made Chicken Piccata with Potato Puree and Roasted Asparagus. Aaron likes the color and says she did a great job but the wine should have been cooked out more, Gordon thinks it is missing something, Joe says it tastes too much like wine.

Mark made Pan-Roasted Lamb Chops with Crispy Potato, Cauliflower puree, and sauteed asparagus. Gordon says his lamb is a little undercooked in places and too buttery, Joe says he has a lot of swaggers doesn’t translate into the dish, Aaron thinks the seasoning is good but it lacked imagination.

Joe and Aaron don’t offer aprons. Gordon sees someone with tremendous potential, he offers it to Samantha. Gordon tells Mark to come back next year with his head up high. Mark goes to leave and Joe tells him to wait. Joe says he thought he was investible because he reminded him of himself. Joe says if he invests in him he has to listen to him or the consequences will be severe. Joe says to only take the apron if he is ready to do what it takes, Mark takes the apron.

We get to meet yet more home cooks; Taylor is back for the third time, Ralph is an Accountant, Chelsea is Sales Specialist. They have 30 minutes to make their signature dishes.

Chelsea made Lamb Shawarma Pita with Fattoush Salad and Hummus. Joe said it is very good, Gordon says it is messy but good, Aaron asks her if it is good enough for an apron and she says yes.

Ralph made Filipino Pancit with Noodles, Shrimp, and Vegetables. Gordon says the noodles are oily, Aaron says it is oily, Joe wants to know what else he can cook.

Taylor made Pulled Tomatillo Chicken with Rice, Crema, Egg and Aji Salsa. Aaron loves the dish, Joe says the rice is rich, Gordon says it should have been presented in a bowl but it is bloody delicious.

Gordon gives his apron to Taylor, Joe gives his to Ralph and Aaron gives his to Chelsea; all three home cooks got an apron.

We get to meet the next set of home cooks who will be battling it out for the judges; Olusola is a Bus Driver, Mark is a Firefighter. They have 30 minutes to prepare their signature dishes.

Olusola made Jerk Snapper with Coconut Rice and Sauteed Cabbage. Gordon says she nailed the fish, Joe likes the cabbage a lot, Aaron likes the exotic spices but he needed more pineapple.

Mark made Buttermilk Biscuits with Gravy and Sausage Roux. Gordon says the biscuit is doughy, but it tastes lovely, Joe says the biscuit is raw but the flavor is excellent flavor, Aaron loved the flavor.

Joe offers an apron to Olusola, Aaron as well and Gordon. She has to choose which apron she wants. Olusola chooses Joe. Mark is going home.
[2018-05-30, 10:02:07 PM] Rosie LeBlanc: As the night went on the apron’s got tougher and tougher to earn and many people walked away empty handed.

The next round of home cooks is going to enter the kitchen. Cesar is a High School Teacher, Matt is an Optometrist, Ryan is a Drummer. They have 40 minutes to make their signature dishes.

Cesar made Pan-Seared Red Snapper with Orange Guajillo Beurre Blanc on Crispy Rice Cake. Gordon loves it, Joe likes it, Aaron loves it and says the skin is the star.

Matt made Pan-Roasted Cod with Turnip Puree and Pickled Carrots. Joe likes it, Aaron loves it, Gordon says he nailed it.

Ryan made Baked Catfish with Dirty Rice and Bacon Wrapped Haricots Verts. Aaron loves it, Gordon loves it, Joe says it is too rustic but good.

SJ made Panko Crusted Cod with Honey Butter Chips and Cucumber Kimchi. Gordon says he nailed it, Joe loves it, Aaron says it is a good job.

Aaron says he was blown away, he is giving away three aprons; SJ, Ryan, and Cesar. Joe is going to give out one apron to Matt. Gordon pulls out two aprons, one to SJ and the second to Cesar. SJ and Cesar have to decide who they want to be with. SJ chooses Gordon, Cesar chooses Aaron.


Dorothy Gale:
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