Reverie Finale Recap 8/8/18: Season 1 Episode 10 “Point of Origin”

Tonight on NBC their new drama Reverie premieres with an all-new Wednesday, August 8, 2018, episode and we have your Reverie recap called, “Point of Origin,” belowOn tonight’s Reverie season 1 episode 10 as per the NBC synopsis, “The team must race against the clock when one of them is kidnapped, and Onira Tech is at risk of being destroyed.”

Tonight’s episode of Reverie looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live Reverie recap at 9:00 PM ET! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about the season 1 episode 10 of Reverie.

Tonight’s Reverie recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Oliver had gotten to Alexis in more ways than one on tonight’s all-new episode of “Reverie”. She began to doubt herself after they had talked and she went home again because she thought she needed to. Alexis had been cruelly reminded by her ex-boyfriend that she had played her part in Dylan’s death and afterward she had needed to see her parents. Her parents had never blamed Alexis. Alexis had locked the door one night to her lab and hadn’t wanted to open it her brother. Dylan, however, had tried climbing in when the accident occurred and he died. Alexis blamed herself for that and she thought about seeing her parents on what should have been the twins’ birthday would help. She had gone home and it dawned on her that her parents only had pictures of her on the wall. Alexis’s picture was everywhere she looked and there was only one of Dylan.

Her parents had wiped most of the photos of Dylan from the house. There was just one and so Alexis finally asked her parents about it. She wanted to know why it felt like they were trying to forget they ever had a son and so her mother chose to be honest with her. Alexis was told that they had removed most of the photos and hadn’t wanted to talk about him or his death because they hadn’t wanted Alexis to feel guilty. She had already blamed herself and her parents thought they were helping by doing what they did. They said they always knew that Alexis had a bright future and they hadn’t wanted to stand in the way of that by reminding her of the past. Alexis’s parents didn’t even wish to talk about the AI. They told Alexis they didn’t want to speak to the replica of their son and had ended the conversation before Alexis could bring it up again.

Only Alexis hadn’t felt any better with talking to them. She still remembers that night when she hadn’t opened the door and so she had gone outside to take out the trash as well as have a minute to herself. She wasn’t out there for long when Oliver snuck up behind her and had used chloroform on her. The next thing Alexis remembered was waking up in Reverie. She had been put in-universe Oliver created. He took her back to Einstein’s lab which was also where he brought her for their first date and this time Alexis found herself unable to escape. She had given Oliver the idea when she told him about what the military tried to do and so Oliver used their coding. He trapped Alexis in Reverie and had left her as a virtual prisoner as he returned to the real world. And it turns out there was a reason he had wanted to get her out of the way, Oliver had needed Alexis’s key code.

Oliver had wanted to shut down Reverie. He had used the key code to shut off the air condition and was overheating the computer systems when Alexis’s team caught on. It had taken them some time to figure out what was wrong because they had been up to something off the books. Mara had gotten Paul to help go into her brother-in-law’s mind. She finally wanted to deal with the issues she kept running from and confronting Ray had been good for her. Mara found out that there was nothing she could have said or done that would have stopped Ray from trying to kill himself. He wanted to die the second after he killed his wife and daughter and so he told Mara that wouldn’t have mattered if she had tried to talk him out of it. She may have told him it would better to finish what it started only it was Ray that short himself.

Ray regretted killing his family. He saw them every day while he was in his coma and he had thought it fitting that everytime he tried to run to them he couldn’t seem to get a look at their faces. Ray admitted to Mara that he was forgetting what they looked like and Mara had sympathized with him. He was still punishing himself and so Mara had wanted to help. She was going to suggest something to him when she had gotten the “911” from Paul and had awakened to find out that Alexis was missing. No one knew where Alexis was. She had disappeared from her parents’ place without her car or her phone and so Charlie knew something was wrong. He asked Monica Shaw to come in to help and together they got footage of Oliver being in the area when Alexis went missing. And right after they realized he kidnapped her, they saw that “Alexis” had logged in.

They knew it wasn’t her when Reverie showed she had entered the program and hadn’t come out. The others put two and two together and realized Oliver must have taken her key code to hack the building. He first turned off the AC and then he tried to rearrange coding on them to crash the program. Oliver didn’t seem to care that thousands were still in the program and that they could all end up brain dead if it crashed while they were still inside. Oliver’s paranoia made him believe the program was dangerous and he was going to destroy no matter the cost. The techies at the company had seen what he was trying to do and had tried to lock him to no avail because Oliver had even messed with their Dylan AI. The AI had been locked out and he couldn’t get back until Alexis had given him back that permission.

And that’s when Mara asked to be sent into Alexi’s Reverie. She was used to rescuing people and she knew she could rescue their friend. It had taken her some to find the room Alexis had been locked in because the Reverie had been created by Oliver and he created his virtual to resemble what he saw. Meaning he had hallucinations of people running around with weapons and disappearing into flames. It had unnerved Mara when she first saw them and so finding Alexis had helped. Alexis was the one that knew what they were. She had gotten out of the locked room with Mara’s help and they faced the hallucination together until they got to escape hatch. The escape hatch was being guarded by versions of Alexis’s parents and Oliver’s version had her parents blaming her for Dylan’s death.

They told her that it was all her fault. She had just opened the door when Dylan had wanted to play then he wouldn’t have climbed up on the trellis and crashed into the greenhouse. The parents kept telling her how much they hated her and Mara had been the one to snap Alexis out of it. Alexis knew what her real parents thought and so she escaped the Reverie. Then she was rescued when Charlie figured out where Oliver had put her. Alexis was safe and she will recover from that psychological warfare but Charlie and Monica had taken a look around the cabin and they saw that Oliver had been making explosives. Oliver must have realized that there was a chance cyber warfare wouldn’t be enough and that’s why he got everyone to leave the building. He turned up the heat and they were forced to leave the area. And so there was no one to stop him from just burning the building down.

Oliver was a known arsonist. He burned down his school when he felt his teachers couldn’t understand him and he burned down his ex-girlfriend’s house when she tried to cut him out of her life. Oliver was not someone that liked being rejected and that was the real reason he wanted to burn down Reverie. He first came in on the project because he wanted people to see the world how he saw it and that had frightened Alexis. She didn’t realize how unstable he was until she went inside his Reverie and so Oliver wanted to destroy her as well as the program. He was getting explosives into place when Mara decided she should try and talk to him. Oliver needed someone that would listen to him and she thought that listening she could stop him from setting that fire. All that she asked for was five minutes.

Mara went in and she talked to Oliver. Oliver, therefore, talked back. He told her what it was like growing him feeling different and how no one could see what he did. Oliver had wanted someone to understand him and Mara offered to be that person. She expressed sympathy for what he must have gone through and she told him that he didn’t have to hurt anyone else. And Oliver told her she was a kind person right before he tried to set fire to building and Charlie short him.

Charlie had never trusted Oliver would give up his paranoia and so he shot him, which took Oliver out of commission long enough for Charlie and Mara to stop the fire from destroying the servers.

There had only been a thousand people still logged on when it went down for several hours and within a week the program was started up again. This time, better than before and so Mara decided to go talk to Ray again. She had wanted to give him a photo of her sister and niece to help him and she did. She told Paul afterward that she liked helping people and that if she could help Ray then she should have no problem with helping others. Mara was still going to stay on at Reverie to do what she did best and she was there for the relaunch party when Paul spotted something odd. He told Mara that the Reverie was registering her as still being in the program and so neither of them knew that was happening when Mara truly was out in the real world. They were stumped while a version of Mara that lived on as a hallucination continued to run around in Oliver’s little prison.


Kristine Francis:
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