Reverie Premiere Recap 5/30/18: Season 1 Episode 1 “Pilot – Apertus”

Tonight on NBC their new drama Reverie premieres with an all-new Wednesday, May 30 episode and we have your Reverie recap called, “Pilot – Apertus,” belowOn tonight’s Reverie season 1 episode 1 as per the NBC synopsis, “In the premiere, former hostage negotiator Mara Kint is hired by tech company Oniratech to save people who have lost themselves in a sophisticated virtual reality program called Reverie.”

Tonight’s episode of Reverie looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live Animal Kingdom recap at 9:00 PM ET! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about the season 1 episode 1 of Reverie.

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A woman’s husband brings her out on a rooftop complete with an orchestra, a magical dinner, and hot air balloons. They toast. He is dreaming all of this in his hospital bed. People talk around him. This is the seventh one.

Mara pops some pills and drinks from a nip before her class starts. The students are walking around a class. She is teaching them about how to detect people’s thoughts, their lies with body language. A man named Charlie, an old friend shows up. He asks her to dinner. She talks to him about her job while they eat at a food truck. He wants to offer her a job in hostage negotiation. He has retired from the force and works with Reverie, a simulation system. It is a place, a waking dream, where you can do anything. The problem, people in Reverie don’t want to come out. They end up in a coma.

Charlie is home talking to a co-worker. Mara goes home and starts drinking. She clutches the bottle while lying in her bed. She remembers back to a time when she tried to reason with her brother in law who held her sister and their daughter at gunpoint. He was mad about a text. He shoots them both dead. She looks at the card Charlie gave her.

Mara arrives at Reverie Headquarters. She is given a tour before she is shown the implants that allow for people to drop into their own magical waking dream. Charlie tells her she will have to get the implant if she takes the job. She agrees. After the process, she meets Paul Hammond, the creator of dreams. He has her sit and brings her a tablet. They are going to go through a training module. She takes the tablet and opens the App. She comes to in a vibrant green forest with tall trees. The birds are chirping. Paul talks to her while she runs through the forest. Physical laws don’t apply in Reverie. Pain is also nonexistent. Suddenly she is in a box. Water is coming up through the floor. It rises fast. She panics. Paul tells her she can look for the icon or yell exists and she will come back to the real world.

Charlie tells Mara that her training is done for the day. She tells him she is ready to go in and try and save their first client, Tony. Mara talks to the man’s brother. He accidentally killed his wife in a car accident. They have a daughter.

Mara begins Reverie. She is back in the water-filled tank. She relaxes and breathes. A door handle comes into view. She gets out and into a dark field filled with paper lanterns. It is a surprise from Paul, a memory from her childhood.

She finds Tony. He is with his wife at a street fair. Tony sees her and starts to pick up speed. She trails him and lands in a large circular library with several doors. She chooses one. She enters onto a rooftop. Tony comes to her. He wants to know why she is there. She isn’t allowed to be.

He becomes angry and pushes her off the balcony. She comes to in a chair. Paul is watching her. He asks her why her brain patterns spiked. Did she see something?

Mara meets with Iris, Tony’s step-daughter. She talks to her about her life and Tony. Mara promises she is going to get Tony back.

Sitting in the lounge, Mara talks to the eye in the sky, Dylan, artificial intelligence. She asks her to give her more information on Tony and the images he uploaded for Reverie. She is looking for a butterfly. She saw one in Tony’s dream. It leads her to Tony’s wife’s best friend.

Paul’s nurse tells Charlie that Mara looks to have an underlying psychotic disorder after they looked into her brain wave activity.

Mara heads to a coffee shop where she works. She tells her Naomi was sick. Mara goes to Tony’s and finds an envelope with a butterfly on it. There is a pill inside. She brings it back to Reverie. She tells Charlie she wants to go back in.

She enters Tony’s world. She finally gets him to talk. He explains that he started taking speed when he was trying to balance Naomi’s illness, Iris’ school, and his job. He killed her in that car accident. Mara’s eyes well up with tears. She tells him her story. She explains that Iris is waiting for him. He goes to say goodbye to Naomi. She tells him he didn’t let her down.

Tony comes out of his coma. His family is there. They cry. He thanks, Mara. Iris hugs her. Later, Charlie asks Paul why he ordered an EEG. Charlie tells him he wants to know everything about Mara.

Alexis, a Reverie programmer, lays in bed. She talks to Dylan. They play chess. The AI is based on her little brother. The two talk about the past.

Mara goes home and cleans up all of her empty liquor bottles. Meanwhile, Charlie meets with an investor.

Mara turns in her hallway and sees her deceased niece. She turns the light on and the hall is empty.


Sarah Luoma:
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