Reverie Recap 6/6/18: Season 1 Episode 2 “Bond. Jane Bond.”

Tonight on NBC their new drama Reverie premieres with an all-new Wednesday, June 6, 2018, episode and we have your Reverie recap called, “Bond. Jane Bond.,” belowOn tonight’s Reverie season 1 episode 1 as per the NBC synopsis, “When a client becomes addicted to a “Jane Bond” adventure, Mara must help her assemble the missing pieces in her life to save her. At the same time, Mara deals with the unanticipated side effects of Reverie.”

Tonight’s episode of Reverie looks like it is going to be great and you won’t want to miss it, so be sure to tune in for our live Animal Kingdom recap at 9:00 PM ET! While you wait for our recap hit the comments and let us know how excited you are about the season 1 episode 1 of Reverie.

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A lonely and depressed woman named Rachel signs on as a new client. She enters her own created world in Reverie. Wearing a wig in a bar she is approached by a gentleman who gives her first assignment as an agent. Her target surfaces seconds later. A gunfight erupts. She sees her target fleeing. She gets a better look at him. She knows him.

Mara wakes in the middle of the night after a nightmare. She keeps seeing Brynn. The phone rings. Charlie has a new case for her asap. She heads in and learns about Rachel whose heart is racing. She needs to be taken out of the program because she has an underlying heart issue.

Mara gets to work in her new office. She enters the program. She is in a casino. Rachel is there. Someone puts a gun to Rachel’s back and drags her to the bathroom. Mara goes in. The two men have Rachel cornered. Mara interrupts. The men turn on her. Rachel takes them out by hitting them both in the head. Rachel thanks her and tells her they need to run for it. Mara tells her that she is from Onira and she gets to come back to reality. Rachel doesn’t want to and doesn’t believe her. The men come to and come after both of them. They run. Mara tried to tell Rachel she is having heart problems in the real world but Rachel refuses to return. She takes off on Mara.

Mara and Paul talk. She is worried about Rachel and how she thinks what she is doing is real. Mara tells him that there were guys in the program who spoke to her. Paul thinks this is great. It means the program is starting to recognize her.

Mara does some research with the help of Dylan. She learns that Rachel is close friends with a man named Anton. While giving Mara Anton’s contact information, Dylan reveals that she and Alexis used to play spy games when they were younger. Mara tells her she wants to hear more later. Mara sees a little girl with a bunny stuffed animal outside her office. It looks just like Brynn’s. Mara runs out and to the girl yelling “wait.” She realizes her mistake and walks away embarrassed. Charlie watches the whole scene from a distance.

Mara meets with Anton at a coffee shop. He thought he could mend Rachel’s broken heart but she ended up cheating on him. Since then, the aunt who raised her died. She hasn’t been herself. Anton leaves and Paul shows up. He wants to know if Mara has noticed any strange side effects since she had the transplant. She admits to seeing Brynn. Paul tells her this will be temporary. He offers her meds to help with the side effects. She is reluctant to take them. Charlie comes in. Rachel is in tachycardia. Mara asks Paul if she can bring things with her into Reverie. She needs a fancy dress and a gun.

Mara enters the program. She is on a yacht in a fancy dress. She sees Rachel who has her gun raised. She whispers 4 guys with guns to Mara. Mara takes them all out. She throws her gun overboard. Rachel doesn’t understand why. Mara tells her she hates guns. Her sister and her niece where killed by a gun. Mara tells her they need to talk. Rachel tells her she wants to be a spy because they are tough. Mara asks her about her aunt and what she found. Rachel gets angry and tells Mara to leave. She points a gun at her. Moments later, Rachel leaves in the yacht and Mara sits on the pier.

Charlie asks Mara if she has had anymore side effects. She tells him she is fine. He tells her to be careful with reverie. He tells her to go home and rest. Rachel is stable right now.

Mara puts some tea on and takes a pill Paul gave her. She puts all the photos of her sister and niece in a draw.

At the office the next day, Mara works with Dylan as she researches a word Rachel said, the German word for father. This doesn’t make sense to Mara because she cannot find anything about Rachel’s father on social media. She talks to Paul. Maybe Rachel thinks she will find her father. She heads to Alexis for help opening a file. While Alexis works, Mara asks about Dylan. Is he based on someone in her family? Alexis tells her no quickly and dismisses her. Mara learns that Rachel found a photo at her aunt’s who appears to be her father.

Mara goes back into the program. She tells Rachel she isn’t leaving and deep down she knows she wants her to stay because everyone leaves her. Rachel doesn’t respond. Mara follows her and Rachel lets her.

Charlie works with Dylan to age the man in Rachel’s photo to find out who he is. Rachel walks into a house. Mara follows. Rachel meets with a man, the man from the picture. Rachel asks him if he is her father. He tells her she is right. She doesn’t know what to do because she thinks the program is making him tell her what she wants to hear. She begins to cry. She needs answers. Mara steps in and comforts her. She tells her it is time to go.

Rachel wakes on the other side. Mara comes to see her.

Later, Paul meets Mara and tells her nice work. Charlie brings a man to meet Mara. He is a friend of Rachel’s father. Rachel comes out and meets him and learns about her father. He was a friend of her mother’s who agreed to gave her a baby. She didn’t want his help raising their daughter.

Mara thanks Alexis. Paul tells Mara that Dylan was Alexis’ twin. He died when he was 10 or 11. He doesn’t know how he died.

Rachel meets with her father. She expects the worse, but gets the best news when he tells her he has been waiting to meet her. He has a family he wants her to meet too.

Mara is alone in her apartment. She hears a noise. She sees Brynn and says hi to her.


Sarah Luoma:
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