S.W.A.T. Recap 4/12/18: Season 1 Episode 17 “Armory”

S.W.A.T. Recap 4/12/18: Season 1 Episode 17 "Armory"

Tonight on CBS their new show S.W.A.T. inspired by the television series and feature film airs with an all-new Thursday, April 12, 2018, episode and we have your S.W.A.T. recap below.  On tonight’s S.W.A.T. season 1 episode 17 called “Armory” as per the CBS synopsis, “As Hondo and SWAT work to de-escalate a hostage situation in which an ex-convict is holding a local family captive, the mission takes a dangerous turn that impacts the team. Also, when Street tires of his complicated romantic entanglements, he agrees to let Chris make over his online dating profile.”

So make sure to stop by tonight between 10 PM and 11 PM ET for our S.W.A.T. recap.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television news, videos, recaps, spoilers and more, here!

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Cortez had been in the middle of giving an interview on tonight’s all new episode of “S.W.A.T.” when she was alerted to a situation.

Cortez had been discussing her initiatives with the media when the interview was abruptly cancelled and she had been told a family had been taken hostage by a local gang member. The gang member’s name was Angel Lucero. He belonged to Los Reyes and had supposedly turned on his partner, but not before getting caught or attempting to flee in his car and so the cops were forced to end the car chase. They placed spikes in the road and it forced Angel into losing control of his car. His car later flipped and unfortunately he had been in a well-enough condition to flee the scene where he ran into the closest house. And so the situation turned into a hostage crisis because Angel threatened to kill the family if he wasn’t allowed to go free.

Angel kept trying to tell the cops that his sister was in danger. He said her life had been threatened and had made it seem like he hadn’t wanted to kill his partner however Angel wasn’t the first person to claim their loved ones was in danger when his back was up against a wall. The police had been through it all before and so Cortez had advised to ignore whatever it was that Angel said. He belonged to a gang and was threatening to kill an innocent family, so Cortez did her job. She asked for a sign of good faith and got Angel to release the teenager. Cortez was also trying to convince Angel to end things peacefully and he just wouldn’t listen. Angel said he’d kill the parents if he didn’t get the keys to a car and so Cortez said she’d give him what he wanted.

Cortez said her guy was dropping off the keys to a car at the back door and that had been enough to get Angel to go to the back door. Now, this allowed SWAT to move in. They got the parents away from the window and snuck behind Angel yet Angel hadn’t liked being played and so he waited until he was back at the police station to make his move. He grabbed a gun and locked himself as well two hostages in the armory. The hostages took just so happened to be high-value ones. He took both Cortez and Michael Plank as hostages and had found out that Plank was a commissioner. He knew that no one would risk anything as long as he had Plank and so he did not do as Plank suggested with turning himself in.

Angel said he hadn’t been lying when he said his sister was in danger. He said that he had left the life. Angel explained that he had learned how to steal from his dad who was one of the best in the game and that the leader of Los Reyes had come to him to steal something, but Angel had said no and so they kidnapped his sister. His sister’s name was Abby and she was going to law school. She hadn’t been in a gang and he had left one in order to maintain a relationship with both her and their mother. So Angel stole what he had to and he just wanted his sister back. He hadn’t gone to the cops because people in his neighborhood didn’t believe they could rely on the cops and so that’s why Angel was trying to do things his way.

Angel told Cortez everything and she believed him. She knew what Los Reyes was like and so she did her best to protect Angel. She even told him where to stand so that sharp-shooter couldn’t kill him and outside that room she had Hondo look for Abby. Abby and her mother were both missing. The house had been ransacked and they couldn’t get a read off of either of the missing pair though they later found the mother. She had been locked in the freezer and had been relatively ok. She had a couple of cuts and was willing to talk to her son who she learned was in trouble. Mama Lucero went with Hondo to the station and she saw her son only she didn’t talk him down. She told her son that she had done everything she could for him and he ruined it by getting involved with the gang.

Angel tried to explain himself to his mother and she just hadn’t cared. She told Hondo that if they wanted to kill him they could. The woman only cared about the one child that had done everything right and so she made the situation worse. Angel learned his mother didn’t care if he lived or died and that made his lose faith in Cortez. Cortez had sworn she’d find his sister and that she would do it in the time Angel had been allowed by Los Reyes. However, he stopped believing her and had been close to hurting one of his hostages when the police took their shot. They shot Angel and had been moving the hostages out there when Cortez could see that Angel was still moving. He had actually reached for grenade and was threatening to blow them all up.

Angel said he had nothing to live for anymore and he had been wrong. SWAT found his sister unharmed and more importantly they had gotten enough evidence to put away the leader of Los Reyes. So Hondo brought Abby down to the station and she was able to convince Angel to put down the grenade. It had been close there and so everyone had just been glad that it ended without anyone getting hurt. And surprisingly that teenager that the team saved had later used one of their rooms to rebuild his drone. The other one had gotten ruined when SWAT had moved in to rescue his parents and so he had been glad to get another chance at building because he wanted to enter in a contest for twenty-five thousand.