SEAL Team Recap 2/28/18: Season 1 Episode 14 “Call Out”

Tonight on CBS their new military drama Seal Team airs with an all-new Wednesday, February 28, 2018, episode and we have your Seal Team recap below.  On tonight’s Seal Team season 1 episode 14, “Call Out” as per the CBS synopsis, “Jason and the SEAL Team settle into deployment life and get closer to discovering who ambushed Echo Team after Mandy gets a lead from an unlikely source on the base.”

So make sure to come back to this spot between 10 PM and 11 PM ET for our Seal Team recap.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television news, spoilers, photos, recaps and more, right here!

Tonight’s SEAL Team recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

The team was still investigating things overseas on tonight’s all-new episode of “SEAL Team” as they continued to look for whoever was responsible for the death of TEAM Echo.

The SEAL Team had found and would later believe that they flipped an informant. The informant had been a real estate agent and had even claimed he knew the location of a known terrorists because the man was staying one of his properties, but the informant and the SEAL Team had gone to the location where they would later die in what looked like an ambush and so that made everyone question the informant. The informant had been Tariq Jamala and he had made one phone call before the doomed mission and it hadn’t been to his wife or family. It had been to his male lover, Azim.

Azim had made a run for it not long after Tariq died and he shut himself up in an apartment where he hoped no one would find him yet Jason and the others had gotten some help from Tariq’s widow. The widow had known about her husband’s lover and she had told him about the one apartment that Tariq refused to rent. So that led them to Azim and capturing him hadn’t been a problem. It had been what came next that turned out to be the problem because word had gotten out that Jason’s team had gotten a hold of Azim. Azim’s apartment had been in the middle of a crowded square and that square got really full when the terrorist found out Azim had been found.

They had crowded around the apartment and had tried to shut off all exits though they didn’t seem to be too concerned about what happened to Azim because they shot up that building with no regard to his safety. It had actually been Jason and his team that had protected Azim and they eventually brought him back to the base though Azim hadn’t been grateful. He had claimed that he wasn’t a terrorist and vehemently denied that Tariq had been part of anything like that. He said Tariq was a good man and so Ellis had had to bust his bubble. Ellis told him she had access to Tariq’s phone and that she knew that Tariq had called Azim right before he died.

The question of whether he did not walk a team of Americans into an ambush was still up for debate, but it was beginning to look that way thanks to Azim’s own ties. He was the one link between Tariq and the terrorist even if he continued to deny it and so Ellis called him out for his lie. She confronted him on what she knew and he still wouldn’t admit to setting anyone up or being Tariq’s lover. His people would throw him off a building if they ever found out about that last part although Jason theorized they probably knew about him already which was why they shot up that building with him still inside. So from their point of view, they didn’t understand why someone would join the side that wants to kill them.

Ellis, however, hadn’t given up. She had continued questioning Azim and only left for breaks which was how she ran into a reporter. The reporter was hanging around looking for a story and he was also interested in Ellis. Ellis just didn’t flirt back. She stayed focus on the job and had joined the others when they finally got some intel. They learned that Aresh Kamal had built the bomb that killed their men and so they had been sent to bring him in. They had been given his location and had also brought along their translator who was known to everyone who wasn’t one for fuss. And so Staff Sgt. Vanessa Ryan came in handy when they went after Kamal.

Kamal’s home hadn’t been far and when they got there they soon saw Kamal’s wife come out to greet them because she claimed that her husband wasn’t home. The translator told the team that the wife said her husband went to town for supplies and had left her there by herself, but no one bought that. They believed Kamal was hiding inside the house and had sent his wife out because they would think twice before shooting. So they knew they had to get inside to check the house themselves and just in case if it was a trap – they sent in the dog first to check the area. He detected no signs of explosives around the house and had gone inside where he found Kamal trying to hide from the Americans.

The dog went for Kamal and Kamal in return went for the dog. He began stabbing the dog and so the SEAL Team to protect one of their own though, right as they were getting closer to Kamal, Kamal tried to reach for a detonator and so Jason was forced to him. He hadn’t wanted to do it because they still needed intel and unfortunately that option was taken from him. Therefore with Kamal dead, they lost their only good lead and his wife was of no use to them. The only one they had left was Azim and Ellis had started to change her mind about him. She looked at the evidence that pointed to him and Tariq being terrorists and it didn’t make sense.

Ellis said the evidence pointing towards Azim had come across as staged as if someone was trying to frame him for what happened and so that made her look again at Tariq. Tariq was a gay real estate agent and was just beginning to make money when suddenly he decided to become a terrorist. No, Ellis believed that someone had found out about Tariq’s relationship with Azim and that they used that to blackmail Tariq so she brought her theory to Azim. Azim, deciding to be open, finally began telling them what he did know. He knew that Tariq changed in the last few months and that the last phone call between them had been a warning.

Tariq had told Azim to get out of the country because he was in danger and so Azim mentioned the only things that stood out. He remembered a man coming to the apartment when he was there with Tariq and that the man had then gotten into a heated conversation with Tariq. This, by the way, happened around the time Tariq stopped being so gentle and so Azim thinks that man he saw could be the reason for everyone believes their terrorists. They weren’t terrorists or at least they didn’t start out that way – it was the mysterious man that Azim mentioned and Ellis eventually believed she identified him.

She thought the true terrorist might be an official who was running for office this year.


Kristine Francis:
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