The Bachelor 2018 Premiere Recap 1/1/18: Season 22 Episode 1 “Arie Luyendyk Jr”

The Bachelor 2017 airs on ABC this evening with an all-new Monday, January 1, 2018, season 22 premiere and we have your The Bachelor recap below. On tonight’s The Bachelor season 22 premiere as per the ABC synopsis, “In the Season 22 premiere, Arie meets with Sean and Catherine Lowe and their son, Samuel, before his journey begins. At the mansion, he meets the bachelorettes, including a “kissing bandit” and a woman who gives him compliments in Dutch, his second language.”

We will be live blogging tonight’s episode of The Bachelor 2018 and you just know there is going to be tons of drama, cat fights, and tears. So come back tonight between 8 PM – 10 PM for our live The Bachelor recap. While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our The Bachelor photos, spoilers, news & more, right here!

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Tonight’s Season 22 premiere of The Bachelor begins with 36-year-old Arie Luyendyk Jr. returning with the hopes of finding love. Hopefully, after being the runner-up on season 8 of The Bachelorette, the race car driver will find love by the end of this 22nd season! Episode 1 kicks off with a short video of Arie and his time with Emily Maynard on Season 8 of the Bachelorette. He admits he really loved her, as we relive his heartbreak when she lets him down and he walks away.

Five years later, Arie Luyendyk Jr. is back and ready to put his heart on the line again. He still has is racing but has started a career is real estate, giving him stability at home and given him a new perspective. Arie meets with Sean and Catherine Lowe, and their son, Samuel, who are sure he wants to have what they have and is ready for it. Sean is absolutely sure he can meet the one he is meant to be with on The Bachelor, and they advise him just to treat the women with respect.

Arie arrives at the Westlake Village Inn, where he is excited to meet the 29 bachelorettes, hopeful that one of them will be his wife. Host Chris Harrison welcomes us to The Bachelor mansion and we are given a glimpse at some of the women who are here this season to see if they can win Arie’s heart. We begin with Chelsea Roy, 29, a single mom from Portland, Maine. She is a real estate Executive Assistant, who is tired of being single and ready for a man who can treat her right. She is happy to know that Arie was competing before with Emily, who was a single mother and hopes for the best!

Next is, Caroline, a 26-year-old Realtor from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The family is important, where finding a husband and having children is her top priority; she likes that Arie and she have real estate in common.

Maquel Cooper, 23 from American Fork, Utah is a professional photographer. She loves shooting weddings and engagements because seeing two people come together is exactly what she wants; admitting she is jealous. She really wants to find someone to share life with and be married. She remembers already liking him on The Bachelor in Season 8 and says she is ready for love.

Nysha Norris is a 30-year-old Orthopedic Nurse from Anderson, South Carolina. She is all about the adrenaline rush. She is excited to get to know Arie because he seems to be someone who knows what he wants in life and that is important for her.

Tia Booth is 26 from Weiner, Arkansas and is a physical therapist. She applied for the show because of Raven from Nick’s season, who is a good friend of hers. Her perfect ending for this would be to fall head over heel in love and finding her soul mate in Arie.

Kendall Long is 26, saying she is from Los Angeles, California. She collects taxidermy. She likes to research animals and is a creative director. She knows who she is and what she wants and is looking for someone who can compliment her weird soul.

Bekah Martinez lives in Los Angeles and is a nanny. She says she is a mix of gentle and nurturing but punctuating by moments of excitement and adrenaline. She is excited to see if she and Arie click and hit it off.

Marihk, is 27 and a restaurant owner from Salt Lake City, Utah. She is used to being the one pursued, so pursuing someone is something new for her. Her mom hopes she will find true love on this journey and she will become a grandmother one day. She firmly believes in fate. She also hopes Arie is ready for her spice!

Krystal is 29, from San Diego, California and is a fitness coach. She is passionate about nutrition and people being the best version about themselves. She has a little brother who is living on the streets and works with homeless people. She is excited for this journey as it is time to focus on herself, trying to be vulnerable and open with Arie.

The limos approach the mansion, as the women drink and chat excitedly among themselves. Chris Harrison welcomes Arie at the entrance of the Bachelor mansion. Arie is nervous but excited, saying this is a pleasant surprise and feels this is a great fit and this better work!

The first limo arrives and first to arrive is Caroline. She hugs him, sharing she is also a Realtor and if they both do their jobs right, they will both be “off the market!” He loved the cheesy line and says this is starting off well. Next out is Chelsea, they hug and he says she is beautiful. He says she is “interesting.” Kendall comes out and says her heart is beating really fast, and says she will see him inside; but he acknowledges she is really nervous.

Seinne, 27, who is from Newport Beach, CA is a commercial real estate manager greets him; he loves her name and presents him with elephant cufflinks, that represent loyalty and good luck. He says that is awesome as she reminds him that Elephants never forget so he has to remember to find her inside. He comments how beautiful she is. Tia is excited to meet him and gives him a gift too. She gives him a little weiner, asking him if he has a “little weiner” and he says no. He says “I like her!”

Bibiana, 30 an Executive Assistant from Miami, Florida says he is such a cutie. Bri, 25 year old from Grants Pass, Oregon is a sports reporter throws a ball at him and is impressed that he caught it; informing him she used to play soft ball. Jenny, 25 is a graphic designer from Chicago Illinois. Arie is happy with every woman that comes in. Brittane J, 27 is a marketing manager from Los Angeles, CA, she puts a bumper sticker on his butt; he laughs with her. He finds it a humbling experience that all these women are tehre for him.

Jacqueline, 26 from New York, NY is a research coordinator, both admit they are nervous. Krystal arrives in a gorgeous red dress. She tells him to put his hands on his heart, and telling him to feel grateful for everything leading to this moment. He says he feels great and will see her inside. He says he really needed that. Nysha comes in as Tia is inside the mansion already commenting on how all the girls are cute and what is this BS.

Valerie, 25 from Murfreesboro, Tennessee is outside with Arie as Chelsea says inside the “hair is done and the boobs are out!” but she isn’t insecure as there is no threats. All the girls rush to the door as another bachelorette arrives in her old school mustang. It is Bekah, the nanny from Los Angeles, California, who admits she may be young but that doesn’t mean she can’t appreciate something classic. Some of the women are impressed, saying that was a fantastic entrance but the claws are out!

Jenna Cooper, 28 from Upland, Indianan is a social media manager and Arie tells her he loves her dress. They promise to talk more inside, he watches her go inside saying she is “so pretty!”

Jessica, 26 a television host from Santa Monica, CA who presents Arie with a gratitude rock. She hopes that when he stumbles upon the rock later he will come find her inside. He thinks that is such a cute gift. Marikh comes and jokes with Arie that she owns a restaurant but she is ready for some “salt and pepper” in her life. Olivia, 23 a marketing associate from Chicago, IL admits she saw him in the previous Bachelorette season, and looks forward to getting to know him.

Becca K, 27 a publicist from Minneapolis, MN asks Arie to close his eyes and gets on his left knee, he asks her if she is ready to do this damn thing. He then tucks the ring box into his pocket and she suggests he gets rid of some of the girls first and they will talk more inside.

Another limo load arrives and Lauren S, 31 from Dallas, TX who is a social media manager is the first to come out. He loves her energy and will talk to her more inside. Lauren J, 33 who is a recruit master’s graduate from New Roads, Louisiana greets him and gives him some beads, he has to ask her name again. Lauren B, 25 tech salesperson from Dallas, TX comes out. He loves her dress and he is shocked there is another Lauren. Inside the women are confused that they have 3 Laurens; but they are in for a shock when a fourth Lauren arrives outside. Lauren G, 26 from Los Angeles, CA greets Arie, she is an executive recruiter, that he says he will talk to later inside.

Ashley, 25 a Real Estate Agent from West Palm Beach, Florida comes out of the next limo with a black and white checker flag. Arie instantly laughs. She says the flag is for him and she hopes to see him at the finish and hopes to finish first.

Brittany T, 30 a tech recruiter from Austin, TX messes up a when she tries to tell Arie he is “handsome” in Dutch. Amber, 29 from Denver CO, owns a spray tan company, she says she has seen a lot of “d*#ks” in her life and hopes he isn’t one of them. Ali, 27 is a personal stylist from Dallas, TX and she convinces Arie to smell her armpit, joking that was probably the best pit stop he ever had.

Annaliese, 32 is an event designer from San Francisco, CA, she comes out with a mask. She says she will see him inside but he wonders what she will look like. He laughs that she is funny as she is stealing kisses and a woman after his own heart. Annaliese laughs that she gets all the glares from the women because she is the only one who did a costume bit, but Bekah doesn’t care because she drove up in a ‘65 cherry red Mustang; thinking she blew away all the entrances so far.

Suddenly there is a loud roaring and someone drives up in a race car. Maquel gets out, shakes her gorgeous long blond hair and approaches Arie, who says that was amazing. He says they will definitely talk more inside; the women are so jealous of her “fast and furious” entrance. Catty comments about giving it all you got at the beginning don’t last.

Chris Harrison advises Arie to go enjoy the night as there will be given a first impression rose. Arie enters the mansion and raises a glass with all the women; but before he could even finish his sentence, Chelsea grabbed him and steals him away. Within minutes of talking, Maquel disrupts their talk and takes Arie away; Chelsea gossips with all the women calling her the “girl who makes all the noise.”

Brittany T takes Arie outside, where they sit inside little cars and race around pylons. They have so much fun as Arie pushes her towards the finish line. He kisses her on the lips, even though she loses, she smiles saying his lips are like clouds and pillows. She says he lives up to the name “kissing bandit.” Amber didn’t really like hearing about the kiss and Chelsea feels she is going to interrupt someone as she deserves more time with him.

Arie finds Jenna a little wild, they are on and off the couch, she is massaging his feet; jumping around talking about so many things. He doesn’t understand what she really does for a living. He is intrigued by her and because he can’t figure her out, he kind of wants to keep her around. Annaliese reveals her face, but is sincere, making him appreciate where she really is in her life.

Chris Harrison arrives with the first impression rose and lays it on the table, saying he will be back in a bit. The mood in the room immediately changed, the situation became more real and the tension rose drastically. The race is on for the girls who haven’t spoken to Arie now, and they begin to interrupt each other to get their moment with him. Chelsea feels that going first may not have been the best move and stands up, trying to talk to him again.

Krystal feels disrespected that Chelsea is spending time with him again, and wants to see how that will play out with Arie and with the other women, but it’s clear he is excited to see where things go with her as they begin to kiss. She ends the kiss saying he needs to spend more time with the other girls. When Chelsea tells the other girls about it, they aren’t impressed with it, she is showing her aggressive side and Bekah feels she is simply doing this to stir the pot a bit.

Arie shares with Tia that he is a total nerd, and loves corny jokes, and its fun to keep it light. He wants to give the first impression rose to someone who shared their story with him and someone he has connected with, not just on the physical level; but someone who had a great first conversation.

Arie rejoins the women and picks up the first impression rose and leaves the room. He walks out to the other room and several of the women rush to see who he is going to give it to. He asks Chelsea to come join him. Bekah informs the other women that he called her.

Arie tells Chelsea that tonight has been amazing and he is glad she came and got him for the second time. Even though she hasn’t shared that much, he wants her to open and up and know that he is there for her. He asks her if she will accept the rose and she does. Arie and Chelsea come back and sit with all the others when Chris Harrison comes in and clinks the glass; Arie leaves with Chris, saying he has a tough decision to make, as no one knows how many women are going home either.

The women gather as the reality begins to sink in that they could be going home. Arie greets them, telling them to take a deep breath, he says he was blown away by them and it is hard for him to send many of them home and it is not because they are not amazing, it just means he didn’t see it working out for them. He picks up the first rose and begins to hand them out.

He passes the red roses out to Becca K, Marikh, Kendall, Lauren G, Krystal, Bekah M, Lauren S, Sienne, Caroline, Brittany T, Bibiana, Annaliese, Jenna, Valerie, Jacqueline, Jenny, Lauren B, Ashley, Tia and the last rose goes to Maquel.

The rest of the women say their goodbyes and head home. Arie and the remaining ladies toast, saying “we did it!” He announces that since he is in the driver’s seat, this week they are doing things a little different, saying it will be unexpected; but that is all he can say. They raise their glasses and celebrate the start of their journey with Arie Luyendyk Jr. on The Bachelor Season 22.


Cristie Geroux:
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