The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: Bill and Steffy End Up Together After All

The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: Bill and Steffy End Up Together After All

The Bold and the Beautiful spoilers tease a powerful question. Will Bill (Don Diamont) and Steffy (Jacqueline MacInnes Wood) end up together now that Liam (Scott Clifton) knows that his wife betrayed him?

B&B’s final scene in 2017 was, arguably, the greatest cliffhanger of the year. It may hold that status in all of daytime, but that’s a different debate.

Liam hears Steffy’s phone ringing in her purse, which drew his attention to the paternity test result she foolishly left there as well. In this soap world, the expectant mother also just happened to have her highly overpriced handbag on a table where her husband could find evidence that will change many people’s lives forever.

The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: Bill and Steffy End Up Together After All

Okay, so the plot point that sparked Liam’s enlightenment wasn’t overly plausible. But this is escapist fantasy, so all willing observers suspended disbelief right at that moment.

Moving into the initial days of 2018, Liam will be irate, Steffy will be in shock, again, and Bill will be calibrating where the fallout leads to.

As savvy B&B fans know, Steffy never denied her latent feelings for Bill after those characters cavorted in the Forrester mansion guest house. As their obsessive recant of that night has played out in recent weeks, everyone was wondering what would happen if Liam ever became aware of Steffy’s actions.

The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: Bill and Steffy End Up Together After All

Clifton’s character is vulnerable five days a week. The idea of him realizing that his wife would betray him with any man would destroy him. The fact that she did so with his father establishes a Spencer family war.

Wyatt (Darin Brooks) might wisely drop news that he and Katie (Heather Tom) are together as soon as Liam and Steffy’s news hits Spencer Publications top boss. The flack from that incredible revelation would likely give Wyatie cover.

The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: Bill and Steffy End Up Together After All

The point made in the last paragraph is important. Bill has been consumed by all things Steffy since he slept with her. Apparently, Liam’s swimmers were stronger. Wink.

The instant Liam tells Diamont’s character what’s happen, he’s sure to recalculate. Yes, his relationship with Liam will be destroyed. But as Dollar Bill just implied to Justin (Aaron Spears), if that were to occur then the door to Steffy would also be open.

Paternity results did confirm that Liam is the father of Steffy’s baby. So all should have been swell in Los Angeles. But Mrs. Spencer’s mindless mistake in not having destroyed paper evidence of the moral crime she committed with Bill now forcibly alters whatever projections were made.

The Bold and the Beautiful Spoilers: Bill and Steffy End Up Together After All

Liam will never relinquish rights to his child, but also would seem strongly inclined to cut ties with his bride. Whether Steffy then falls back into Bill’s arms is a different issue, as the outrage this entire scenario will cause throughout B&B’s world is sure to resonate.

Could Dollar Still form in the wake of Liam and Steffy’s union ending, which assumes that outcome as a near certainty? That’s a powerful question for all B&B fans to ponder as 2018 dawns.

CDL is a leading source for everything linked to The Bold and the Beautiful. Check back regularly for B&B spoilers and news!

Do You Think Bill & Steffy Wind Up Together?