The Voice Recap 10/30/18 Live: Season 15 Episode 12 “The Knockouts, Part 2”

The Voice Recap 10/30/18 Live: Season 15 Episode 12 "The Knockouts, Part 2"

Tonight on NBC’s Emmy Award-winning musical competition The Voice airs with an all-new Tuesday, October 30, 2018, season 15 episode 12 and we have your The Voice recap right below. On tonight’s The Voice season 15 episode 12, called, “The Knockouts Premiere,” as per the NBC synopsis, “The “The Knockouts, Part 2” continues with coaches Kelly Clarkson, Jennifer Hudson, Adam Levine, Blake Shelton, and the key advisor that they have enlisted to mentor their teams through this round of the competition.

The artists will be paired against a teammate once more, but this time they will each select their own song to perform individually, while their direct competitor watches and waits. Each coach will have the opportunity to save one of their artists, so the artist not selected will be available to be stolen by another coach and potentially saved by their own coach, leading to even tougher decisions for the coaches and the artists.

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back for our The Voice recap between 8 PM – 10 PM ET!  While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our The Voice spoilers, news, videos, recaps & more, right here!

Tonight’s The Voice recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

Mariah Carey and Jennifer Hudson talk about what makes a singer stand out. They meet with Franc to give him pointers with the mic. Tyshawn meets with them next. Jen cannot believe his range. Mariah thinks he needs to give softer tones when he first starts the song. Jen admits that she is going to have a hard time deciding between them.

 Franc takes the stage first. The crowd loves it. Tyshawn goes next. Kelly loved Franc’s song choice and Tyshawn’s range. Adam thinks Franc might be further along. Blake thinks Franc just slapped the audience with his performance. He loved Tyshawn’s range. Jen needs to make a decision. She awards Franc the winner of this knockout.

Abby and Claire are next up on Team Kelly. She introduces them to Mariah Carey. They are both starstruck. Abby goes first, singing Kelly’s song “Because of You.” Kelly tells her to shorten her intense high notes. Claire goes next. She is singing a Shawn Mendes song. Kelly reminds her to take a breath.

 Abby takes the stage. Adam whispers to Kelly that she is pretty good.

Abby sings next. Adam thinks they were both great. Jen loved them too. Kelly has a hard decision to make. Jen chooses Abby.

Adam sings a little of one of Blake’s songs to tease him while they take a break.

Kameron and Dave meet with Blake and Mariah. They are both in awe. Dave has picked a Lionel Richie song. He is very bluesy. Kameron is nervous. Mariah loved it. Kameron picks a Bob Marley song. Blake wants Kameron to look a little bit more comfortable.

Dave takes the stage and sings. The crowd goes wild at the finish. Kameron sings I Shot the Sheriff next. Adam stands and applauds. Jen loves how they got the audience ramped up. Jen would go with Dave. Kelly loves Dave’s rasp. Blake picks Dave.