The Walking Dead Season 9 “Sneak Peek” Recap 10/04/18

The Walking Dead Season 9 "Sneak Peek" Recap 10/04/18The Walking Dead Season 9 "Sneak Peek" Recap 10/04/18

Tonight on AMC in anticipation of the season 9 premiere an all-new Thursday, October 4, 2018,  The Walking Dead: Season 9 sneak peed we have your The Walking Dead sneak peek recap below for you!  On tonight’s episode, as per the AMC synopsis, “Fans will be treated to a sneak peek of the Season 9 premiere of “The Walking Dead.”

So make sure to bookmark this spot and come back between 9:47 PM – 10 PM ET! for our The Walking Dead: Season 9 sneak peek recap.  While you wait for the recap make sure to check out all our The Walking Dead recaps, spoilers, news & more, right here!

Tonight’s The Walking Dead Season 9 preview begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

An older and more distinguished looking Rick is addressed like a God when he comes into the room after they announce his presence. He is the man who ended the war, someone proclaims.

The group addresses Rick and Daryl with updates as they make their way through a warehouse lit by candles and fire. Eugene catches up to them, walking side by side with a stressed Daryl. He tells them about a list he has compiled. A female approaches them, sharing with Daryl their supply status. He gets snippy and then explains that they just lost someone out there.

There is a message written on the wall – “Saviors save us.” Michonne stops to look at it and then asks Daryl about it. He explains it has been happening more and more since their crops started dying. She goes silent.


Sarah Luoma:
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