90 Day Fiance Recap 01/06/19: Season 6 Episode 14 “Tell All Part 1”

Tonight on TLC their popular reality show 90 Day Fiance airs with an all-new Sunday, January 6, 2019 episode and we have your 90 Day Fiance recap below for you.  On tonight’s 90 Day Fiance season 6 episode 14 “Tell All Part 1,” as per the TLC synopsis, “The couples from this season meet for the first time in a dramatic tell-all. Host Shaun Robinson sits down with the couples to discuss the most intense most dramatic moments from this season and answer your burning questions as  shocking reveals are uncovered.”

So make sure to tune in tonight between 8 PM – 10 PM ET for our 90 Day Fiance recap.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television spoilers, news, recaps and more, here!

Tonight’s 90 Day Fiance Recap begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

The couples gathered together for the Tell-All! They’ve all been watching each other segments and so everyone had an opinion they wanted to share. But then they were some people that welcomed that friction. Ashley said that she wouldn’t interfere if anyone brought up Jay’s cheating and wanted to take him to task for it. It was what Jay deserved and that’s why Ashley wasn’t going to feel sorry for him though to be fair he wasn’t the only one that was up to some questionable things. People were bound to interrogate Leida over what happened between her and stepdaughter and of course someone was going to bring up the feud between Larissa and Fernanda.

Fernanda had posted something under Larissa’s photo and that turned into a huge thing with both of their husbands getting involved. So Fernanda had initially been happy when she hadn’t seen Larissa backstage. She thought that maybe Larissa wouldn’t come because Larissa was arrested and was probably still in trouble from that but it turns out Larissa and Colt had just been running late. Meanwhile, as they were already down one couple, the show decided to proceed with the others and took a look back at the moment the couples first realized they were going to be together. And it had been bittersweet for some of them to watch.

TV Host Shaun Robinson had asked Ashley why she seemed so upset and Ashley responded with how gullible she was back then. Ashley had thought that she would live happily ever after with Jay and within days of their marriage, he started an account on Tinder in the hopes of meeting other women. These women hadn’t known that he was married and they thought he lived alone because he tried inviting them over. Finding out what her husband did had made Ashley take a good long look at their marriage and she didn’t like what she saw. She saw a boy who wasn’t ready to get married and she’s not even sure if he’s been faithful since the cheating thing came out.

Shaun had taken the cast back to looking at videos and this time she showed them what happened when they all faced uncertainty. No one was perfect on this show and the look back proved this, but Leida’s comments had taken everyone by surprise. She had expressed doubts about marrying a man with kids and she said part of the problem had been the fact that she only had 90 days. It was hard to become a stepparent in a short amount of time and Jay had felt the same. He repeated again tonight that if he could have come without getting married in 90 days that he would have and so he didn’t think marriage should happen in such a short time.

Ashley also agreed with him. She had needed more time to consider a relationship and she keeps beating herself up for falling for his act. Jay has been trying to claim that the cheating thing was a big misunderstanding, but Ashley didn’t believe then and she didn’t believe it now. She hadn’t filed for an annulment because she didn’t want to make such a drastic decision when she was angry, and she hasn’t forgiven Jay because she’s still mistrustful. Ashley hasn’t filed for Jay and he won’t be getting a green card anytime soon. So maybe that’s why he chose to be honest. He said he wasn’t sure if he could be in a monogamous relationship.

Jay had later tried to walk that statement back, but it had been a rare moment of honesty for him and so that just created even more problems with Ashley. She was tired of him making excuses for his behavior and she feels like they could overcome what happened if he took some responsibility. He says it didn’t mean anything and he says he would take it back if he could. Jay has never once admitted that it was cheating and just say sorry. Until he realizes his mistake, his marriage to Ashley will remain in limbo and she was going to continue to be angry. And so Jay ran the risk of deportation with his antics.

Shaun had wanted to move the conversation along and so she highlighted another couple. This time it was Steven and Olga and the footage from their arguments had upset everyone. They wanted to know why Steven was talking to Olga like that and they tried to mildly correct him because Steven still didn’t see what he did as that bad. He thought he was demanding respect when he told Olga to focus on him rather than the baby and everyone was in an agreement when they said the baby comes first. It was even laughable that Steven would have a problem with it and so Asuelu was caught laughing.

Shaun asked Asuleu what had surprised him and Asuleu said it funny how Steven thought he should be thanked for everything. Steven helped Olga to move around and even be there for the baby, but it wasn’t a chore he needed to be thanked for and so Asuelu didn’t get Steven. Steven had tried to explain how he deserved to be respected and no one had been on his side. They all tried to tell him that Olga just had a C-section and was tired every day because of the baby. She shouldn’t be expected to be thankful on top of it and so it was a good thing when Olga came to Steven’s defense. They both claimed their fighting was because they were practically strangers at the time.

Steven also used that excuse to explain why he hadn’t gotten Olga’s visa when he said. He admitted that he shouldn’t have lied and then went on to say that he hadn’t wanted to take responsibility for someone for the next ten years without getting to know them. He flew to Russia to get to know Olga more personally and they barely time for that because the baby came so soon. The baby came a couple of weeks early and after he arrived it was all about Richie. What Richie needed and what Richie wanted. And so now Steven was prepared to have his family with him and he hadn’t needed a sponsor to do it.

Everyone had been proud of Steven for doing the right thing and it wasn’t long before they moved on. The topic of the next debate was Kolini. Kolini was Kalini’s sister and she had been one of the people to push away Asuleu. Asuelu comes to this new country and had found his wife’s whole family against him. But there were things that Asuelu did that brought about that resentment. He never sent Kalini any money or diapers to show that he cared. He basically said that he thought Americans were rich and that’s why he hadn’t sent anything or even talked about sending anything. He had had other people taking care of his family and that’s what Kalini and her relatives were holding onto.

The show took a short break after that and the cast used this moment to eat as well as gossip. They talked about Larissa and she shouldn’t start anything when she comes because it seems everyone was worried Larissa would create problems just for the sake of it. Another thing that the couples were found annoying was how long it was taking Larissa and Colt. They landed in Newark and then took a long drive into the city. By the time they finally came to the studio, they also dragged their feet getting to the stage because they had wanted to look their best. And so everyone was growing frustrated with how long it was taking the couple.

Ultimately, Shaun was forced to move again without Larissa and Colt and this time it was Fernanda and Jonathan. The couple hit quite a few roadblocks on their journey to get married. They argued about him going out without her and so today Fernanda admitted that she was worried that he was with another woman. It would explain why he didn’t want to answer the phone and so many agreed with Fernanda. They said they would have done the same in her place and at the same, time there were a few people that took Jonathan’s side. He wasn’t going out every day without her and so he did deserve some leeway.

Jonathan also gets jealous too and he, therefore, had no reason to complain about Fernanda’s jealousy. In the end, they both laughed about it and they appeared to be in a better place. They didn’t mind getting into fights with each other or someone else for each other and so their main problem had been Jonathan’s relationship with his family. His family hadn’t known about Fernanda and his mom had dragged her feet about giving them her approval because she didn’t think the couple was ready for marriage nor did she liked hearing about their engagement through social media.

It was a good thing that Jonathan was now in a better place with his mother because Fernanda never would have married him otherwise.

Leida came from an affluent background and she thought that Eric would be able to maintain her even though he tried to be honest with her and tell her that he wasn’t rich. Eric was probably the least well off financially because the man was living on an adult mattress and so no one understood why Leida was with him until they got into a fight. Leida had begun yelling one day and she revealed that she wanted Eric to stop supporting his children. His youngest required child support and so Leida hated the fact that he couldn’t afford to get her what she wanted and was instead giving his money away to kids that weren’t hers.

Leida also revealed she was just getting married to stay in the country. She has always said that she wanted to continue her medical career in the states and, after that argument, it had looked like she was using Eric just for a green card. She later apologized for what she said at the time and she had cried again when the rest of the cast had voiced their opinions. They all thought Leida had been in the wrong for what she did and they said if it had been them that they would have ended things right then because no one should come before your child. And so Leida cried a little because she, she said that she had been a selfish bitch back then and that she regretted her actions.

Only she said she apologize just to the one child when in truth she offended all three of Eric’s children.

Larissa and Colt eventually came out to be with everyone and by then the knives were out.

The first one to say something was Fernanda and that kicked off a fight with Larissa.

Then this fight ended with everyone getting upset and the fighting broke Asuelu!


Kristine Francis:
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