BH90210 Recap 09/04/19: Season 1 Episode 5 “Picture’s Up”

Tonight on FOX the highly anticipated reboot of Beverly Hills 90210, BB90201 airs with an all-new Wednesday, September 4, 2019, episode and we have you BB90210 recap below.  On tonight’s BB90210 season 1 episode 5 as per the FOX synopsis, “The first day of filming is halted amidst the latest threat. The cast makes a list of their potential enemies and sets their eyes on a former co-star who may be holding a vendetta against them.

Jason’s insensitivity while directing, causes the ladies to become frustrated and Tori stresses over an upcoming sex scene with Brian. Meanwhile, both Gabby and Brian share some personal news with the cast

So make sure to visit Celeb Dirty Laundry for our BB90210 recap between 9 PM and 10 PM ET.  While you wait for our recap make sure to check out all our television recaps, videos, news, spoilers & more, right here!

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Beverly Hills 90210 (BH90210) begins tonight with all the drama happening on the set of the new 90210. Jennie Garth, Shannen Doherty and Tori Spelling introduce David Silver, who is performed by Brian Austin Green. He begins to sing at the Peach Pit AfterDark, smirking and smiling at Donna, taking off his shirt to put out a fire on the bar. Everyone raves about how amazing he is, but he is startled awake when Tori is about to kiss him.

The new day begins with the media announcing a new writer had been hired that has zero credit and might be cozying up to Ian Ziering. Jason Priestley is concerned about how he is going to get the show back on the road after the huge set fire, sources say the production is millions over budget and usual reports of diva behavior from Jennie Garth and Shannen Doherty in hopes that Gabrielle Carteris being the level head to sort things out. There are also reports that Tori Spelling is unraveling, joking that there is so much reality in this drama they forgot she used to act. She shuts the TV off, furious but followed by her slew of farm animals.

The women of 90210 are excited and nervous about finally shooting a scene. Shannen walks in with the dog she found in the lot, wanting to rescue it until Tori reveals it is her dog and demands her to return it. They try to embrace that they are aging where Tori is not feeling great about having a sex scene; they mock Tori telling her to ask Brian if he gets a stiffy when they have a love scene. Shannen reminds her of all the past experiences she has with Brian in her house, making Tori even more skittish.

Brian is eating some snacks when Zach (Ty Wood) approaches him. Brian apologizes, saying he doesn’t know if there is a right way to do this. He is cool with him being his son, confessing he hasn’t told Shay (La La Anthony). He suggests he just wants to tell her at the right time, but given the circumstances, he can’t be his assistant but can work at the show as a PA or something. Zach is excited as Brian says he will pull some strings.

Jennie kisses Wyatt Jackson (Brendan Penny), who suggests after they are done shooting their scenes they can play a little putt putt; she agrees feeling no one will see them. Ian tells Anna (Natalie Sharp) that she is doing a great job and that they will chill together sometime, excusing himself as they are called onto the set. Christine Elise walks on set to talk to the actors, telling them they are delusional as they are getting shut down because they have an active threat out there and no one will insure them. Jason is back in his trailer, destroying all the work on his walls. There is an investigation going on wondering if this nutjob is a disgruntled employee as Christine reminds them no inappropriate behavior; causing Brian, and others to admit he misses the 90s. Everyone wonders how they will get this done, as Christine tells them to turn int Scooby Doo and do it themselves or be prepared to have their trailers emptied by the end of the day!

Gabi confronts Chris, asking if she is avoiding her. She admits things have gotten complicated given all the HR stuff, this makes Gabi an employee and puts Chris at risk. She tells Gabi she needs her to sign a consent form that she consented to have a sexual relationship with her and wants her to backdate it to help her out.

Outside, the cast decides they are not going to give up, as this lunatic isn’t going to win. They have a list of 125 names but suddenly realize they have a list of people that is quite extensive. They find it is quantity over quality and need to find one person who really hates them. Brian is in a hurry to go home; Ian asks him if a girl asks him for Netflix and chill, is it s date? Brian tells him he isn’t sure but it sounds like a cheap one.

As they are leaving, Tori is texting on the stairs and falls; it suddenly dawns on her that the stalker is. They drive two hours to a distant location where they enter the bar and Jamie Walters who portrayed Ray Pruet, someone who dated Donna Martin on 90210 and abused her, even taking the blame in real life; remembering he said the exact words that were painted on the walls. Jamie spots Tori and smirks as Shannen asks Siri how many seasons there were on Beverly Hills, 90210.

He insists he isn’t mad but the cast feels he is obsessed. Jennie tells him he was stalking them and scaring them so much she needs a bodyguard. Shannen and Jamie don’t know each other from Adam, so explain who their characters are as Ian says someone burned down their sound stages. Jamie reveals he quit acting to become a firefighter – putting out fires, not starting them. He confesses the hate mail is what destroyed his acting career. He says his song changed his life and made him do something so much better with his life, causing Shannen to hug him as she knows what that means as it did for her too. Jason calls, revealing to everyone they caught the guy who set the fire. They are more determined than ever to get the reboot off the ground. Tori asks Jamie how they can make things up to him and they all join him on stage for an impromptu performance of his song, “How Do You Talk to An Angel?”

Tori knocks on Jennie’s trailer door, where Wyatt is over and keeps interrupting them over watching golf. Tori asks Jennie to join her outside, asking who she has become. Jennie forgot how mind-blowing the sex has been and is thoroughly enjoying it. Tori vents how she is struggling with the sex scene with Brian because he was her first and how she has feelings again and has to kiss him under hot lights, acting like she doesn’t enjoy it while she does. Jennie reminds her it is a fake sex scene, like her boobs and tells her to have fun!!

Brian reveals to Zach that he was younger than him when he met his mom. Zach admits that she doesn’t reveal anything, saying she came to LA thinking she was the next Julia Roberts but doesn’t talk about it. He calls Brian “Brian” but he tells Zach he can totally call him “Dad.” Zach thinks it is nice but it is weird, plus Brian hasn’t told anyone and doesn’t think he should as he doesn’t want anyone thinking he pulled strings to get the job and he isn’t ready and the ship may have sailed on him being a dad as Zach is already 20.

Zach brings over Brian some cue cards, but has an odd attitude. Tori joins Brian, seeing that he finally has the sex scene he wanted to review. Tori asks if he is nervous and he denies it. She wants to know how Donna and David maintained a magical relationship all these years as he reminds her that they have an imaginary marriage so they have that!

Gabrielle comes to see Christine in her office, showing her the paperwork. Gabi admits she doesn’t regret having sex with her but she doesn’t feel like recording it on some document. She isn’t ashamed but has only told two people. She is flustered and confused, saying she can’t put it on paper if she doesn’t even know what she is ready for.

Jason taunts Tori and Brian about their sex scene, saying they know exactly what they are doing. Brian hops into the bed no problem, but Tori seems to have a real issue with crawling back into bed with him again. Tori stops just as they kiss, asking Jason if he is getting her right side but he says she looks just like she did when she was 19. She knows he is lying and he cuts the scene, demanding her not to worry about it. He doesn’t have time to shoot around her insecurities and she suggests he can reschedule when she can find the time. Brian asks if that is “lunch?”

Ian spots Anna, asking if she wants to join him for a drink, or netflix and chill after. He reminds her those are her words and she says they can go for a drink, and meet at the place Jason suggested. Brian wanders across the lot where Tori stops him, saying she wanted their sex scene to be perfect. She wants to know if he is okay, feeling he has been distant. He confesses it has nothing to do with her, but she offers to be a shoulder for him, he promises to let her know, but she sees him hug Shannen and realize they are so much closer than her and Brian ever would be again.

Brian calls himself an idiot as he wasn’t around for his son; admitting he never told anyone about his son because he is embarrassed; not knowing how to tell his other children and wife about him. He asked because he wanted it as much as he wanted Zach to want it. Shannen advises him that he should focus on the two of them for now and they can tell the truth when the time is right.

Ian comes into the bar and finds Anna sitting with Jennie and Wyatt. Ian finds it rather exhausting watching Jennie and Wyatt making out, acting so foolish. Ian encourages Anna with her writing as Jennie says that Ian is very supportive, its like having your very own Tony Robbins. Ian catches Jennie outside the bathroom, saying it is adorable seeing her so head over heels in love. He reminds her that he is seeing a lot of spectator sports she has zero interest in, same as her jabbing about him and writing. She admits she is trying new things but he suggests they are falling into old patterns. They hug each other, exchange I love yous and good nights.

Tori feels Jason isn’t being sensitive about their love scenes. She says Brian is literally saying nothing about it, suggesting they hire an intimacy coordinator. Jennie feels Jason needs to listen as she also told him that she wants Kyler Norris (Karis Cameron) to have more than just a bikini on. Shannen complains about being on set for 2 hours, without a shot and she could have saved 5 pitbulls in that time. Gabi feels they should all give Jason a break but Jennie goes to confront him.

Jennie tells him that everyone in the crew is feeling his energy and he needs to fix it and step it up. He admits he is thinking about leaving Camille (Vanessa Lachey). She feels he is dramatic and tired but he doesn’t think he can raise another man’s child. She likes to make him laugh, telling him to get some sleep as his wife needs him. He shouts for Jennie not to close his door, but she does; forcing him to call his assistant Amy to have someone open it. A short time later, Zach is reprimanded and Brian attempts to defend him, unable to say the words. Brian tells Zach not to worry about Jason, and he thanks him for the words.

Jason meets with Tori, making adjustments for the sex scene but Tori reveals she hired a coach who will make her feel confident and not make her feel rushed to do the scene. Now the coach is interrupting them, asking Tori if she is comfortable with Brian brushing against her breast and kissing as this is not the touching they rehearsed. Melanie says she doesn’t look comfortable and looking good and comfortable go hand in hand. They are on take 28 when Jason cuts for lunch.

Anna comes to Ian’s trailer, bitching about Jason being “impossible” who makes her doing unnecessary re-writes as they haven’t been approved. She feels Jason should fix his problems, face it and deal with it – saying it is that easy! He says she can talk to him in 20 years about that; she says maybe she will. She approaches him, saying she really enjoys hanging out with him, but he feels she will get over it. She kisses him and he approves, but before they go any further she produces a consent form.

Ian brings the form to the crew, asking if anyone signed a love contract and Brian says he signed one as he got married. Gabi says it is a thing as she was asked to sign one too; the women want to know who “he” is; forcing Gabi to reveal it is not a guy. Shannen says she is “gay” but Gabi insists she is not gay nor bi as she doesn’t know what she is right now; but she is coming out “undeclared” to them. Brian says he is going to come out to them too, causing Tori to feel that makes sense because that was what was making him uncomfortable during the sex scene.

Brian calls Zach over to the group, introducing Zach as his son to everyone; making Tori smile. Brian puts his hand on Zach’s shoulder. Shannen observes as Tori welcomes Zach to the family. They return to work as Donna and David film their bedroom scene, getting far more intimate than intended; causing Tori to smile. Jason cuts the scene announcing they have just completed their first full scene of the new 90210 and not a moment too soon. He continues talking as Jennie answers a call from Camille, saying she is in an ambulance. She forces Jason to take the call.

Gabi notices someone who has a badge on, who claims he is investigating the fire on set, but he takes a water bottle Zach throws away.

Meanwhile, media talks about how the reboot is finally happening and the old gang is back in action. Shannen in the meantime, finds a rooster wandering around her car. She opens the door and tells it to get in, telling it to be her Bridget and drives out of the lot.



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